Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thank God for Friends.

I'm lucky to have so many wonderful friends. They have been so supportive on my writing journey. How they endured me rambling on and on about rejections, plots, characters, etc... at dinners, parties, breakfasts--I will never know? Still, I'm glad they did.

That brings me to two special friends and mentors, authors Shayla Black and Melissa Schroeder. Without them, I wouldn't be a part of the wonderful romance community of readers and authors. Shayla's and Melissa's encouragement and advice give me the tools to keep moving on, pressing forward, overcoming challenges.

Failure is easy.
With great friends, success can be easy, too.

If you're interested, here's some of my personal steps to fail or succeed... the choice is mine:

Step to fail - Don't tell anyone about my dream.
I still find it hard to introduce myself as a writer. It was even harder when I was not published. Plus, if I don't tell anyone - I can't disappoint.

Step to succeed - Tell Everyone
It makes me accountable. When I started telling friends and family about being a writer, they started asking me what I was doing about it. I wrote and submitted work. When they asked again, I had something to share.

Step to fail - Know there is plenty of time to pursue it later.
Even now, I am a major procrastinator. If you need some excuses why you shouldn't act today on your own dream, send me an email. I've got a million of them.

Step to succeed - Do something everyday that moves me closer to my goal
The smallest step is also part of the journey to the realization of my dreams. Seriously, even the pile of rejection letters that I have in a box are evidences of movement forward. I learned from each and every "Though not for us, we wish you luck in the pursuit to get your story published" , "like the characters, but the plot is lacking" , "great voice, poor characters" , and then my favorite - "revise and resubmit".

Step to fail - Believe in my self-doubt.
"I have too much to learn" , "I CAN'T" , "No one will like this story" , "I don't have the (insert whatever will feed my self-doubt here like resources, time, support, education, etc...)"

Step to succeed - Believe in me!
"I will learn" , "I CAN" , "This story is amazing! And I actually wrote it. Woohoo!" , "I have all I need to succeed."

Step to fail - Go it alone.
Still, even soloists have accompanists, but best to wing it by myself than to open up to critiques and advice. Hell, I can figure out anything alone. Can't I?

Step to succeed - Mentors are a MUST!!!
Which brings me back to Shayla and Melissa. I am so grateful to them for all they've done for me. Whatever success I realize, they fully share in it.

Thank God for Friends!


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