Monday, September 9, 2013

Angelic Forecast ~ #262

"We are under system's attack," he states calmly. "Sh’raka, are you able to guide your jet into the landing bay without beam assistance?"

Great! Great Caesar's Ghost... I haven't been trained to perform that flight task. Neither has my jet. But, why that old saying popped into my head... who knows?

Maybe, because I'm about to become a ghost.

I haul in a breath. "You and me," I say to my jet as she continues slowing her speed.

Ahead of us the landing bay door opens like a camera aperture. The small circumference requires a precise entry, the reason for a beam lock-on.

At this point, it becomes a matter of cooperation between me and my jet. "Slow as you can fly," I encourage, while monitoring the control screen.

With slight adjustments, I remain within the designated path-line. Slipping into a state of cold calm, I focus as we cruise ever closer to the circular opening.

"Come on... you can do it." I feel her hesitation, my jet. "We can do it," I say a split second later. "You're doing fine... we're on target," I croon.

"That's it. Nose to the center." At the very last moment I shut my eyes, even as we glide through. 




Let's Have a Week of Miraculous Healing

For ALL those directly and indirectly victimized by the *nine-eleven* terror-storm event... for all the survivors and first responders who have been denied medical care, and the monies they needed to carry on... let us all, from the compassionate center of our hearts, send forth a frequency-tsunami of love and healing and prosperity.

Let us celebrate their GOODNESS. Let us create such an abundance of miracles, the world is transformed in the blink of an eye, transformed on the drawing in and releasing of a breath.

ACCELERATION is the key word for this historic-hysteric week. Now, TIME interlocks with itself and interconnects with the new cosmic vibrations. What has gone on before hyper-jumps together with what 'will be'.

On the worldwide stage, and on the local stage, this will look like a crazy quilt of massive chaos. The GOOD rise. While the zombie DEGENERATE among us become a tidal force controlled and rewarded by the soulless ones.

Thus, the spiritual war goes hotter, bigger, badder. And, now fleets of UFOs will make themselves known in pre-selected areas. HEADLINE: "Mass UFO sighting at Canada baseball game" — Unexplained Mysteries.

On the magickal, mystical front, this week the 'Mages of Ages Lost' reveal more of the vipers at the top of the satanic pyramid. Out of this comes an outrage so fierce, the entire Earth will begin to shake with the demand for freedom and justice.

This week will also be about the magickal, mystical soul of humanity as expressed by each individual. Listen to your inner self, and act on these delightful powerful energies.

On the land changes front, from the prior forecast: "a mighty week of strange and wonderful weather. Look for more volcanic eruptions to begin. Earthquakes increase their tempo and strength. Around the world, sinkholes swallow up more and more land. Flooding lessens overall, but still continues to devastate certain areas. Firestorms rage, and there is no end in sight."

HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "6.6 magnitude quake strikes Guatemala: planet reeling from series of powerful earthquakes"

During the next twelve months 'land change events' and 'superstorms' will rock and explode in various areas across the planet. Prepare to move if need be. Otherwise, hunker bunker down, and gather your loved ones close. This will be a more than BUMPY-SPINNING ride.

However, take heart in knowing these 'most likely' catastrophic events will NOT be constant, nor affect every area on Earth. As well, prayer and sending good vibes to Mother Earth will mitigate the damages.

On a further note, according to prophet, John Hogue there is a super caldera volcano beneath the Arctic, which is currently heating up the ocean.

On the personal front, wow, likely a heady week of good happenings, and at the same time, there is likely to be trying situations to overcome. Many of these situations will have silver linings, however. Press through, hang onto the good, and give each other a hand.

Another excellent week to get your ducks in a row, and prepare for the emergency situations in life. WATCH OUT for your money, also. There are lots of forces at work ready to steal whatever you have.

On the paranormal front, with the huge changes taking place in the depths of the oceans due to many factors -- natural and manmade -- more mythical like creatures will be seen, and reported... as has already occurred. However, the truth of their existence will continue to be 'covered up' by the media minions serving their dark-side controllers.

This week, a major consciousness shift will occur with more of us 'seeing' various forms of the supernatural world around us. This might even be tiny orbs that resemble dust motes.


Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona

Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.


~~~ Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~~~

World weary and worn out, the incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human, has three choices after her old van breaks down.

Let the Nazerazzi squad of the North American Union capture her and force her into a FEMA concentration camp.

Walk out into the Arizona night desert, let the wildlife have a good meal with the hope her death will be quick.

Or does she dare trust the mysterious stranger suddenly before her?

Handsome as sin and all in black, he emerges out of the darkness.

Sedona wonders if the stranger on a superspeed motorcycle is her savior from the brutal endtimes.

Or, is he a roving cult member of the New World Order, hunting his next blood sacrifice?


It’s only a few days before Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 ~ The end of the Mayan Calendar.

Sent from heaven to help Sedona save humanity, Zerr Dann knows the Divine is playing its last card on Earth.

He also knows Sedona is about to find out Christmas miracles still exist.

[Angelic Fantasy Erotic Romance]

~~~ EBOOK & IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list

Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.


Kisses from Savanna Kougar...

~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~

Siren-BookStrand Author of ~

All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]

When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]

Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]

Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]

Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print

Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]

Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~  What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween? ~ Ebook and In Print.

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