Monday, August 31, 2009
He's shocked when Zane explains he wants Jiri as his own personal sex pet. But Jiri can't deny he's intrigued by Zane's proposal.
He wasn't even sure if it was day or night. There were no windows in the small room he inhabited. Just a door, a small army cot, a crate Jiri used as a nightstand, a lamp, a cardboard box that housed what clothes he had, and a sink with a mirror. It wasn't much but it was his.
Jiri stood up and walked to the small sink in the corner. He turned on the cold water and cupped some in his hands, bringing it up over his face. Turning off the water, he looked at himself in the mirror above the sink.
Lifting his hand Jiri gently touched the soft purple color around his left eye. Well, at least the swelling had gone down a little. His lower lip was another matter. It was cracked and swollen, dried blood on the small cut there.
He'd looked worse but that didn't mean it hurt any less. He was getting tired of being beat up. Of course, he was also getting used to it. Maybe that's what he had such a problem with. He was getting used to being knocked around by his stepfather and his buddies.
If that didn't say how sad his life was, Jiri didn't know what did. A person should never get used to being beat up. Jiri just didn't know what other choice he had. He had no where to go and no money to get there. Larry had taken all his money last night right before he and his buddies beat the crap out of Jiri.
He was stuck living in hell with Larry, his stepfather. He lived in what was once a storage closet in Larry's auto repair shop. He worked from the time the sun came up until it went down repairing cars and working the gas station out front.
Jiri didn't intend to be here forever. He'd run the first chance he got. He had even been saving up his tips until last night. He had to because Larry didn't pay him anything for the work he did. Oh, Larry provided just enough food and personal supplies to keep Jiri alive, but just that.
Shaking his head at the sad condition he was in, Jiri reached into his cardboard box and pulled out the cleanest shirt he had to wear and pulled it on. He buttoned up his pants and pulled his shoes on.
He was just reaching for the door handle of his small room when he heard another loud thud outside of his room. Turning the handle slowly, Jiri eased the door open and peered out. He really hoped Larry and his buddies weren't still around. He so didn't need to run into them again, at least, not until he healed up from the last little party they threw for him.
Peering out, Jiri couldn't see anything. The garage was unusually dark. Maybe it was nighttime? Jiri was a little confused by that. If it was night, Larry must have let him sleep in and Larry never let him sleep in.
Jiri looked around the door but he still couldn't see anything. A small shaft of light was coming from Larry's office, which meant Larry was still around. Just perfect. Jiri hoped he could avoid him but knew he probably couldn't.
Closing the door behind him, Jiri made his way towards the far door. To get to it he would have to pass by Larry's office but if he were real quiet, he might be able to make it without Larry hearing him.
As Jiri inched his way past the smoky glass window of Larry's office he saw shadows move out of the corner of his eye. Jiri froze, trying to even out the breath that was rushing rapidly in and out of his chest.
It was only when Jiri heard the voices coming from Larry's office that he realized the people in Larry's office were not Larry's buddies. He didn't recognize their voices but he knew that they were angry.
"You cheated me, you son of a bitch," someone yelled.
"I didn't mean to, honest, Zane. It was a mistake!" That was Larry. Jiri would recognize that simpering voice anywhere.
"You're damn right it was a mistake!" the other voice shouted. "Now, how do you plan to rectify it?"
"Rectify?" Larry asked. He sounded confused, the moron. Jiri seriously doubted Larry even knew what the word meant. He was big and beefy and dumb as the day was long. Rectify would be a word he wouldn't understand.
"Fix it, you dumb ass. You owe me and if you don't pay up, I'm going to let Slash here take it out of your hide."
Jiri quickly covered his mouth with his hand as a giggle threatened to escape. He would love to have a ringside seat to Larry being handed his ass. He'd even pay for seats, if he had any money.
"I don't have anything, I swear," Larry cried out.
Jiri could see enough shadow coming through the smoky glass to know that Larry was cowering back in his chair. A much larger man was bent over him. Several more shadows moved throughout the small office.
"I don't believe you, Larry," the large man replied. "I want what's mine!"
Jiri's eyes widened as the man picked Larry right up out of his chair by a hand at Larry's throat. He barely had time to scramble out of the way before Larry came sailing through the window to land on the floor at Jiri's feet, glass spraying everywhere.
Jiri stood there, stunned to see his stepfather, the man who had made his life a living hell, lying on the floor covered in blood and broken glass. His eyes slowly made the track back up the wall to the shattered window.
Shock held Jiri immobile as his eyes landed on the biggest man he had ever seen. He was leaning out the broken window staring down at the floor where Larry lay groaning.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Angelic Forecast ~ #52
The horse in the lead tucks his head. A muted red beam appears from the center of his forehead. Gradually the beam lengthens and looks to be directed at me. I stare as the reddish light streams, then transforms into starry jewels.
Within moments the beam enters into my heart.
Remember my love for you.
“Sarius,” I say the name. I don’t remember, yet I do. A sense of familiarity battles with my confusion.
Halting their fast pace, the three horses begin walking toward us. Their complete magnificence cannot be conveyed via words. However, now, Sarius, if that is his name, is a reddish hue on what can only be described as a coat that is a shimmer pewter coloring.
The other two horses coats are the same except one has a bluish sheen and the other one, who appears female, is golden hued.
Yes, I am Sarius. You do not remember now. It was you who created us, he communicates.
Created? I return and extend my palm. I don’t understand.
Sarius muzzles my hand, a tender welcome. I am euphoric. How I am able to contain this splendor, I’ll never know.
Long ago, before we came to our home here, we lived on a small island near the main island of Atlantis. Our people came to you wanting these bodies to be created.
Vague memories tug at me, yet remain out of reach... mists which cannot be captured and held.
The following week will long be remembered.
What remains important in this life are those we love and those who love us. In whatever ways you can express that love and receive that love, do it. For, it will be what makes the true difference in your life and the lives of us all. The future has been set into motion in a way that will challenge us all.
These challenges are best met with those we know and care for most deeply in our hearts. The more love thrives despite our challenges, the more we will all know victory over any and all the forthcoming challenges.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~
Is a stranger on a superspeed motorcycle her savior from the brutal endtimes?
Blurb: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 – The end of the Mayan Calendar
What happens when a world weary, worn out incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human has three choices after her old van breaks down? ...more
~~~ NOW IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list ~
Author Discovery by Lindsay Townsend, BookStrand author of FLAVIA’S SECRET, A SECRET TREASURE, BLUE GOLD, BRONZE LIGHTNING and SILK AND STEEL ~
http://sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com/2008/08/author-discovery-savanna-kougars-when.html ~
WHEN A GOOD ANGEL FALLS ~ adventure fantasy erotic romance ~ available from BookStrand ~
http://www.bookstrand.com/authors/savannakougar/wagaf.asp ~ http://www.bookstrand.com/ ~
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ coming in 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Lust Or Love now available
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wednesday's Words for August 26, 2009
After nearly two weeks away, I’m glad to be back home. As much as I love seeing new places, I’m most comfortable in my own home, surrounded by my own stuff.
That saying, “be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home” is golden as far as I’m concerned.
And yet, often when I come back from vacation, I’m hit by a sense of unreality. It’s almost as if I have to bond with my house and possessions all over again. It takes me a few days to get totally back into my comfort zone, to really feel at home.
The house was still standing, if somewhat fuller of people and things upon our return than it had been when we left. My daughter had brought some of her furniture here, in anticipation of a move to a new apartment that was to take place September first. Since that apartment stood vacant, she was able to get into it two weeks sooner, a circumstance that ultimately proved happy for us all.
Well, except perhaps for her kitten.
Her new address is less than three blocks away, and kitten has followed her here twice now.
One of the first things I did when I’d finished unpacking was to open the package containing our new 800 thread-count sheets. I must confess they felt smooth and thick on my fingers! I always wash new sheets before using them, but I decided to wash these twice before putting them on the bed—which I did this past weekend.
Oh my, but they are wonderful! My beloved has declared that this is the way bed is supposed to feel, and has been looking up the addresses of bed and bath shops in his spare time ever since. He has decided that we’ll treat ourselves to those 1000s – if they can be found—and call it an early Christmas present to ourselves.
In the meantime he’s gone back to work, doing what he loves to do, and among the kind of people he truly does understand best—men. I know he enjoyed spending day after day with me, as I did him. Aside from being husband and wife, we really do like each other and look forward to time spent together.
And we like returning to our separate occupations, too.
I’m back writing, and happy to be so. I think I needed that solid break. Yes, I had taken my lap top with me, and had been able to compose and post my essays “on the road”, as it were. But I didn’t do any novel writing while I was on vacation.
Back in my own home, sitting at my very cluttered desk (ah but I know where everything is), and residing in close proximity to the inspiration elves, I’m pleased to report that my fingers have been working with a vengeance. I was able to finish the novel I’d been working on before our trip.
Of course, now I’ve begun another. In order to be prolific, one has to write.
Occasionally I get days where I’m able to write more than 6ooo words, but that doesn’t happen very often. Usually, I manage around 2 to 3K, but do that for many days in a row before needing to be distracted.
In the past, family and friends would note my devotion to my craft and say to me, “Aren’t you going to give it a rest for a while?” My standard answer has always been, “And do what?”
This is what I am, a writer. I’m happiest when I’m writing, when the words come together in a way that sometimes hints at poetry, or sometimes just good rhetoric. When the image I’m striving for dons a bit of cover and waits in anticipation to be discovered by the reader.
I’m most content when I’ve managed to escape into the world of my characters, letting their stories flow through me, to you.
Feed the flames of your passion…with a novel by Morgan Ashbury
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
My Book Was Released Today!
This is my first with BookStrand, and I am excited! Please celebrate with me. Here are some details:
The Show Must Go On
By: Kim Sheard
Categories: Contemporary Mainstream ROMANCE
Word Count: 41,588Heat Level: SWEET
Link: http://www.bookstrand.com/product-theshowmustgoon-15314-330.html
Allyson Parker, the stereotypical shy librarian, finds an outlet for her wilder side by performing in community theater. There she can become someone else, someone infinitely more interesting and confident. Partnered in her first romantic lead with newcomer Matt Dauer, she begins to hope that life can imitate art. But can she overcome her bashfulness and self-doubts, cultivated by years of frequent locations, in order to keep his interest?
Matt moved to Washington, D.C. from Chicago to escape a cheating, diva ex-girlfriend, but he's now also far from his parents and two brothers. His greatest desire is to create a new family as close-knit as the one he left behind. He must return to that past, though, when his ex is involved in a serious car accident and he is called on to help. Will his benevolent act mean the end of his blossoming relationship with Allyson?
"Like my heroine, I moved many times as a child, and sometimes had difficulty fitting in with my peers. Also like Allyson, I enjoyed pretending to be someone else in community theater productions, and managed to make off-stage friends through the activity. Since it features so many of my own experiences, this is truly a book of my heart." ~ Kim ~
The last scene of Act One involved only Allyson and Matt's characters. They had blocked the scene late one evening just before breaking for the night, but hadn't had the chance to rehearse it beyond that. The script called for Victoria and James to share their first tentative kiss just before the blackout and intermission. Peter had explained that it would be one of those moments often seen in movies, where the two characters stare at each other for an uncomfortably long period and then draw in agonizingly slowly for the kiss. Allyson and Matt had heard the description, but they hadn't acted it yet.
Allyson was nervous about it.
She tried hard to just think about the words she said and what they meant. Plus, as much as possible with a script in her hand, she maintained the eye contact Ginny and Clark demonstrated.
"What is it that you want?" was Matt's final line, then she and Matt stood, three feet apart, gazing into each other's eyes.
Most of Allyson's brain forgot that she was playing a part as she looked at him. His blue eyes fixed on hers, and she couldn't have torn her gaze away if she'd tried.
He took a step toward her, and her heart fluttered with joy.
She took her own step, bringing her close enough now to see the yellow flecks in his irises. They circled his pupils like fire, and when he took another step, she fancied she could feel the flame.
One more step and she forgot to breathe, thinking only of his eyes and of his scent and of the hand that reached out to touch her own.
As their fingers laced, he bent his head down. Her neck stretched back, allowing her to maintain the gaze that linked them tighter than their hands until she felt his breath on her face. Then she focused on his plump, pink lips, which inched closer and closer to her own.
The instant before their lips touched, she closed her eyes, prepared to savor it. And savor she did. At first, their meeting was feather light and sweet, and she relished the soft teasing. But it quickly grew more intense, their mouths pressing hard into each other as if to become one. Warmth radiated from their joining down her back to pour into her arms and legs.
She'd never experienced such delight and such yearning need at the same time. She relaxed into it, hearing a thud that momentarily puzzled her until she realized she'd dropped her script onto the stage. That and the catcalls and whistles from their cast mates in the seats brought her back to her senses. With her cheeks burning, she pulled away from Matt. His face looked red, too, and she thought she saw reluctance in his eyes. She blinked, trying to get her bearings.
"Curtain," Peter called, joining the two of them on the stage. "End Act One. Take a break, everybody." The cast in the audience scattered.
Peter cleared his throat and told his leads in a low voice, "Um, guys, that was not tentative. It looked great, but save it for Act Two, okay?" He cleared his throat again. "And those private times." His eyes sparkled as he ambled away.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Angelic Forecast ~ #51
“Horses?” I ask, squinting toward what appears to be three horses galloping through a haze. It’s hard to tell, though, since they almost look like shadows.
“An equine race with the same sentience as the human species. They arrive to welcome you.”
The three horses seemed to gallop on air as much as they did on the blue-green turf. Their hooves struck, yet floated. Strange to my eye, their color shifted constantly from a pale aurora-shimmering gray to a shadow black to a white glinting translucence.
“Sentient... how do I speak with them? Mind-to-mind as we do sometimes?”
“Simply speak to them.”
“Oh, thanks a lot, O Great Cherub. Another zen heavenly bit of advice.” My nerves zing so my tongue moves out the words willy nilly. I clutch at the cloud as I lean forward, another odd sensation.
Closer and closer, they run toward us, their pace swift, but not racing. I watch their splendid coats sparkle with light. They are unlike any horses I’ve ever seen in their confirmation. Their bodies are elegantly elongated, their chests deep and substantial.
Eagerness overcomes me and a tiny feeling of reticence since this is beyond everything I’ve experienced... so far.
The horse in the lead tucks his head. A muted red beam appears from the center of his forehead. Gradually the beam lengthens and looks to be directed at me. I stare as the reddish light streams, then transforms into starry jewels.
Within moments the beam enters into my heart.
Remember my love for you.
The next week will be interesting to say the very least. It is likely that there will be a memorable event. On a personal level this is a week to simply take as it comes, then deal to the best of your ability. Often, the actions to take will become obvious shortly after the event has taken place.
On the world stage there are events shaping up which have been created to act like a three-ring circus. You can’t watch all the rings at the same time. It may be wise to notice what takes place, yet remain distant and use your logical discernment as well as your spiritual discernment.
Take care this week. An event may catch you too unaware.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~
Is a stranger on a superspeed motorcycle her savior from the brutal endtimes?
Blurb: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 – The end of the Mayan Calendar
What happens when a world weary, worn out incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human has three choices after her old van breaks down? ...more
~~~ NOW IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list ~
Author Discovery by Lindsay Townsend, BookStrand author of FLAVIA’S SECRET, A SECRET TREASURE, BLUE GOLD, BRONZE LIGHTNING and SILK AND STEEL ~
http://sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com/2008/08/author-discovery-savanna-kougars-when.html ~
WHEN A GOOD ANGEL FALLS ~ adventure fantasy erotic romance ~ available from BookStrand ~
http://www.bookstrand.com/authors/savannakougar/wagaf.asp ~ http://www.bookstrand.com ~
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ coming in 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Mudflat Horoscope Fortune Cookie -
For a new book about the Mudflat fortuneteller, Book 4 is OUT! Mudflat Spice and Sorcery is available now with a beautiful Jinger Heaston book cover.
For more information, visit Phoebe Matthews
Turning Thirty-Twelve gets 4.5 stars!
Jacqueline Delgado taught high school science and was the mother of two college boys. Patrick, 21, was a seasoned student and Nate, 18, was a freshman. They both attended Indiana University. Jackie was determined to not grow old. Therefore, her 42nd birthday was her Thirty-Twelfth. It was a running joke between Jackie and her school teacher friends. Jackie’s empty nest syndrome was hitting her so hard that her friends were determined to fix her up with a blind date. Finally she relented. Her second thoughts really started when she met him.
Mark Brennan was the father of one of Jackie’s students, Carly. They were new to the area and the oldest daughter, Kathy, was a freshman at Indiana University. Mark’s wife, Elaine, had died of breast cancer. He tended to lose himself in his work as a detective with the police force. He was extremely interested in Jackie from the first introduction.
Ms. James’s personalities were strong and so typically shown that it was impossible not to find the story intriguing. The two main individuals were attracted to each other. However, “life” just kept interfering. The storyline was poignant and I shed tears. It was true-to-life and easy to delve into. The ending was a total surprise to me. I had no idea it would take the twists and turns it did. I was totally engrossed in the book.
I recommend that, especially if you love sentimentality, you read this book. You will be glad to have read it. It’s the type book that stays with you even after the last page.

Thursday, August 20, 2009
'Silk and Steel' out today
My erotic historical romance SILK AND STEEL is released today by Siren-Bookstrand. SILK AND STEEL makes my third novel set in the exotic, sensual world of ancient Rome, along with my erotic historical romance, ESCAPE TO LOVE and my sensual historical romance, FLAVIA'S SECRET, also published by Siren-Bookstrand.
To see all three of these exciting novels, please visit my SirenBookstrand author page:
Best wishes, Lindsay
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wednesday's Words for August 19, 2009
The Margaret Todd is a151 foot, four-masted schooner, the main attraction for a company called Down East Windjammer Cruises. Operating out of Bar Harbor, it offers 2 hour excursions, tours of Frenchman’s Bay. Designed by her owner Captain Steven Pagels, the vessel was built in St. Augustine Florida and was launched in 1998.
I first read about the Windjammer cruise company in the Auto Club’s (AAA) guidebook. As soon as I saw the words “four-masted schooner”, I knew this was an experience Mr. Ashbury would particularly enjoy.
My beloved in enamored of all things nautical, especially sailing vessels of a certain vintage—or replicas thereof. Although the Margret Todd wasn’t built in a previous century her design harkens back to an earlier time when men roamed the seas, and women ascended to the top of their New England sea-side homes, paced the “widow’s walk” and kept watch for their man’s return.
We took the afternoon sail on the Tuesday we were in Bar Harbor. Although originally forecast to be raining, the day had turned sunny and warm. The schooner left the dock, and before long the captain gave the order to hoist the sails. Passengers were given the opportunity to assist in this. My beloved declined.
The snap of the wind on canvas is a particularly stirring sound. It speaks to us instinctively of good fortune and fast seas.
How do you explain that sense you sometimes get when, doing something for the first time, a feeling of familiarity descends upon you? I don’t have an answer for that, myself. My beloved has wondered aloud if he lived a previous life as a pirate. We’ve been married long enough that we each tend to allow the other the freedom of belief.
I know I thoroughly enjoyed the sensation of sailing across the bay without the sound of an engine surrounding me. I tried to clutch every moment with both hands, but of course the outing was over far too soon.
At the resort where we stayed in that Maine locale we had a ground-floor efficiency, one unit of about 30 in one building of 8. Outside the door was a brick patio, with lawn chairs for our relaxation, providing a view of the pool and the sea. The part of Frenchman’s Bay that temporarily was our home had no sand beach. Pebbles and rocks formed the shore. Unlike Virginia Beach, no sound of surf filled the air. However, if I listened closely, I could hear the gentle lap of water on rocks.
The air carried the sea, not just the scent of it, but in birdsong, in the plaintive cry of gulls. We stayed three nights in this down-east community. I did have some Maine lobster – from the shell, and one night as an appetizer in “lobster stew”. Very yummy. I also tried mussels for the first time, as the restaurant where we dined Monday night – The Log Cabin – featured a salad bar with steamed mussels. They were delicious.
Better to me than the food, or the sail, or the sights and sounds of a tourist town (one of my favorite things) was the tranquility of being on the bay, by the sea. I experience an identical sense of peace if the water I’m near is a lake. My zodiac sign is Cancer. Water is the element of this sign, and I’ve always been drawn to it.
The two weeks of this vacation have sped by. Fortunately for me, the lure of home is as compelling as the call to exploration, and heading home a prospect as attractive an endeavor as setting out, fourteen days ago, had been.
Dare to try a little Reckless Abandon
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Natives Have Returned to the Classroom
The Teenagers Return to School
Every year, I feel tremendous relief when school is finally out for the summer. It’s nice to have a few weeks to relax without the push and shove of one schedule overlapping with another.
As much as we anticipate the arrival of summer, we also look forward to fall. After a few months of playing hard, this year wasn’t an exception. It was time to send those teenagers packing!
School started back last Monday. The first day was a short one and the days following consisted of writing out one check after another for school fees, supplies, and dues. Today marks the first day of the ‘official’ school year. We’re finally on a schedule.
Now, it’s time to complete a few writing projects and get back to work. I’m forced to shelf promotions and blogging during the summer since writing time is so limited. By the time school is in session again, I’m typically at a loss. It’s great to surf the net and see what I’ve missed but after being MIA for a few months, it’s hard to catch up and see everything.
One thing I recently noticed is more public exposure, awareness, and acceptance of e-books. More and more folks are comparing and then buying e-readers. Teenagers are buying e-books, something I’m thrilled to discover. Our market is wide open and it’s broader than it was one year ago.
When I first started my writing career, I didn’t know very much about e-books. Later, after discovery, I had to explain to others what e-books were and where to find them. I’ve introduced a lot of friends and family members to e-books only to have them thank me later. Many appreciate the convenience and still others like the price point. I buy more e-books now than ever before and even buy them for research purposes as opposed to trotting out to the library or rushing for the brick and mortar bookstores.
E-books have come a long way. Many e-books trump print books on various best seller lists. New authors have the opportunity to earn more money than they have in years past because of the numerous online sales outlets they have at their disposal.
The day has finally arrived when it’s more lucrative for some e-authors than traditional print authors. Best of all, there’s a tremendous buzz about these fabulous books and the talented writers behind them.
I’m surfing the internet and truly delighted at what I’ve discovered. Many of the books topping the best seller lists at third party outlets are written by Siren-BookStrand authors and still others by those I have the great honor to call out as true friends.
Wow, this is one phenomenal business. Best of all, at the heart of this industry is my truest passion…the written word.
I’m surfing and chatting at Just Another Paranormal Monday. Come join us.
Angelic Forecast ~ #50
“The love of community and living a life of true freedom is the Call of these times on Earth. It takes courage, the courage of the human heart and the committed human will to overcome what looms ahead.”
Suddenly, the Heavenly One beams a jovial smile. The Crop Circle Gate is opening.
“Paradise,” I whisper.
Before me is a lush verdant landscape. Not quite tropical, yet grander than the bluegrass pastures of Kentucky. Two Mammoths graze, their scimitar-curved tusks amazing to behold. Not that far away Zebras dine on the rich grass, their tails twitching contentedly. From what I can determine the zebras are larger than any on the African continent. Beyond them is a herd of caramel and cream-colored antelope. The sky is barely blue, yet vibrant in appearance.
“Sky, how is there a sky?” I ask as we drift slowly inward.
“There’s an artificial sun created by a super race long since gone from Earth. The dynamic energy of this sun creates atmosphere and a type of sky.”
“How can you create an artificial sun?” Two pterodactyls circle in the distance, their hides glistening with a red sheen.
“The laws of physics are easy to manipulate once the power of the Mind is sufficiently developed and understood.”
“Horses?” I ask, squinting toward what appears to be three horses galloping through a haze. It’s hard to tell, though, since they almost look like shadows.
“An equine race with the same sentience as the human species. They arrive to welcome you.”
This week is about highs and lows within the context of the Unraveling. Ride them out with as much equanimity as you can. That is, rejoice in the highs, but know it is temporary at best. The same is true with the lows. Feel the experience, yet know it is temporary.
Currently, certain forces have not yet solidified. Thus, the week has a murky quality to it. Still, there will be opportunities to move your dream forward. Do it. By doing so you will benefit others as much as yourself.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~
Is a stranger on a superspeed motorcycle her savior from the brutal endtimes?
Blurb: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 – The end of the Mayan Calendar
What happens when a world weary, worn out incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human has three choices after her old van breaks down? ...more
~~~ NOW IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list ~
Author Discovery by Lindsay Townsend, BookStrand author of FLAVIA’S SECRET, A SECRET TREASURE, BLUE GOLD and BRONZE LIGHTNING ~
http://sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com/2008/08/author-discovery-savanna-kougars-when.html ~
http://www.bookstrand.com/authors/savannakougar/wagaf.asp ~ http://www.bookstrand.com/ ~
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ coming in 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
5 CUP Review for Just A Taste Of Me
by Stormy Glenn
Reece knows Keeley is his mate the moment he meets him. But Keeley is not only human, he's a man. Alpha of his own pack for just three months, having a man for a mate is a headache Reece doesn't need. But not claiming his mate is not an option.
However, Keeley is unlike any man he has ever met, from the top of his gorgeous honey blond hair to the bottom of his fire engine red painted toenails, Keeley is hot! Reece becomes even more enchanted with his new mate when Keeley loses his temper with Reece and hits him with a cookie sheet.
Just when Reece accepts being mated to a man and starts to care for him, Keeley is attacked and nearly dies. Reece discovers a plot that involves more than just the death of his mate, but his entire pack. Can Reece save Keeley and his pack, or will he have to choose between them?
Keeley is a human with a little something extra; he has visions of things before they happen. He has been recently rescued from a horrible man called The Teacher who used Keeley's abilities for his own profit.
Reece is the alpha of a small pack of thirty werewolves, and as far as he is concerned he is straight as an arrow. Well, until he gets his first whiff of Keeley that is!
When Keeley has a strong feeling that he must enter a bar, he goes with it and figures he will just use the restroom and then be on his way. Unfortunately, a bloodsucker also follows him into the restroom with the intention of getting a blood donation from Keeley whether Keeley wants to donate or not. Fortunately for him, Reece cannot keep his eyes off Keeley nor his hormones under control, smelling trouble, he follows Keeley and the bloodsucker into the restroom. Reece saves Keeley but in doing so he has made Keeley his mate, a fact that Keeley is less than enthusiastic about, particularly when he discovers that Reece is straight. While they try to sort out their feelings for one another and their mutual wild attraction, there are those within Reece's pack with their own agenda, and Keeley's very existence is cramping their style. Will Reece be able to protect Keeley from those who mean him harm, as well as convince Keeley he wants to keep him forever?
Wow, talk about your fantastic sequel, this series just keeps getting better and better! Ms. Glenn really threw me for a loop with the whole straight guy falls for gay guy thing, but like the great writer she is, she had the perfect reason that made it all totally plausible. The world building in this series and this sequel is par excellence, and I am really looking forward to more stories. I really enjoyed how Ms. Glenn wrote the character of Reece, and his confusion over his instant attraction and nearly instant love for the admittedly adorable Keeley. I also liked the added dimension of the bloodsuckers aka vampires, they definitely added some real zest to the story. The lovemaking is positively scorching, and gives added depth to the emotions expressed between Reece and Keeley. I for one am anxiously awaiting the next book in this series, and all I can say is "Keep them coming Ms. Glenn, keep them coming!"
ReginaReviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More
Review: http://www.coffeetimeromance.com/BookReviews/justatasteofme.html
Buy Link: http://www.bookstrand.com/product-justatasteofme-14444-252.html
Mudflat Fortune Cookie -
For a new short story about the Mudflat fortuneteller, check out this week’s Wildfire newsletter and at the end of the page you will find Horoscope in Catsup.
The classy new Jinger Heaston book cover illustration shown here? Ah hah! That is for the 4th Mudflat series fantasy/paranormal, featuring the Mudflat fortuneteller and available August 18, right here at BookStrand, of course.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
5 Hearts For Murphy's Law!
Seth Remington, heir to the Remington Computer empire, was engaged to Kristen Scott. The engagement wasn’t high on his list of priorities—it was just expected to happen someday. He was too busy being a playboy, wrecking several expensive cars and racking up insurmountable tickets and fines. Sterling Remington, out of time trying to force his son to grow up, rewrote his will in a very unconventional way.
Overall rating: 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Brenda Talley

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Wednesday's Words for August 12, 2009
The vacation continues!
We’re busily adding States to our list of places we have been; this vacation we’ve added 6. Maybe it’s cheating to add them if all we do is drive through them, but there you have it. By the time we get home, the list will stand at 27 out of 50 visited.
I never imagined I would travel so much!
Virginia Beach was a wonderful experience. I’m going to carry with me for weeks to come the tranquility of sitting on that tenth floor balcony, breathing in the sea air and listening to the surf. I did get to put my toes in the ocean. Doing much more than that is difficult for me, physically. I swam in the hotel pool, and that was fun.
How inspiring it was to write with the balcony door open, and the surf-sounds serving as background music. To look up and allow myself a few minutes of being mesmerized by the waves as they rolled in to shore. In the evening, and very early in the morning, it seemed as if it was just the ocean and me.
While in Virginia Beach, we had the opportunity to spend time with another writer and her family. What an awesome evening we had!
Have you ever met someone and instantly connected, felt as if you’ve known them forever? That’s the way it was when I met author Desiree de Cleves. I don’t think there was a quiet moment between us. A great bonus was that her beloved and mine hit it off instantly.
At the end of the evening we both wondered if we could pry the men apart.
What struck me as fascinating was that Desiree and I come from different countries, different backgrounds. Several years separate us. On the surface, we have nothing in common, really. But we are both authors.
We are both drawn, inexorably, to put ideas, thoughts, themes into words so that others may read them. This need does not come any desire for wealth or prominence; it evolves from the instinct to share.
There is nothing more exhilarating for me than spending time with a fellow author. The evening I spent with Desiree and her family is destined to be one of my most cherished memories of this vacation. Look for Desiree’s novel soon from eXstacy books.
So far, we’ve not experienced too many traffic delays. Only one major one, really. It took us nearly three hours to cover the distance from the end of the New Jersey Turnpike to the toll booths on the George Washington bridge. This was on Saturday, and at the time I didn’t know about the tragic accident over the Hudson River. A fellow traveler from New York, who was beside us in the next lane, guessed our delay had to do with a Yankees game. I’m not really certain at this point the true source of the delay.
The unfortunate part was that I hadn’t realized we’d be crossing this bridge, and by the time we were crossing it, I was too exhausted to enjoy the experience. We’d left Virginia Beach at 7:30 in the morning and this was coming up on 7 o’clock at night.
But travel delays are just a part of a driving vacation. And like I said last week, once you go into vacation mode, you need to set aside the concept of schedule and take an extra-heaping spoon full of patience.
We’ve arrived in Bar Harbor, and I’ll tell you all about it next week!
Feed the flames of your passion… with a novel by Morgan Ashbury
5 Hearts for All the Right Reasons!

Jozsa (Joy) Kovacs was a twenty-three year old woman of Hungarian descent. She was a gypsy artist. Her old-world father had already picked out her husband for her even though she had no intention of marrying Tamas. She worked at the family restaurant that was supposed to belong to her and Tamas when they wed. She was uninterested—she just wanted to paint. Her life had been a struggle to move herself into the current century. It was a constant fight with her father. And then she met Lucas Mitchell.
Lucas had left his military career after an extensive injury in Iraq. During the accident that left him severely scarred, Lucas’ best friend Brad was killed. Lucas blamed the death on himself. He refused to wear short sleeved shirts because of his scars. He came back to his hometown, purchased a rundown ranch and proceeded to refurbish it. His plans were to rehab retired racehorses. He worked part time with his brother Brian at the race track. Otherwise he was much like a recluse. Then he saw a beautiful woman sketching his house and then she was painting him....
Sandy James has once again surpassed my expectations with this third book in the Damaged Heroes series. This was by far the best one I’ve read and I absolutely loved the others. The differences in these two main characters were so profound it seemed nothing could ever work out between them. Each of them came into their budding relationship with a myriad of circumstances which weighed heavily on any actions they might take. The two were emotionally involved long before their physical connection. When they came together, their encounters sizzled.
James gave us this story in such a way that it moved quickly, was poignant and definitely a page turner. I didn’t want to put it down. The storyline offered several shocking actions which kept me mesmerized. This is definitely James at her best.
I highly recommend this book (and this series) to anyone who enjoys confrontation with an unlikely ending. You’ll definitely be thrilled you read this book.
Overall rating: 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Brenda Talley
"You Gotta Read" Faith of the Heart!
Empowering, Old-Fashioned Romance



Monday, August 10, 2009
Five Hearts for Faith of the Heart!
Joshua Miller was a journalist who hadn’t written in the year since his wife died of cancer. His 13-year-old daughter, Libby, constantly worried about him. Then Ross Kennedy, who was married to Joshua’s cousin Laurie, called him and begged him to expose this "supposed faith healer" who had taken $5,000 from his sister. Cheryl had Lupus but was convinced she had been healed when she visited Sarah. When Josh went to visit Sarah, his life would change forever.
Book 4 in the Damaged Heroes series by Sandy James is another blockbuster. I have come to expect it after reading the previous books in this series. The cast of players in this offering were totally different. They were all individuals who came together to give us a great story with an emotional plot. The highs and lows of this tender storyline gave readers the expected dose of James’ magic.
I loved this book and highly recommend it. You will see why Sandy James has found her own special place on my "must-have" bookshelf.
Reviewer: Brenda Talley
Release Day! "Three Dog Night (Triple Trouble 3)"
*squee!* I'm so excited! Do you think Stephen King says *squee!* when he has a new release? LOL!
Today is the official release for the third installment in the Lyall brothers "Triple Trouble" shape-shifter series. "Three Dog Night" picks up where "Storm Warning" leaves off, answers some questions, brings up new ones, and introduces more family members in the Lyall brothers' Arcadia, Florida pack.
[Menage Amour 98: Erotic Paranormal Menage a Quatre Romance, F/M/M/M, Shape-Shifters]
For Elain Pardie, every night is a three dog night. With Ain, Brodey, and Cail Lyall as her mates, Elain's biggest worry is getting through her wedding. She doesn't want to let the cat out of the bag to her mom that she's living with three Alpha wolf shape-shifters.
Between learning about her new way of life, a creepy, mysterious stranger in town, and a hot-to-trot feline shifter with her sights set on Brodey, Elain's got her hands full. Not to mention her strange need for a hunt is back with a vengeance. Can life get any crazier?
Ain, Brodey, and Cail suspect it can: someone's killing shifter mates. As a cousin and his new mate move in, Ain's worries mount. And while trying to untangle secrets of Elain's distant past, Ain discovers a connection to an old family that could threaten not just their happiness...but their very lives.
And for those of you who've been asking for the next installment in the "Love Slave for Two" series, get ready! "Love Slave for Two: Beginnings (Book 0)" is coming soon! Yes, you read that right, "Book 0," the sequel. It ends where chapter one of Book 1 picks up and tells the scorching hot story of how Tyler and Thomas first met.
Speaking of, did you know you can now get both Book 1 and Book 2 in print? And "Love at First Bight" is available in print now, as is "Cross Country Chaos" (me writing as Lesli Richardson).
You can find all the books I currently have available with Siren-BookStrand at:
For more excerpts, sneak peeks, and information on my other releases, you can visit my websites at:
Tymber. (aka Lesli)
Angelic Forecast ~ #49
“The symbols are pre-Mayan,” the Heavenly One tells me.
Before I could ask my usual question... are they Atlantean? We are zipping back through the vortex. We stop before a gargantuan gate, the brass-looking scrollwork so intricate I can’t follow it with my eye.
Yet, what I see is a replica of the 2012 Crop Circle, placed in the center of the gate.
“The Inner Earth, that’s where we are, right?” I ask. Even though the cloud is ultra comfortable, I move restlessly.
“The Inner Realms, yes. This gate signifies those who evacuated from the first fall of Atlantis. A majority of the population colonized when the sun flares struck the ocean.”
“Sun flares. Some are saying if the sun awakens from it’s current state of quiet massive solar flares could occur from 2010 to 2012.”
“Sol is directly connected to every human heart on Earth. The more people embrace the new possibilities of the Aquarian Age, Sol will respond with his benevolence.”
I sigh. “I wish. I hope. There is so much division being created by the Global Bad Guys, it seems like a lot of people will continue fighting against each other for false reasons, instead of joining together for the sake of us all.”
“The love of community and living a life of true freedom is the Call of these times on Earth. It takes courage, the courage of the human heart and the committed human will to overcome what looms ahead.”
Suddenly, the Heavenly One beams a jovial smile. The Crop Circle Gate is opening.
The following week and month will be known as a time of Escalation. An Escalation of the Unraveling. Everything that should be, is coming apart at the seams. It’s time to weave a new cloth, to weave society anew.
Watch with care, the World Stage, and what is taking place. Most of the explosive drama is just that, a drama presented to promote an agenda most people don’t want.
Also, take special care in noticing what continues to unravel in your personal life. For, this is the time to catch that stitch in time, or simply let go to create anew. Use your inner wisdom to know the difference in which action to take.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona

Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~
Is a stranger on a superspeed motorcycle her savior from the brutal endtimes?
Blurb: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 – The end of the Mayan Calendar
What happens when a world weary, worn out incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human has three choices after her old van breaks down? ...more
~~~ NOW IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list ~
Author Discovery by Lindsay Townsend, BookStrand author of FLAVIA’S SECRET, A SECRET TREASURE, BLUE GOLD and BRONZE LIGHTNING ~
http://www.bookstrand.com/authors/savannakougar/wagaf.asp ~ http://www.bookstrand.com/ ~
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ coming in 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Your Mudflat fortune cookie -
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Hello everyone! Well I am new to this blog so let me introduce myself. I go by Jenika Snow and have currently signed two contracts with Siren. I write many different kinds of erotic, but my favorite genre would have to be vampires (I am sure like many of you.) I am married to a supportive husband, and we have a small daughter that keeps us busy. Our other "child" is Milo, our spunky cat.
My first story being published (Date TBA) is a SCI/FI erotic tale titled: Deliciously Wicked (Dimi of the Seven Moons).
Her Dark Dragon Now Available
Wednesday's Words for August 5, 2009
Ah, vacation! What can I say? We’re safely ensconced in the city of Hazleton, Pennsylvania. It’s been slightly more than a year since we last visited with our friends. The joy of our being together again is sobered, this year, by the reality of the fiscal situation for State employees in this, the Keystone State.
For those who are unaware, the state has failed to certify a budget. Whatever your politics, the bottom line is that those employed by the Great State of Pennsylvania (outside of the elected members and their staff, of course) have been required to work without receiving pay checks since July.
This includes my good friend who carries a badge and a gun.
How anyone could expect people to work 8 hours a day, five days a week, without paying them is beyond me. Perhaps the legislators have lost touch with the reality of 21st century life, wherein people are expected to pay for such inconsequential things as food, housing, and electricity. Hell, how do they expect these hard working people to even get to work in the first place without gasoline in their cars, because, surprise, the gas stations don’t let you pump the stuff until you’ve paid for it? Just late yesterday afternoon it appeared there may be hope on the horizon, and if all goes well, our friend may begin to breathe a sigh of relief by mid-August. Fingers crossed.
Despite the particularly tough and scary times our friends are enduring they graciously opened their home to us, as they have since that first time nearly five years ago. (We began with a cyber relationship, as our friend not only carries a badge and a gun, he is an aspiring screen writer.) We’ve had several spirited debates, excellent meals (badge, gun, pen and spatula. He’s single, too, ladies), and excursions out and about the area.
We visited the Pennsylvania Fire Museum in Harrisburg. This museum is run by volunteers; much as most of the firefighting in this beautiful country has been done by volunteers since Benjamin Franklin put together the Union Fire Company here in Pennsylvania in 1736. If you’ve an interest in the history of firefighting and firehouses, this museum, housed in the beautifully renovated Reily Fire House is a must-see.
I’ve learned a lot about weapons and police tactics, coal mining [this is coal country] and fire fighting, and anything at all connected to this area of the country you can imagine. An author can never have too large a store house of facts and experiences from which to draw.
You’ll be pleased to know I have indeed made my way into a grocery store, and a new one at that. Yes, there are items here that I can’t find at home. I’m the proud owner of a bottle of sugar free pancake syrup. We also took a pilgrimage to a department store in the Laurel Mall called Boscov’s. Last year, when we were there helping our friend pick out new sheets as a gift for his mother, I saw 1000 thread count sheets and fell immediately into lust.
A couple of years ago we went to the Liquidation center in our home town as we sometimes do. There we found two sets of sheets, one a 400 thread count and the other a 500 (advertised as Egyptian cotton). They were on sale for an insanely low price and we bought them.
They are the most wonderful sheets we have ever felt! So having seen the 1000 ones last year, I began to plan. [Yes, we have them in Ontario. But it is easier to justify making this purchase while we are on vacation, a time when a slight amount of free-spending is expected]. Alas, the 1000 thread count sheets are no more at that store. We bought a set of 800s and our good friend showed his man-genes by suggesting if we also bought a set that was 250 thread count, we’d be over 1000.
We’ll be on our way in the morning, toward the next stage of our odyssey: Virginia Beach. The weather doesn’t look all that promising. Could be we’re destined for a few days of rain. If that’s the case, we may just stay a single night there before we move on. The next week is going to be spent as close to the Eastern Seaboard as possible. There’s bound to be a beach and some sunshine at some point over the next few days.
Vacation is a time for new experiences, for sleeping in, slow mornings, and something we sometimes forget how to exercise in our everyday world: patience.
Feed the flames of you passion…
with a novel by Morgan Ashbury
Monday, August 3, 2009
Angelic Forecast ~ #48
http://lucypringle.co.uk ~
“Time to go,” the Cherub announces.
Reluctantly I release Merziza just as a diamond-glinting haze drifts around the great cat. When I look back, I see it emanating from the Heavenly One’s fingertips. “Side trip,” he says.
“Where?” I wave goodbye to Merziza.
“There’s a 2012 Crop Circle ~ http://earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=1588&category=Environment ~ I want you to see.”
The Heavenly One and I zip through some kind of vortex. Out of focus rings, a pale silvery gray in color, surround us. Everything feels soft and intense, at once.
Suddenly, we are above crop fields, beneath a blue sky, sailing on our cloud.
“No one can see us,” the Cherub says.
“Good thing, since I don’t see any other clouds,” I drily reply. We smile at each other.
“Look below,” he calls out as the cloud hovers, then gradually lowers.
Not liking the idea of heights, as in peering straight down, nevertheless, I look. Of course.
“Extraordinary,” I murmur. “More than extraordinary. It’s breath-taking. The symbols looks Mayan.” I stare, amazed by the three dimensional appearance. Actually, just amazed down to my soul. Up to my spirit.
“The symbols are pre-Mayan,” the Heavenly One tells me.
Before I could ask my usual question... are they Atlantean? We are zipping back through the vortex. We stop before a gargantuan gate, the brass-looking scrollwork so intricate I can’t follow it with my eye.
Yet, what I see is a replica of the 2012 Crop Circle, placed in the center of the gate.
The following week is a time of unraveling. That is, those things that no longer work in your life will unravel, whether just the beginning threads, or the very last thread to be undone. If you can see or know that is what is occurring, those situations will be easier to let go of, and to be seen for what they are.
So goes the world stage. More unraveling will occur and the process will speed up. This will allow for the truth to be revealed, so that more and more of us are aware and take action.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~
Is a stranger on a superspeed motorcycle her savior from the brutal endtimes?
Blurb: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 – The end of the Mayan Calendar
What happens when a world weary, worn out incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human has three choices after her old van breaks down? ...more
~~~ NOW IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list ~
Author Discovery by Lindsay Townsend, BookStrand author of FLAVIA’S SECRET, A SECRET TREASURE, BLUE GOLD and BRONZE LIGHTNING ~
WHEN A GOOD ANGEL FALLS ~ adventure fantasy erotic romance ~ available from BookStrand ~
http://www.bookstrand.com/authors/savannakougar/wagaf.asp ~ http://www.bookstrand.com/ ~
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ coming in 2009