Monday, February 2, 2009

Angelic Forecast ~ XXII

February 2, 2009

“Okay,” I murmur, “the 2's definitely have it. Here.” I feel astounded to say the cosmic-least, as I stare THE NUMBERS. All the numbers.
“Two, the magical and mystical I love you.” The Heavenly One has popped out of the ethers beside me.
“It must be all about love,” I say, entranced by the sight of Venus, hanging high above the western horizon, and so amazingly bright in the night sky, I can scarcely believe it.
“February, the second month, ushers in new horizons for love...for being loved.”
Suddenly a glistening shower of itsy bitsy pink hearts fall before my eyes.
“Early Happy Heart Day,” I croon softly. “Red?” I ask.
“Perfect for a TWO day,” the Cherub jovially says. He whooshes his upturned hand toward the ceiling. Miniature gleaming red hearts stream from his palms and float downward, whirling among the pink hearts.
“What’s perfect for the Year of Two?” I hope for more spectacular tiny hearts.
“Roses.” The teasing tone of his voice lets me know his answer is serious and not serious. “Roses are flowers of the heart. A person’s heart always dances at the sight and scent of a rose. Even if they are unaware, the vibration occurs.”
“Roses help open the heart to love,” I say thoughtfully.
“Roses live to bring more love upon the Earth.” Confetti-like hearts shimmer downward, joining in the playful spin of the pink and red hearts.
“Wow,” I whisper. I feel utterly enchanted. “What if all our human hearts mingled in such a lovely way?”
“That is the true opportunity.” The Cherub’s tone is all-wise.
“I see.”
“You do. Throw more hearts into our globe of hearts,” he encourages.
Shrugging, I think, why not? Lifting my hand I act as if I’m tossing them out. I gasp as snowy crystalline hearts flow from my palm for moments, spiraling in a gentle wave and whirling inside the hearts’ globe.
“You did know this is your 22nd forecast.”
“It is.” I face him. His countenance is alight, joy and good humor in shining in his purple eyes. “Twos are the messenger vibrations for the new era of love upon us.”
I smile, since I’ve always been in love with love.

For this week, look for the love shining through the darkness. This is not a time to ignore any darkness which may visit your life circumstance. No, it is a time to become deeply aware of the darkness. It is a time to understand, as you can, what is behind these dark points and dark places. It is a time to share with those you trust. Thus, you will see the light shining, ready to heal, ready to overcome, and ready to open your life up to new possibilities. Through the darkness lies your newest and best possibilities. For, the light of love awaits.

Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona

Valentine’s Day, will it still be around in 2013 ~


Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~
Is a stranger on a superspeed motorcycle her savior from the brutal endtimes?

Blurb: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 – The end of the Mayan Calendar
What happens when a world weary, worn out incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human has three choices after her old van breaks down? ...more

Author Discovery by Lindsay Townsend, BookStrand author of FLAVIA’S SECRET and A SECRET TREASURE ~ ~

WHEN A GOOD ANGEL FALLS ~ adventure fantasy erotic romance ~ available from BookStrand ~ ~ ~

Kiss from Savanna Kougar...

~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~ ~

1 comment:

Savanna Kougar said...

Happy Angelic Valentine's Day...