Monday, December 14, 2009

Angelic Forecast ~ #67

Inner Earth Detour ~

Our comfy cloud floats high above a misty and mystical landscape.
“Would you like to meet Rudolph?” the Heavenly One asks, his tone festive, if not downright joyous.
“Rudolph...” I hesitate. “Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer?” Everything child-like in me jumps for joy at the thought of meeting one of my Christmas favorites, Rudolph.
“The one and only. He’s quite the stag now.”
“Rudolph lives here, in Inner Earth?”
Suddenly we fly through the air, zooming so fast everything appears like a silvery tunnel. As we slow, I see mountains in the distance that appear to be made of snow. I can’t resist, looking over the edge of the cloud. We sail above a tundra, the majestic craggy white formations shadowed by deep grays and blues.
In moments, we angle downward and I wonder... where is the bitter cold? The frigid wind sweep barreling around us?
“Global warming?” I ask, my tongue stuck deep in my cheek.
The Cherub laughs heartily. “The usual Arctic weather doesn’t apply here.”


From a recent Kougar Kisses blog ~

Glorious evening, my Holiday hopping Big Cats, okay, the Kougar couldn’t resist... she thought of the Beatle’s Magical Mystery Tour... one of those pop-into-the-mind things... “line up for the mystery tour” sang in her kitten mind... well maows to expand on this idea... roar about being on a magical mystery tour this past year... if only the magic had been more ‘good witch’ magical as opposed to the ‘bad witch’ magical... as in referring to the Wizard of Oz, where obviously the man behind the curtain reigned supreme, no matter how many times the curtain was pulled back by Toto... revealing him to one and all... yep, poor little Toto... gamely grabbing the curtain to expose all... whilst the majority of people still seem intent on anything but the truth behind the curtain... though, with Pluto in a position to keep dredging up the truth and all those nasty secrets... well, here’s another look at one of Volcano’s recent Angelic Forecasts ~

Angelic Forecast ~ #63

The forthcoming week will bring new challenges. With Saturn squaring Pluto, it’s now time to look at the cages you’ve put yourself in, and the cages you’ve been put in by the Dark Forces. Freedom is likely to become an even bigger battle cry as folks realize how they’ve been trapped by those in power, the ones who care nothing for humanity.
On a personal level, it’s not only time to bring your deepest secrets up to the light and view them with your own luminous being, it’s also time to bring forth abilities that will empower you and your life. Powerful abilities you’ve been unaware of will now surface.

So, what does this mean? It may not be a Holly Jolly Holiday time. Those ‘family secrets’ may come rising up like octopus tentacles for some. Plus, folks are going to be restless, looking for ways to break free of their cages, personal or imposed by society and the ever-increasing forces of tyranny. Yep, that old pressure cooker could blow.
On the bright bulb side, a new sense of personal power can emerge, one that will benefit everyone in the family. And those cages that have been holding you back, well, the door is unlocked now. Come on out and live your highest expression, your highest passion.
Indeed, the magical mystery tour of life worked both ways this past year... and for the new year, 2010, the Kougaress has a sense that it will be even more, the YEAR OF THE MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR.


Roll up, roll up for the magical mystery tour, step right this way.
Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up (AND) THAT'S AN INVITATION, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up TO MAKE A RESERVATION, roll up for the mystery tour.
The magical mystery tour is waiting to take you away,
Waiting to take you away.

Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up GOT EVERYTHING YOU NEED, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, roll up for the mystery tour.
The magical mystery tour is hoping to take you away,
Hoping to take you away.

A mystery trip.

The magical mystery tour.
Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up (AND) THAT'S AN INVITATION, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up TO MAKE A RESERVATION, roll up for the mystery tour.
The magical mystery tour is coming to take you away,
Coming to take you away.
The magical mystery tour is dying to take you away,
Dying to take you away, take you today.


For the forthcoming week, immerse yourself in all things merry as the holiday season encourages. Wherever you can bring a happy spirit to others, do so. If another brings the Christmas spirit to you, accept their gift. And laugh.
The important thing about this week is not to fall into the huge holes of deception that will be offered. There are likely to be some around who will practice more deceit than usual. This reflects the world stage where deception is the name of this week’s game. Even the truth that is spoken will be used as a way to deceive and gain ground against those of us who truly care about others and our blessed world.
Speak truth wherever you can. If you can’t, ignore the words and ways of deceit. Simply smile, and go about making merry. Tis the season. And the reason.

Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona


Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~
Is a stranger on a superspeed motorcycle her savior from the brutal endtimes?

Blurb: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 – The end of the Mayan Calendar
What happens when a world weary, worn out incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human has three choices after her old van breaks down? ...more

~~~ NOW IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list ~

Author Discovery by Lindsay Townsend, BookStrand author of FLAVIA’S SECRET, A SECRET TREASURE, BLUE GOLD, BRONZE LIGHTNING and SILK AND STEEL ~ ~

WHEN A GOOD ANGEL FALLS ~ adventure fantasy erotic romance ~ available from BookStrand ~ ~ ~



Kisses from Savanna Kougar...

~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~

Siren-BookStrand Author of ~

All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]

When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]

Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]

Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]

Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ released September 24th, 2009 ~