Monday, December 7, 2009

Angelic Forecast ~ #66

Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for Christmas 2009

Angelic Forecast ~

For this Christmas season, or this holiday season of 2009, your opportunity is to raise your love frequencies. What does this mean? Currently everything is in expansion. In the age of Aquarius it’s all about more love, more freedom and more true community with each other.
Now is the time to expand beyond your past boundaries. Now is the time to *love* bigger and better than ever before. Your heart is expanding with all the angelic vibrations being bestowed upon the Earth and her people.
Specifically, look for ways to act more loving, especially to all your loved ones, pets included. And, be open to receiving more love from others. Be gracious, smile and accept their loving regard. This will mean more to them than any other gift they could receive from you.
You’ll notice, more and more, a yearning to know and understand your own heart as it expands with love energies. If you focus on these sweet and powerful energies, it will connect you to others in new and exciting ways. That is the real magic of Christmas and the holiday season this year.

The following week is one of highs and lows. Celebrate the holidays and the ‘highs’ however and whenever you can. And smile, a lot.
To enhance the highs in your personal life pay attention to those you love more than you ever have. Not only will you be rewarded by their expression of love for you, you will notice more of their precious soul. Also, you will discover new dimensions to your loved ones that have either escaped you in the past, or they have now brought forth in themselves.
This is a time, and a week, for discovery. While you focus on those you love, also look for new facets of yourself. These ‘facets’ are emerging, more and more in this arrival of the Aquarian Age.
Plus, purple is the color for this week. Every shade and tint of purple. Wherever purple is, there is a divine loving message for you. Simply allow the message to be present in your thoughts.

Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona


Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~
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