After years of being exiled to the far corner of my office, sitting with my back to the room like a recalcitrant child, I am pleased to announce that I finally rebelled, and ordered a complete and total re-organization of my work space. And in the process, I discovered, among other things, that no one in this family remembers things in quite the way they happened.
I do recall that I came home one day several years ago to find that my daughter had re-arranged my office for me when all I had asked her to do was “clean up my wires”.
Imagine my surprise to discover my antique oak library desk that had been situated in front of the window, shoved into a corner, and not only into a corner but angled in such a way as to make me face that conflux of two walls if I wanted to work at it.
When I came home on this particular day, my husband saw my face as I took in for the first time this new arrangement. He said, “I told her not to do it. I told her you’d be mad!”
I wasn’t mad, but I was a little disappointed. I left the office in this new arrangement for two reasons. First, a lot of the work had been involved in carrying out the move in the first place. Second, the truth was that this new set-up was necessary for Internet access, which at that time was through my phone line. My daughter hadn’t been able to move the phone line to the computer as we had thought she could, so the alternative was to move the computer to the phone line instead. At the time, I hadn’t yet been published and didn’t spend all that much time BICFOK [butt in chair fingers on keyboard].
So through the years there I’ve sat in this room everyone agrees is my office, in the far corner, facing the wall, while life goes on behind me.
There are two doorways (but only one door) in my office. One opens to the entry hall and the living room; the second opens to the kitchen. And yes, the preferred route—but not the only one—from living room to kitchen is through my office.
The rest of my office is filled with file cabinets, book cases, and of course, a second computer, one that my beloved likes to use.
You can just see us, can’t you? Silently sitting, back to back, and surfing the web in matrimonial harmony.
Two winters ago saw the addition of an electric fireplace to my office. My beloved set it up in front of the window, of course. Ah, a fireplace! That sounds cosy—until I tell you that after it got moved in, we shortly discovered that to use it meant to pop a fuse breaker. Thus it sits, in the winter, in front of the window, looking cozy.
I’ve been continually reassured that we’re going to have that glitch looked at, one of these days.
There had been only one real down side to this desk in corner arrangement. In the spring, the sun streaming through my window shone upon my computer screen so brightly that for an hour and a bit each morning, seeing the screen was out of the question.
I quickly bought a bamboo blind to solve that problem.
Eventually, of course, I got tired of the corner, so about two weeks ago I informed all and sundry that I intended to move my desk back to in front of the window. I want to at least see the sunshine and blue skies each day.
No one recalled the actual circumstances of the first move, and I heard grumblings of “make up your mind where you want to be” despite that at least six years have passed since the desk was moved to that corner.
So on the appointed day my daughter came over, and the move was accomplished.
As soon as he saw it my beloved announced he wasn’t completely happy with the new look, as we were now sitting closer together, and at right angles to each other. But then he proved he’s come a long way when he hastened to add that it was after all my office, and I was the one who needed to be happy with it.
And they say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!
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Drawing TODAY at 8:30 PM EST
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Wednesday's Words for August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Angelic Forecast ~ #156
A sudden darkness envelopes us, and my lion man sweeps me from my camel, and into his arms. “The moon has gone out. And the sun leave us.”
He sounds serious, not poetic. “Gone out?”
“Ah yes, our moon, Deimos, as it is called on Earth, was designed like an enormous lamp. The reflection shell can be turned off at our will.” His lips brush my forehead, and he cuddles me closer. “Have no fear, I see exceptionally well in the dark. We are in no danger.”
Of course, that doesn’t answer my other question. Why was Deimos turned off?
“Currently Deimos is being turned off whenever the dark ones from Earth launch a craft. The dark ones are both those from the military industrial complex and their alien cohorts.” My lion man answers me before I ask.
“You are under attack?” I ask. My stomach starts to somersault with apprehension.
“In a manner of speaking.” His tone is soothing. “They want more colonization rights. Many of us have refused. It was only allowed, at first, on the basis that humanity on Earth would be told. Because they are proven deceivers we no longer cooperate with them. Now, they often send attack squads.” He pauses. “It is a war of sorts.”
“Oh, great, more kinetic action.” I sigh mentally.
“There is no real harm to any of us. However, areas of Mars have suffered. Their alien cohorts, an offshoot of what many call the Grays on Earth, believe they are entitled to the north pole region.”
“Why?” I shiver inside, definitely frightened.
“Many eons ago their ancestors developed Mars, and created the first terra-forming. The metallic substances they seeded remain and grow in the northern region. However, their race ceded any right to Mars when they assisted in the destruction of the planet-satellite originally orbited by our Mars.”
My head swims and swirls, yet I absorb his words. “Wow... lots of info.”
“Yes,” he rumbles softly. His lips brush my temple, and I quiver, all hot and needy inside.
With a sudden movement, he changes directions, and I feel the quickened pace of his camel.
“Home, Sh’raka. I am taking you to my estate home.”
For this week, beneath the influence of the New Moon, the name of the world game becomes CONTRADICTION. Extreme contradictions in ideology arise as never before, and the result is twofold. Conflict spreads like wildfire over the globe. And a Renaissance-like creativity soars, one that unites people of like mind.
This theme of opposites continues, and increases in intensity throughout this year of 2011. Events on the world stage will be a macrocosm of Hurricane Irene, and its aftermath of devastation. Simultaneously, there will be a new cohesive energy from the cosmic Divine. This bright energy will bring people together who are ready to create the world anew.
During this week, it will be apparent and transparent that life for many is rapidly spinning out of control. In part, this is because the institutions that could be counted on in the past will begin to topple and fail on a massive level.
There are TWO possible directions for this week. One is a dramatic rise in riots and upheaval. The OTHER possibility is an underground revolt that has been gaining strength and momentum since the first of the year. The clue to knowing if this is underway, will be the sudden silence of those who have been very vocal in their criticisms of the establishment.
Either way, at this time life will be a tornadic ride. The dynamic cycles that are the ebb and flow of life on Earth, now clash and crash against one another. Or, a giant tsunami meets the fiery lava of an erupting volcano.
On the economic front, as the global mafia makes certain the world’s economy swirls around the proverbial toilet bowl, there will be many folks making decisions they never thought they’d be faced with. This is your opportunity to look outside the box. There will be good answers if you persevere, and use your intuition combined with your common sense.
From this point forward, death is an unwelcome specter across the globe. This will be due in large part to the bio warfare weapons beings loosed by the dark powers that be. It’s time to strengthen your immune system, and rest whenever you are able.
There will be a crucial happening midweek, that at first will seem somewhat insignificant. However, it will be a trigger to a huge event on the near horizon.
A cantankerous mood will likely overcome many this week. And for good reason. However, your best defense against a world gone mad, is to join together in divine love with those who resonate with you and your goals. Good relationships are the key to happiness in the Aquarian Age.
Trendwise, good quality survival gear will be in demand. Hard currency, as in gold and silver coins, will only gain in popularity. And, growing hemp is likely to become a way to protest the establishment, as well as earn a living.
However, the hottest trend in the making, one that is invisible to most currently, is the Book of Aquarius by Anonymous, a free download. This is an alchemical manual on how to make the philosopher’s stone.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~
Is a stranger on a superspeed motorcycle her savior from the brutal endtimes?
Blurb: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 – The end of the Mayan Calendar
What happens when a world weary, worn out incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human has three choices after her old van breaks down?
~~~ IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
WHEN A GOOD ANGEL FALLS ~ adventure fantasy erotic romance ~ available from Siren-BookStrand ~
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ My new release ~ ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Wednesday's Words for August 24, 2011
I was fortunate enough to be invited to be on a panel of published authors at my RWA chapter meeting this month. The moderator of the panel asked me to tell the aspiring authors present my best “publishing story”. I thought that perhaps you, my faithful readers, would like to hear it, too.
A long time ago, before I ever truly believed I would someday really get published, I wrote a Cinderella story that was just for me. If you’re a writer, you know how it is: you’re feeling down, and so you write. This story was about a widow who, with the help of two fairy godmothers, won a trip to a Mediterranean kingdom; she then met the king while he was staying “incognito” at a resort. They fell in love, of course, and they lived happily ever after. I wrote this story by hand, and it wasn’t more than 30 pages long.
The story had no conflict to speak of, but it was, after all, an escape, and just for me.
Flash forward to 2005; I attended CanWrite, the writing conference of the Canadian Author’s Association, in Kitchener, Ontario with my friend Kelley Armstrong. There I heard of something called “erotic romance” something that seemed to be a new genre just opening up, being published in e-books, a new medium just opening up. I’d been writing romance for years; I’d already finished 10 novels! Surely I could spice the romance up enough to make it erotic romance. So I began to write a story I called Simply Irresistible. But I had never written anything specifically to sell before. It was really tough going. Words dried up, and I wondered if I could really do this thing called “writing”, after all. Then along came NaNoWriMo. Kelley said she was going to participate just for the fun of it, and suggested that I should, too. Also, since I’m a moderator of the writing group on her web site, the two of us together could encourage the entire writing group to join in the madness that is NaNo and thus inspire them to finish their novels. I agreed, of course, even though I didn’t have a clue what I was going to write about.
And then I remembered my Cinderella story. I got excited about writing again, and I ended up producing 54K words in a fortnight.
The story still had no conflict to speak of, but it was, after all, just a writing exercise, and just for me.
Two years later it’s 2007. The book that had been written as Simply Irresistible had been released with the new title Made For Each Other, and my publisher put out a submission call for “adult fairy tales”. She wanted to publish an anthology of them. Eager to have another title published, I put my thinking cap on and came up with “Beau and the Lady Beast”. I pitched it, and my publisher loved it. She then asked, “Do you have any other ideas?”
I remembered my Cinderella story, which for NaNo I had renamed “Once Upon A Time”; I really loved that story. But it had no conflict to speak of….ah, but now I was a “published” author, and I knew I could “fix” it. So I pitched it to my publisher, who suggested making the story into a three book series. It was my first series, and, since the name “Once Upon A Time” had already been taken, I called it “Magic And Love”.
What had begun as a short story hand written one sad, lonely day ended up as a 145,000-word series.
If you have a story that you wrote long ago that you love, it doesn’t have to stay in the past. You’re a writer, a professional. You can make it work, if you want to.
These three stories of Magic and Love (The Prince and the Single Mom, The Princess and the Bodyguard, A Prince for Sophie) are very far from my best sellers. But to this day, they remain my favorites of everything I’ve written, and I even re-read them, from time to time, myself.
Just “follow” my Wednesday’s Word Blog and you’re entered
Drawing August 31 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Angelic Forecast ~ #155
“You cannot return to Earth as soon as had been scheduled. There is an unexpected and major shift in energies.”
I hesitate, and my breathing stops for an instant as I let his news sink in, as I let my soul read his words. And, I realize. “That means ‘not’ good news for everyone on Earth.”
“For right now, as history plays out, no, it is not good news, my one.”
“Space weapons,” I say, seeing images form before my mind’s eye.
“Yes, my beloved, many are being positioned by those on the dark side. Some are being used, and will be used in the near future.”
Once again, I shiver violently inside both with my intuitive ‘knowing’ and with fear. “Isn’t there some way to ask the benevolent extraterrestrials...” I stop my words at the gentle squeeze of his hand.
“All of us assist as we are able. We will continue. Earth and her people, all of her people, are most beloved.”
I almost choke on my next words, swallowing hard. “It doesn’t feel that way... that we are beloved. At least, I don’t feel it. Not as an emotional reality.”
“I know, my precious woman. For many now, it cannot be felt as a sweet and sustaining energy. This is necessary...”
“Necessary!” I interrupt as everything inside me burns at the injustice. “Why?”
My lion man turns at the waist to face me. His expression is one of great pain. “I hear the cry of your soul, Sh’raka. Your tears form from the well of your large compassionate spirit. And, that is why you were selected to be on Earth at this time of tribulation.”
“Oh,” I moan my despair. Tears drip from the corner of my eyes. “But, why can’t I ‘feel’ the Divine anymore? Why have I felt so abandoned?”
His gaze encompasses me, offering the love of his spirit. It is golden, a warm blaze I feel on my skin. Then his divine love seeps deeper, and tenderly wraps every place inside me.
“Undercover,” he rumbles. “You are one of the undercover operatives, to use a term from your Earth.” He pauses, studying my face. “At this point in time, it will not harm the future to tell you, to explain.”
A sudden darkness envelopes us, and my lion man sweeps me from my camel, and into his arms. “The moon has gone out. And the sun leave us.”
He sounds serious, not poetic. “Gone out?”
“Ah yes, our moon, Deimos, as it is called on Earth, was designed like an enormous lamp. The reflection shell can be turned off at our will.” His lips brush my forehead, and he cuddles me closer. “Have no fear, I see exceptionally well in the dark. We are in no danger.”
Of course, that doesn’t answer my other question. Why was Deimos turned off?
The themes for this week are ‘downfall’ and ‘rising up’. For, the time of the Great Purification is here.
Whatever is GOOD will be ‘rising up’ at this time, especially in your personal life. Grab GOOD with both hands, don’t let go, and keep an eye out for more.
For the following week, know that many of those known as world leaders are in the process of falling from grace. This ‘fall’ accelerates to fast forward, as who they truly are, is revealed more and more to the people. Look for the expected and the unexpected in this long period of ‘downfall’, which will continue through January 2012.
As well, during this long period, there will be ‘downfalls’ in your personal life wherever your integrity is lacking. All around you, at this time, humanity will be in the same boat. Individuals will be facing those areas of their life that are not up to par, and need to be changed in accordance with their higher nature.
However, a word of caution. Real discernment is required at this time. What could look like a ‘downfall’ situation to you, and to society -- perhaps someone you know becomes homeless -- may not be. More likely it is just the opposite, and the situation is ‘revealing’ those who are of poor moral character, and need to be lawfully dealt with.
Think of this time as the dead wood of your life being cleared away. This will be occurring in your personal life and in the world at large. It is advised that you look carefully at your life, and at how you relate to others. For, this is the perfect opportunity to make the changes you want most, and move forward with those you love the most.
As humanity enters the last dramatic flip-flopping influences of the Piscean Age, long-kept secrets will be dropping like hailstones on our heads. Some of these ‘secrets’ will be vital for our personal well being, and for the well being of society. For many, these revelations will bring a breath of fresh air, especially to all those who value the truth.
However, some of these leaked ‘secrets’ will be mammoth hoaxes designed to control the people into believing lies. This is because ‘those’ on the dark side have decided to bring about a state of hardcore martial law. Their determination can be compared to the ‘berserker raiders’, since they will stop at nothing to achieve their endgame, complete tyranny over humanity.
Trendwise, think ‘beautiful worlds’ and ‘rise of the renegades’. Both of these trends have been introduced before. However, now is the time to create ‘beautiful worlds’ in whatever manner of artistic expression you choose. Also, as the Rise of the Renegades continues, this will become an increasingly popular theme. The renegades, the legendary heroes and heroines of ye olden times who helped folks, will be resurrected. Also, new characters will be created.
A trend to be aware of, is the ‘eventual’ decimation of the health care system, and the fall of the insurance industry. Many hospitals will collapse and fail in the next year’s time. In the meantime, they will often provide abominable care while ‘keeping up appearances’. Good health care, as it has been, will become less and less available, except for those with the means to pay for it. It is advisable to practice prevention and become part of a community where natural health care is the norm.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~
Is a stranger on a superspeed motorcycle her savior from the brutal endtimes?
Blurb: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 – The end of the Mayan Calendar
What happens when a world weary, worn out incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human has three choices after her old van breaks down?
~~~ IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
WHEN A GOOD ANGEL FALLS ~ adventure fantasy erotic romance ~ available from Siren-BookStrand ~
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ My new release ~ ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween?
Saturday, August 20, 2011
New acceptances: Mate or Meal books 1&2
Yes, I started a new series. This time, it is m/m - I'm back to my first love, in a way haha. The first two books, The Lamb Who Cried Wolf and The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg will be available from Siren Bookstrand late this year.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Wednesday's Words for August 17, 2011
So I was sitting on my front porch a couple evenings ago. It was that time of day when the heat is just right, the shadows comfortable with sun dappling through trees, and the neighbourhood kids out and about enjoying their summer.
On this particular day, our youngest grandson was playing with a friend of his a couple of doors down. They had water guns and were taking turns trying to see who could shoot the farthest.
Yes, I had already been asked if they could shoot each other and I (being a party-pooper kind of granny) had said no.
As they were playing, the other boy’s younger sister chose to ride her bike back and forth along the street.
She got distracted watching the boys, lost control of her bicycle, and ended up on the pavement. Now, she wasn’t badly hurt, just a minor scrape to her knee and a major one to her ego.
Even before her father came out of the house and picked her up she was wailing that it wasn’t her fault she’d fallen; the boys had made her fall.
Having seen the entire episode unfold, I will say that the little girl, who’s 8, let her attention wander, watching the boys instead of what she was doing and where she was going on her bike. However, neither boy did anything to cause her to fall. They weren’t even “shooting” in her direction.
As I sat and pondered this mini-accident, what got me was that in fact that entire episode struck me as being a micro-encapsulation of what I think is the main thing that’s wrong with today’s society.
My question isn’t so much doesn’t anyone own their own actions anymore? It’s more, what the heck are we really teaching our children and grandchildren?
I can guarantee you, that if that had same thing had happened to one of my kids, along with the hugs and the murmurs of sympathy and Band-Aids would have been the words, “well, if you’d been paying attention to what you were doing, you wouldn’t have fallen and gotten hurt”.
It seems to me that these days, we let our children get away with saying whatever they want, which mostly is to publicly disavow any culpability in their own stupid actions.
Thus they don’t learn to think before they act, or look before they leap. They aren’t taught the simple logic of cause and effect. They’re not made aware that their actions can have consequences that go far beyond the one simple moment of inattention, or far beyond anything they could ever imagine.
Having these lessons learned when they are small, like my young neighbor, will result in scraped knees and banged elbows, and bruised egos. Maybe, they’ll result in a broken arm or leg, or a mild concussion.
But failure to learn these lessons when our children are young could have possible much more catastrophic outcomes for them when they become teens or young adults.
They could lose relationships, or jobs, or sometimes something totally irreplaceable.
Some of those consequences don’t bear thinking about.
Just “follow” my Wednesday’s Word Blog and you’re entered
Drawing August 31 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Angelic Forecast ~ #154
Is the pain worth it? Only to know our time is short together. Would it have been easier to bear...
“No,” he answers my thoughts. “No,” he repeats, his tone firm. Yet, I hear his desperation to be with me.
Oh, Goddess, I moan silently.
Of course, the old famous film, Casablanca, comes to the forefront of my mind. Yeah, I’m supposed to give up any shot at happiness by playing out my life’s role, all for the sake of saving humanity, the Earth.
Damn. Double damn. Triple to quadrillion damn.
Sure, that’s what I wanted to do with my life. Give up love. Give up the man who trips all my triggers in the most beautiful and fierce ways... hell... and double hell.
True, I hadn’t even been aware of his existence. At least, not consciously... until now... and now what?
The way he speaks my name electrifies every woman-fiber of me. I feel as if I am suddenly bathed in splendor, as if stars live inside me, and dance around my being.
“Amen-Dhuroth.” His name emerges from between my lips as my sweetest desire, and as desire unfulfilled.
I find myself reaching for his hand, even though he is not facing me. The moment he reaches back, extending his hand, I feel it before I see the opening of his palm. My breath hitches at his man’s invitation.
We clasp our hands, and I am reminded of birds winging together, touching, and settling close against each other. “Good news, my woman,” he rumbles in his lion-like timbre.
Joy vibrates his deep voice. Immediately, hope soars inside me. Yet, there’s been tons of disappointment in my life, so my emotions plunge in the next moment.
“What? What is it?” I ask.
“You cannot return to Earth as soon as had been scheduled. There is an unexpected and major shift in energies.”
I hesitate, and my breathing stops for an instant as I let his news sink in, as I let my soul read his words. And, I realize. “That means ‘not’ good news for everyone on Earth.”
“For right now, as history plays out, no, it is not good news, my one.”
“Space weapons,” I say, seeing images form before my mind’s eye.
“Yes, my beloved, many are being positioned by those on the dark side. Some are being used, and will be used in the near future.”
‘Renewing and letting go’ is the theme for this week. The coming week also initiates two forces that will reign from this point forward. One force is the LOVE now arriving from the Higher Realms. Humanity, as a whole, is being invigorated in several new, and unexpected ways.
Know, dear ones, that a time of ‘ending and beginning’ is upon humanity -- as has never occurred before. Know, too, that intense emotions will surface in you and around you. The muddy waters of who we are as human beings, is being vigorously stirred up by the Universe for the ultimate GOOD of All.
This ‘stirring up’ will be noticed especially in personal relationships. Just as Earth, herself, is in a long period of realignment, or land changes, so our one-on-one relationships are now being realigned on a mass scale.
Currently, the essence of ‘real’ community is being formed for the future, and being ‘in tune’ with your love partner is of prime importance -- as is being in true harmony with your friends and those you rely upon, and those who rely upon you.
This is also a time of deepening your vows of love with THOSE who belong with you, whether this is expressed verbally, or are simply feelings from your heart. Often, these individuals, who belong with you, will be from what is sometimes called your soul family.
Economic warfare is the OTHER FORCE that will dominate at this point in history. There will be an escalation of financial oppression worldwide, and ‘those’ on the dark side will remain front and center on the world stage as they attempt to rule humanity.
There is a lineup of helter skelter events being initiated, and planned, to bring humanity to its proverbial knees. As well, the belief in scarcity is being forced upon the people by every form of inhumane propaganda, and by advanced methods of mind control.
What will also be ‘noticeable’ this week, if you peek behind the scenes, is the mafia-like war that is ongoing between ‘those’ who consider themselves to be above the common people, those who justify their acts of tyranny.
In the near future, there is likely to be pinnacle event that illustrates this ‘big corp’ soulless war. Regardless, it will look like insanity has taken over. Be prepared for the resulting emotional upheaval that is ahead.
Trendwise, now is the time to recognize and bring forth your individual gifts, those precious and beautiful desires of your soul. For, this is what the world needs most now. People need you, and what you individually have to offer.
Contemplate, also, these words of wisdom from Catherine Austin Fitts, “Shunning is the most powerful force on Earth.”
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~
Is a stranger on a superspeed motorcycle her savior from the brutal endtimes?
Blurb: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 – The end of the Mayan Calendar
What happens when a world weary, worn out incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human has three choices after her old van breaks down?
~~~ IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
WHEN A GOOD ANGEL FALLS ~ adventure fantasy erotic romance ~ available from Siren-BookStrand ~
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ My new release ~ ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Release day: Spirit Wolves 5. Star-Crossed Mates
Book 5 of the Spirit Wolves series is finally here. Tentatively, it is the last book of the Spirit Wolves series, although I might continue with a snip-off later.
Klaus and Clay are mates, but their relationship is strained by Klaus's duty toward Wolfram. For over ten years, Clay waits for Klaus to come to him, to leave The Magistrate's side and complete their bond. When Wolfram finds his mates, Clay dares to hope once again, but Klaus still rejects him. Unable to compete with Wolfram, Clay flees Klaus's side, only to find his other mate, Ross.
Having been tormented by the feral Joseph, Ross is forced to betray his rescuers, the spirit wolves. He doesn't expect meeting Clay or receiving another chance, but Clay helps him escape. Now on the run from both spirit wolves and ferals, Ross risks losing his mind to the feral virus.
It is up to Klaus to save his two mates. Three star-crossed mates are separated by distrust, sorrow, and dark secrets. Can Klaus make the right choice before it is too late?
Buy link here.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wednesday's Words for August 10, 2011
Those of you who follow me on Face Book know that just a few days before we were scheduled to leave on vacation, my sweet little Boots kitty fell ill, and passed away. He’d lived a good long life—more than 15 years, having come to us when he was about 5.
When Booty arrived, I already had a cat. Her name was Gray Kitty. She was old at that point, and ignored the interloper. When Gray died at the age of 18 (human years), Boots became top cat—actually, he became the only cat.
Over the years, Boots had mellowed from being a feline who barely tolerated a scratch to a needy kitty who demanded I pick him up and snuggle him like a baby—yes, on his back so I could rub belly and scratch chin—every day.
I knew he was getting old, and I had told myself many times that he wouldn’t be with me much longer. Still, our pets really are members of the family, and despite my efforts, I wasn’t prepared to lose him.
When I came back from the vet, I had my daughter take the 7 foot tall cat stand that had been in our living room these past ten years to her house – only Boots had ever used it here, and my daughter has two other cats at home she thought would like it. Also, I wanted her to have it so I wouldn’t have to look at it every day.
We left for vacation, as scheduled. While we were gone, my daughter for the most part stayed here at the house, to watch over her cat that still lives with us—Crash Ktty is also very old and not well—and our dog.
On the Thursday of the first week we were away, Jenny came to the house between clients (she works in home healthcare). It was raining, and as she climbed the steps to the porch she realized there was a strange cat sitting in one of the padded patio chairs. My daughter shrugged, because it was raining at the time, and she figured the cat was simply escaping the wet.
This unfamiliar cat was all black, like my Boots kitty, except for a tiny flash of white on her chest. I don’t want you to think this cat is an exact physical replica of Boots. First, she’s female and second, she has short hair. Boots had been a Persian cross breed. The eyes, however, are the same color exactly.
An hour later this cat was still there, and when my daughter opened the front door to let the dog out on the porch, the cat came inside as if she owned the place. She immediately walked over to my beloved’s chair, jumped up, and stared at the corner where the cat stand used to be. Then she turned, gave my daughter a dirty look and meowed.
Can anyone else hear the theme from the Twilight Zone playing in the background?
My daughter has given this cat the name “Spooky”. She tried several times to get it to leave, but of course, it didn’t. Jenny even took it a block away, thinking it would find its way home. Instead, it found its way back here. It claimed as its place the fourth step leading to the upstairs.
The minute I came in the house and met it, this cat decided I belonged to it, and moved into my office. Spooky thought she could sleep on my keyboard. I’ve given her temporary lodging on the open shelf in my file cabinet, instead.
My daughter is making inquiries of the area vets and humane society to see if anyone is missing a cat. This animal has had its front claws removed, and looks healthy, well fed and well cared-for.
Spooky has clearly been someone’s pet, and if she belongs to someone, then of course, I want them to have their familiar back.
If she doesn’t have an owner claim her, well, we’ll see.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Angelic Forecast ~ #153
“Truth.” I whirl inside, and feel somewhat dizzy. My hands find his chest, and I cling without thought. “Truth might as well be a mountain falling on top of me.”
His hand smooths over my back, soothing me. Simultaneously, I feel the hardening of his body, his man’s desire for me.
“What have I done?” I murmur my sudden agony. “I’m caught between heaven, and having to return to hell.” My eyelids flutter, but still remain shut.
“Pure hell,” I say for emphasis.
“Without you, yes. It has been agony.”
I feel his words, as he feels them. For moments, we are in a cocoon where nothing exists except our thoughts of each other. Our remembrance of love.
Tenderly, he mentally disengages, then draws away from me. It’s as if I have been cut in half. Yet there is a deep knowing inside me that I must accomplish the rest of my human mission on Earth. Whatever that is. Because I’m not certain.
Truth, I have no idea. I simply know there’s more I must do.
For now, my camel follows his, and we amble along the garden path, a jungle of flowers surrounding us. The thump, thump of my heart is loud in my ears. My gaze remains on the incredible shape and strength of his back. On the super masculine way he moves... on...
I see a faint red disc rise in a sky that is now stained with vermillion and indigo light. As it ascends and accelerates into flight, I ask, “What’s that?”
“Most likely it is Pierth, the oldest son of the Regent. He’s traveling for a night of pleasures in our nearest large city.”
“Night of pleasures.” The words burst out, their significance hitting home once I’ve said them.
Immediately, I shiver with want, then flush with extreme heat. Simultaneously, Amen-Dhuroth’s body tenses and his back becomes rigid, a gorgeous incomparable sculpture.
My Lion Man does not turn toward me, though, and his camel continues its leisurely pace. I wonder if he regrets coming to me when Volcano brought me to Mars.
Is the pain worth it? Only to know our time is short together. Would it have been easier to bear...
“No,” he answers my thoughts. “No,” he repeats, his tone firm. Yet, I hear his desperation to be with me.
Oh, Goddess, I moan silently.
The theme for the following week, and for the next month’s time, is DUCK and COVER. This means emotionally, financially, and in certain circumstances, for real.
This is because the BAD GUYS AND GALS are coming out of the closet in droves. Like a horde of starving super zombies, this way wicked now comes. The dark side is loosing its minions upon the world, upon those of us who stand for and by GOOD.
Worldwide, there will be massive upheaval. Rioting increases dramatically. Catastrophic weather events will soon become the norm. And ferocious civil wars are likely to break out in several areas across the globe.
Also, ‘those’ who are called rulers and leaders will find that ‘the people’ are demanding they cede power. Often, this will not be a pretty or tame scenario. If you are a world traveler, take care. Problems can erupt overnight.
Like a serene lake struck by a fierce thunderstorm, the bottom debris is being brought to the surface. At this time, everything evil is being revealed. It is your individual choice how to respond. It is your choice to ‘see’, or not to ‘see’. To know, or not to know.
What about something GOOD you ask? This will be in how you relate to your family and friends during the following week. It is now more important than ever to form close or closer bonds with those of like mind, and with your loved ones. Discuss and decide on strategies that will benefit all of you in the near future. This is absolutely crucial.
At this point in history, ‘reality’ is in a state of severe flux, and the clash of the Titans is here. It is truly Good versus Evil. Soon, many who are living in a cocoon they label ‘reality’, will be cast into the streets of ‘truth’. They will either join the Grand Awakening of humanity, or most likely perish.
On the good side, Magick as a true force is here, once again. Tune in. Go with the flow. Let your ancestral memories surface, and follow your Inner Guidance.
In the future, there will be those known as Shadow Warriors. They will keep their identities hidden, and act on behalf of the people. Their time begins now.
However, it is up to every individual to stand against the rising tide of corruption and darkness. For, without that, nothing will change, except to become exponentially worse for humanity.
Trendwise, the fictional creation of beautiful worlds will feed the souls of many who crave such beauty now, and those who are trapped in terrible circumstances. If your imagination conjures up beautiful worlds, whether fantastical, far away or contemporary, now is the time to bring them forth through art, stories and music.
This week, and from this point forward, double your purchases of food and necessities, as you are able.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~
Is a stranger on a superspeed motorcycle her savior from the brutal endtimes?
Blurb: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 – The end of the Mayan Calendar
What happens when a world weary, worn out incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human has three choices after her old van breaks down?
~~~ IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
WHEN A GOOD ANGEL FALLS ~ adventure fantasy erotic romance ~ available from Siren-BookStrand ~
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ My new release ~ ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween?
Friday, August 5, 2011
'Palace of the Fountains' available as a pre-order

My new romantic suspense title, Palace of the Fountains, is now ready to pre-order from Bookstrand at a discount until mid-August.
Here's the link.
Lindsay Townsend
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Coming soon, His Unconventional Woman
Hi all,
I have great news to share. My latest erotic novel, His Unconventional Woman was just contracted by Siren Publishing.
Dana always loved Clay. With time, she realized she'd become an unconventional woman in most men's eyes. Home to stay, Dana finally let Clay know her secret. If he can accept her need for toys, spanking and bondage in the bedroom, they might stand a chance at a future together.
We have a scheduled release date for October, 2011. I'll be back with more information.
I hope everyone has a great weekend, Lillith Payne
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Release day: Spirit Wolves 4. Three Mates, One Destiny
Hi everyone. The fourth installment of the Spirit Wolves series is now officially out.
For seven years, Paulie focused only on finding a cure for the feral virus, with little time for personal relationships. All that changes when hunters Sebastian and Marcus come into his life. The attraction between them cannot be denied. They are his mates, but at the same time, they share a connection that humbles Paulie. He fears intruding in their relationship. He fears becoming the third wheel.
Sebastian and Marcus have always been together, facing everything from prejudice to feral attacks as one being. But now, they find themselves in front of the most difficult battle of their lives, the battle to win their mate's heart and trust.
As Sebastian and Marcus struggle to convince Paulie of their genuine affection, the danger of betrayal crowds around them. Can the three find their shared destiny or will their enemies defeat them?
Buy link: here.
Thank to all the loyal readers who've kept buying the series. I hope you enjoy book 4 as well. And don't forget, book 5 is already available for preorder here.
Wednesday's Words for August 3, 2011
It’s summer and we’re on vacation again, taking two weeks off to kick back and recharge our batteries.
Our first stop last week, was, as it has been these few years, the north-eastern Pennsylvania city of Hazleton. We have friends who live there, and each year we take a few days to visit them. My beloved also likes to go on excursions, feeding the history buff within. This year on our schedule was a return to Steam Town, USA, the railroad museum in nearby Scranton, Pennsylvania, and a first time visit to the coal-mining town of Ashland.
As well as museums, my husband enjoys exploring historical sites. The first time we came to visit the area, he took the Lackawanna Mine tour. He liked going deep underground for the duration of the guided tour, which lasted over a half an hour.
During that first trip, I of course stayed on top of the grass. As I have done during every mine tour since.
The day after the return to Steam Town, we went to the small town of Ashland. There my husband and our friend toured the mine. While they explored, I stayed in the shade in the park there and read. A perfect outing for us both.
One thing both my beloved and I agree upon is that our marriage has lasted 39 years (as of this past July 14th) mainly because we allow each other to pursue different interests.
After Hazleton, we took two days in Philadelphia. We’d explored the city once before, but one thing David didn’t get to do that last time was visit the New Jersey, an Iowa Class Battleship that has been decommissioned and is moored at the waterfront of Camden, New Jersey.
While I stayed back in our comfy room on Friday David did just that. The tour he took was led by two World War 2 veterans, whose knowledge and experience awed their audience. My DH thoroughly enjoyed himself.
Most of our second week – this week – we are spending on the Jersey shore, in a place called Wildwood Crest. We’ve never been here before, but count ourselves lucky to have discovered it, and this very comfortable beachfront motor inn. We have a two room efficiency unit, which suits us to a T. We brought our Keurig with us, of course. One definition of heaven for us both is an ocean view and a freshly brewed cup of coffee.
We’ve already decided that the next time we come here, we won’t travel from Philadelphia on a Saturday. What should have been a two hour trip lasted nearly six, due to several instances of gridlock along the way. But we arrived safe and sound in the end. Within the hour we’d changed into our swim suits, and taken a dip in the pool.
After dinner that first day, around sunset, my beloved set off to have his first walk along the beach.
And showed up sometime later, dripping wet. Tee shirt, shorts, everything, soaked through because, in his words, “I wasn’t going to go in, but then I simply couldn’t resist.”
I shook my head, because that’s what he expected me to do. But what I actually thought was how cool it was for a man kicking at the gate of 60 to be able to enjoy the moment enough that he could give in to the temptation to wade into the ocean, despite not being dressed for it.
His sense of adventure and his thirst for knowledge are two of his most attractive traits.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Accolades for ERIS by D. Renee Bagby
First were the five star reviews from Rites of Romance Reviews, Dark Diva Reviews, Happily Ever After Reviews, Romancing the Book, and Interracial Multicultural Readers Reviews.
Second was the honor of being named a paranormal finalist in the 2010 National Readers' Choice Awards hosted by the Oklahoma chapter of the Romance Writers of America (OK-RWA).
Third was being named the 2011 Paranormal winner for the Golden Rose Award hosted by Love Romances & More Reviews.
Now ERIS has gained another distinction -- being named a paranormal finalist in the 2011 Maggie Awards hosted by the Georgia chapter of the Romance Writers of America (GRW).
Find out what all of the fuss is about:
eBook ISBN: 1-60601-837-X
Print ISBN: 978-1-60601-838-5
Immortals born in the thirteenth century, Lucien Riordan and Ranulf Styr have waited centuries to be reunited with their love. Want for her cemented their friendship through time, even as it tore it apart. She changed their lives, made them want better, and they plan to show her that. There's only one catch--she's never met them before.
Eris Brue is flattered by Lucien and Ranulf's attention, but they are her bosses. She doesn't want to get tangled up in an office romance, especially not with two men. Their joint seduction overcomes her resolve, and she gives in even though she knows they are keeping secrets that could doom their relationship.
Centuries of planning have finally come to fruition. Lucien and Ranulf have a short amount of time to make Eris love them, because once time has her, everything could come to an end.
Read Excerpt #1:
Read Excerpt #2 & #3:
Read Chapter One:
Buy Now:
D. Renee Bagby
Buiding New Realms of Passion...
Angelic Forecast ~ #152
“Escape,” I whisper. “I wish I could escape to here forever.”
“You will, my woman.”
“But not now.” I speak long moments later. Our camels have halted. There is a soft wind ruffling my Lion Man’s magnificent mane of hair. “Not for far too long.”
“Yes, far too long.” He pauses. “This bloom is my heart for you.”
I can’t speak. I’m overwhelmed to the point of feeling suddenly lightheaded. His love continues pouring through me like a glorious waterfall.
“Oh,” finally passes my lips.
My eyelids fall closed, and I sway. He’s there, catching hold of me. And yet, he does not bring our bodies close together.
“Sh’raka.” My name is his breath. The whisper of sound enters my ear, and I feel it spiral through me, an ethereal force.
“Being with you,” he continues, and pauses. “I have failed to be as careful as I should. My woman, my feelings have ruled my wisdom.”
As I listen, I believe I know what my Lion Man is saying. Yet, it’s all too much. Dare I believe a man like him really wants me? Me?
Dare I believe what part of me does know as a certainty, I did live in the antediluvian times... still, yet, it’s all so beyond mind boggling. So beyond.
“Dare I believe?” The words escape. Though I realized I was going to say them.
“You will come to believe, Sh’raka. Because truth is the path you walk.” A moment later, his lips graze my cheek, so lightly I wonder if I dare believe that it actually happened.
“Truth.” I whirl inside, and feel somewhat dizzy. My hands find his chest, and I cling without thought. “Truth might as well be a mountain falling on top of me.”
His hand smooths over my back, soothing me. Simultaneously, I feel the hardening of his body, his man’s desire for me.
“What have I done?” I murmur my sudden agony. “I’m caught between heaven, and having to return to hell.” My eyelids flutter, but still remain shut.
“Pure hell,” I say for emphasis.
Another pivotal week is upon humanity. This is a time to look beyond your own life, and pay particular attention to those around you. Be observant of the world in general. Future trends are forming that are crucial to you, and your loved one’s well being. These all-important trends will play out toward the end of the year.
For the following week, the Great Divide continues between ‘those’ who are part of the AWAKENING, and ‘those’ who choose either to remain ignorant, or are part of the DARK SIDE.
Soon, it will look like two different worlds on our beloved Earth.
Depravity will escalate, seeping into every available crevice of society like the black billowing smoke of a giant, wind-racing forest fire. All the while, Goodness wings ever higher sparkling the very air with divine compassion. Acts of spiritual love will increase tenfold from this point forward.
Across the globe, the month of August will be chaos unleashed. And, worldwide, strident voices will take center stage. Many will be speaking/shouting their minds. Now, the spirit of rebellion rises to new heights. Anyone who acts like an oppressor will be targeted.
Much of humanity will begin to realize they have been enslaved by methods of mind control that have not been obvious in the past. Currently, these mental chains are being broken at a rapid rate -- thrown off as if they never existed.
On a personal level, uncertainty is likely to rule this week. Take heart, however, there is an end in sight. The important move is to muddle your way through, while assessing your life, and your goals. The more you see and understand, the better decisions you will make for all concerned.
TRUTH continues to slam inside the consciousness of humanity. This will cause great friction between those who become aware, and those good individuals who appear to have an allergy to the truth. For, no matter the facts placed before them, they will cling to accepted societal beliefs that are in actuality only a prevailing myth.
Patience is required in the face of this frustration. Yet, eventually discernment is necessary. There are times walking away becomes the only answer.
Trendwise, the fusion of musical styles is exploding. Simultaneously, the purity of musical styles is being revered and preserved. All of this works toward the Good. Music is a balm the world needs right now.
Extremes in weather will become more common. Be prepared.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~
Is a stranger on a superspeed motorcycle her savior from the brutal endtimes?
Blurb: Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 – The end of the Mayan Calendar
What happens when a world weary, worn out incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human has three choices after her old van breaks down?
~~~ IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
WHEN A GOOD ANGEL FALLS ~ adventure fantasy erotic romance ~ available from Siren-BookStrand ~
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ My new release ~ ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween?