It isn’t that hell has frozen over—not exactly. It’s just that around here, there is real time, and then there is Mr. Ashbury time. And, well, something has taken place over the last couple of weeks that bring that cliché I quoted above to mind.
Y’all know I love my husband to bits, but it does take him a while to get around to doing some things.
For example, shortly after we moved into this house, the shower bar—the one that holds the shower curtain in place—had a bolt snap at one end. This happened just when someone was about to take a shower, so Mr. Ashbury, being a student of his fellow Canadian Red Green, reached not for duct tape, but for a stick pen. Yes, he jammed a stick pen into the hole to keep the shower bar in place. That pen stayed in service until he finally got around to replacing the shower bar this past August.
We moved into this house, by the way, in 1989.
Not long after the shower bar episode, (I’m thinking no later than a month after we moved in, tops), we decided to pull up the carpet that was on the kitchen floor. Carpeting in the kitchen, plus my kids at the time, was just a really, really bad idea. Once the ugly, cheap indoor/outdoor carpet was up, we discovered that the floor beneath it was in serious need of repair. The tiles were cracked and broken with pieces missing, and two spots in the floor were actually really soft—and, subsequently, needed “boards” placed over top of them to prevent people, dogs, or cats from possibly falling through.
Mr. Ashbury took one look at that floor and said, “I’m going to have to replace that floor one of these days.”
I am pleased to announce that “one of these days” commenced a week ago Saturday.
Yes, after only 24 years, Mr. Ashbury went out, bought the supplies, and announced that he was going to hunker down on our Victoria Day weekend and finally begin to replace our kitchen floor.
I asked my best friend, whom I know to be a Christian woman, to say a prayer over this situation. As I have already reminded y’all, I love my husband but if you look up the phrase “higgledy-piggledy” in the dictionary, you’re as like as not to see a picture of him there. I’ll also remind you of the “tiles” he did in the living room a couple of years back—but not under the area rug and not under the furniture or the bookcases. The floor there does look good, as long as you don’t look too closely.
My friend who loves me and Mr Ashbury, and is very wise told me she prayed for an extra measure of expertise for him—and an extra measure of patience for me.
Mr. Ashbury’s plan was simple. He was going to put down new wood over top of the old—5/8th tongue-and-groove aspenite and then ¼ inch mahogany underlay over that. Then, the plan was to tile over top of this new surface.
Eight four-by-eight sheets were required of each of these materials to do the job. My beloved observed, after the second one was down, that this was going to be a lot more work than he’d originally thought it would be.
I didn’t have the heart to tell him that when he originally thought of doing this job he was, in fact, 20 plus years younger than he is now.
Of course, he’s a clever man, is Mr. Ashbury, and very well aware of the fact that he’s not as young as he used to be.
I’m very proud to report that as of the writing of this essay—a week and a day after the job was begun—my new kitchen floor is done, and it is beautiful! My husband did a wonderful job, as good as any professional could have done.
He credits that to the fact that he didn’t rush into doing the job too quickly, instead letting time pass while he considered the procedure in all of its many, myriad aspects—over the last twenty-three years.
I think I’ll just credit my best friend’s prayers, and leave it at that.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Wednesday's Words for May 29, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
Angelic Forecast ~ #247
"Once, on Earth, these structures were common for those who ruled with a benign hand, a sacred heart."
"Once," I murmur, embracing my ambivalent feelings, the memories that wanted to surface, but remained hidden in the mist. "If only..."
"Later, we will speak of those times. Now time does not permit it."
"Understood." Even as I speak, we bank, fly in a small semi-circle, then enter a tunnel disguised as shadow.
Once again, I stand within a circular room surrounded by immense screens that are obviously displaying different land areas on Mars.
There are people of various races stationed at each screen, intently watching whatever activity is occurring, or not. As I watch, a portal spins into existence before a mountainous region.
Then, three more vortexes form on other screens. Within a few moments, troops spill out of the portals.
They wear ubiquitous dull gray uniforms, their faces hidden by sleek helmets.
"Who are they?" I stage whisper to Dhuroth.
"The clone army from Earth's underground bases."
Now comes the epic age of denial by the dark-side cronies. Think a super-charged Sgt. Schulz from the TV sitcom, "Hogan's Heroes" ~ I know nothing. I see nothing. I did not even get up this morning...
Meanwhile, the ENLIGHTENED ONES arrive from every dimension, every world to assist with the inevitable rise of humanity. Given the parasitic-tick entrenchment of the evil ones, this will be a rough-tough spiritual battle.
On the land changes front, this week will likely see more superstorm-weather disasters across the planet. Super Volcanoes emerge on land and especially beneath the ocean, altering the temperature.
Earthquakes will begin shaking the land like a ragdoll. The SINKHOLE phenomena continues as Mother Earth rearranges her mantle, and expands in size.
As well, asteroids and fireballs will strike with more frequency. There *could* be a catastrophic hit in the Atlantic Ocean. However there are Good Forces working to halt this monster-tsunami event from happening.
Of course, it remains wise to PREPARE for any and every emergency.
On the magickal, mystical front, now the dark-side, serpent magicians take the bull by the horns. With the 'Mages of Ages Lost 'and the Aquarian Age light exposing them -- and their anti-human horrors -- their plan is to keep revealing themselves.
Simultaneously these beast magicians will seek satanic-cult converts, and increase their terror tactics against the Good among us who battle them. However, there is a master spiritual plan that has been kept hidden.
This plan, this trap is about to spring. During the Summer months, look for the unexpected fall from grace of the 'bankster gangsters', those who usually remain behind the scenes. However, this will likely include someone who runs the too-big-to-fail corporations and their banks.
Also, look for the rise of natural leaders who will become champions for the people.
On the personal front, this is a week to take in the big picture. Play detective as you go about your daily business. That is, study your surroundings, the people around you -- what they are up to, how they're feeling. This will be invaluable in making some of your future decisions. There are rapid societal changes ahead.
Once again, this is a perfect week to express love toward those most important to you, to those you embrace with your heart. From this loving expression springs a new way of living with each other that will be in harmony with the Aquarian Age energies.
Emotionally, this could be another tough week for many of us. Give tenderness and care where you are able. Or, accept it if you are in need.
On the paranormal front, the main story continues to be UFO sightings and contact experiences. This will only continue to escalate as the year 2013 progresses. Here's merely one article snippet ~
Headline: ANOTHER long-duration UFO observation
A Pennsylvania couple reported to MUFON that they observed a diamond shaped UFO for about an hour at about 12:30 AM on May 20. "I got a pair of binoculars to get a better look," the reporting witness told MUFON . "I could see a dark outline of the object and it appeared to be a diamond shape with multiple colored lights in a cross-like pattern."
Also, keep this *possible* future in your awareness. From the prior forecast: "On the dark side, Project Blue Beam is being brought forth by the 'new world order crowd' at an accelerated pace. This, in preparation to frighten humanity into compliance, and obedience. From a previous forecast: "The message: the alien gods are here. Bow down, people of Earth."
Of great importance now, the real truth about the afterlife emerges. Here's one enlightening look at what happens when we pass over.
Why We Fear Death, and Why We Shouldn't
Real knowledge of the what actually happens after death is so powerful that it can trigger profound changes in body, mind and spirit. And yet it is kept from us. Julia Assante says we can explore the true focus of consciousness NOW, and empower ourselves to meet death in a much stronger way.
On the economic front, a disaster week ahead on many financial fronts. There are too many to list.
The Gold Wars take a fanatical, furious turn as more nations, and big players, realize they have been bamboozled. They will never get their gold returned, or their paper deals honored. The gold bullion doesn't exist, or has been hoarded away by the Super Robber Barons.
Look for the stock market to bounce like a rubber ball over the next month's time. This is mostly by nefarious design. All to vampire-suck the rest of the wealth out of world economy.
Continue to keep your eagle eye on any bank account you have. Within the next three weeks, likely there will be a massive shakeup in the banking system.
Know too, retirement accounts are being raided on the QT, but are scheduled to be raided outright. Although, a hack attack may be used as a cyber cover to keep the people fooled, and under control.
On the truth front, there will continue to be bombshell after IRS bombshell. As well as excuse after excuse, and justification after justification offered for the heinous, life-destroying crimes committed.
From this point forward, many Americans will refuse to pay taxes. Many will now turn their backs on the establishment -- never to return, despite any legislated enticement or punishment.
On the war front, very sadly, another bloodletting week of horror ahead, especially in the Middle East. However, the war/conflicts are spreading with Africa being targeted by the dark-side powers that be.
Now, Russia steps in as the biggest player. There will be a gamechanging confrontation likely the end of this week, or the beginning of next week.
Hidden from view is the real war front, America. The dark-side elite cabal are determined to crush the will of the American people beneath their jackboot authority.
On the tyranny-at-work front, the establishment's enforcement agencies will begin assassinating their own in record numbers. This is for two reasons. First, to eliminate those who battle to take back America. And second, to silence whistleblowers.
On the AWAKENING front, this week is about reconciling the 'New Age of Awareness' with the cold harsh reality that most of us face daily. Or, unfolding spiritual truths must become the rubber that meets the road of rising tyranny.
Again, more golden good-good vibrations pour down on all of us, and saturate Mother Earth. This will elevate hearts and minds, moving humanity toward a renaissance paradise instead of another soul-stealing dark ages.
On the communication front, a big week for personal communications. Misunderstandings could become a huge problem. Make very attempt to resolve any misunderstanding quickly.
Now it begins in earnest. That is, ways to outsmart the so-labeled 'smart' technologies. Of course, this also means ways to curtail electronic snooping will be invented, creating a huge black market in the near future.
On the home front, likely there will be riots during the summer months as the economy nosedives farther, and goes into a death roll. However, there are beneficent forces at work that will stave off a final collapse, and keep the financial system swimming above water.
Out of this, the dark-side's plan to institute martial law will be slowed, and the people will rise ever faster toward the bright light of freedom.
On the food front, HEADLINE ~ "Exclusive: Facebook censors pictures of children rallying against GMOs during global March Against Monsanto"
HEADLINE ~ USDA Forces Whole Foods To Accept Monsanto!
At this point in time, the most devious psych-warfare methods will be used against the American people to force them into eating/accepting GM/GMO Frankenfoods. This will ultimately fail, and results in saving seeds like never before.
On the energy front, the sun's snaking energy has been lashing the Earth's atmosphere. Superstorms are being generated, and the atmosphere is being regenerated with this new infusion of solar power.
This week marks a significant turning point in what has been called 'free energy'. Eventually, many types of these devices will be available via the underground market.
On the really bad news front, Chinese style censorship rears its ugly head with the arrest of a Boston 18 year old for his 'anti-white house' song lyrics, posted on Facebook.
Censorship will now become a pounding oppressive fist, and an excuse to imprison Americans, then throw away the key.
Now, the 'new world order' criminals orchestrate *divide and conquer strategies* that pit the police and military against the people. While these 'evil acts' will prove to be somewhat successful, at first, the BLOWBACK the dark-siders bring onto themselves will be profoundly epic.
On the good news front, the more an austere and dystopian future is forced upon the people by the current psychopathic leadership, the fiercer the resistance becomes. Also, as has been stated before, this Machiavellian strategy will only backfire against this soul-corrupt elite.
On the global mafia cabal front, dangerous waters ahead as the split between the two main factions widens. This will mean even greater chaos in the Middle East war theater.
As well, the upcoming Bilderberg meeting will be far more divisive than in the past. Watch for the fireworks.
On the heroine front, Karen Hudes ~ "former World Bank attorney and whistleblower Karen Hudes talked about how she uncovered corruption in the World Bank. According to Hudes, forces within this international institution have placed the entire world at risk of currency wars and a permanent backwardation in gold by cooking the books and lying about it."
On the hero front, Terrence Ingram, beekeeper for 58 years, he was researching the effects of Roundup on bees. That is until...
HEADLINE: "Illinois illegally seizes Bees Resistant to Monsanto’s Roundup; Kills remaining Queens The Illinois Ag Dept. illegally seized privately owned bees from renowned naturalist, Terrence Ingram, without providing him with a search warrant and before the court hearing on the matter, reports Prairie Advocate News."
On the freedom front, many of the people continue to rise magnificently, gripped by a fury unequaled in modern times. With scandal after scandal coming out of D.C., new people join the infowar for liberty.
On society's other side, the Great Divide between the people shows up large. This coming week the lemming-insane and zombie-stupid actions of many in the population will be more apparent than ever.
Trendwise, everything time travel, time travelers -- and the man who called himself a time traveler, John Titor -- rises in the public awareness, and becomes a major trend.
Getting out of the system, forming your own community, and going underground to trade and barter, becomes a strong movement at this point in history.
Heart, the Goddess energy ~ the ability to give and receive love expands. As well, many begin to know themselves and others in a whole new and loving way.
This week is a perfect time to wander around a flower garden, or walk among the wildflowers. Let yourself daydream. Know the arms of Mother Nature wait to embrace you.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona

Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
~~~ Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~~~
World weary and worn out, the incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human, has three choices after her old van breaks down.
Let the Nazerazzi squad of the North American Union capture her and force her into a FEMA concentration camp.
Walk out into the Arizona night desert, let the wildlife have a good meal with the hope her death will be quick.
Or does she dare trust the mysterious stranger suddenly before her?
Handsome as sin and all in black, he emerges out of the darkness.
Sedona wonders if the stranger on a superspeed motorcycle is her savior from the brutal endtimes.
Or, is he a roving cult member of the New World Order, hunting his next blood sacrifice?
It’s only a few days before Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 ~ The end of the Mayan Calendar.
Sent from heaven to help Sedona save humanity, Zerr Dann knows the Divine is playing its last card on Earth.
He also knows Sedona is about to find out Christmas miracles still exist.
[Angelic Fantasy Erotic Romance]
~~~ EBOOK & IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween? ~ Ebook and In Print.

Saturday, May 25, 2013
New Release: Pleasing Her Racy Doms
Hello everyone! I'm thrilled to announce the release of PLEASING HER RACY DOMS - Racy Nights 6. This series is erotic MFM menage, contemporary BDSM romance with an HEA in every book for our heroine and her two sexy heroes.
You can read more about the Racy Nights series on my WEBSITE, but for now, here is a brief overview:
Welcome to Racy Indiana, population 10,467 (give or take a few) and founded in 1898. Located in northwest Indiana, a branch of the Iroquois River runs through the town, and miles of wind turbines dot the landscape. On Riverfront Drive you’ll find the Racy Animal Clinic, owned and operated by sexy vet Dustin Alexander, and where Annalise Kerr brings in her cat Shadow for a checkup. While backing out of the parking space after Dustin asks her out, she nearly collides with the unmarked police cruiser driven by Detective Chad Bristol.
If you walk along Riverfront toward downtown Racy, you’ll come to Market Street, the heart of Racy’s historic district. The buildings here are all original, and the business owners have lovingly maintained them. Most businesses in Racy have been passed down through the generations, but some have new owners.
For instance, Luke’s Bar is on this street. Gorgeous Luke Rodriguez owns it, and he spends most of his time there, until he meets Alexa Monahan, that is. Alexa moved to Racy from Manhattan, where she worked in a sex shop with Racy native Kari Tye.
Kari has been gone for fifteen years, but now she’s back. She and Alexa have just opened Tye Me Up, Racy’s first and only sex shop, out on Lawnview Drive. But unbeknownst to them, the secrets they left behind in The Big Apple have followed them to Racy.
Don’t worry. Noah Wells, a research and development specialist at Notus Power, the company that owns and operates the wind turbines just outside of Racy, will help keep Kari safe. And what he can’t accomplish, sexy Adison Kincaid, head of security at Notus, certainly can. As for Alexa, she not only has Luke looking after her, but also heroic Chase Taylor, the Racy Building Commissioner. He’s the reason Kari and Alexa were able to open their shop in the once-beautiful century home that had been scheduled for demolition. Now restored to its former majesty, the upstairs of the house is living quarters for Kari and Alexa, and the shop is on the main floor.
Around the corner from Market Street is Main Street, where you’ll find the courthouse and City Hall. J Lo lookalike Marisol Santiago is a court reporter who gets more than she bargained for when she becomes accidentally involved again with old boyfriend Rafe Rodriguez, and Ellis McCree, the city building inspector, at the same time. Rafe is Luke’s older brother, and Ellis is cousin to Maddox McCree, who owns and operates the local BDSM club out of his mansion on Birch Lane.
Maddox’s mysterious and slightly shady past is the subject of much speculation among Racy’s residents, but when psychologist Julie Carruthers attends a surprise birthday party for Alexa at Maddox’s club, she chips a hole in the armor surrounding Maddox.
Things really get interesting inside City Hall. Mayor Bernie Crumb is as crooked as they come, but he keeps getting re-elected every four years. He publicly condemns Maddox’s club and the BDSM community in Racy every chance he gets, but people like Councilman Zach Kincaid and IT department head Gina Santori keep him on his toes. Zach and Gina also work hard to keep their relationship a secret inside the hallowed halls of City Hall.
The Racy police station has its share of heartthrob heroes as well. In addition to Detective Sean Brennan who shares Dom duty to Julie with Maddox McCree, Sergeant Harrison Kelly is hot and heavy with Gina, alongside Zach. If you circle around Main Street over to Ash Lane and head for the river, you’ll eventually wind up back on Riverfront, where The Fit Bod, Racy’s gym, stands in stark contrast to the quaint old buildings in and around that area. It’s a bold, modern design that hunky Evan Rydell designed and co-owns with Thayer Denning. Evan and Thayer don’t mind sharing sub Cherilyn Barker, who works as an Administrative Assistant in City Hall.
And Olivia Kelly, Harrison’s sister and Cherilyn’s friend, has plenty to do outside her work at City Hall as an Administrative Assistant once she meets Racy Fire Chief Cameron Sinclair and Racy Fire Inspector Storm Jamison. Talk about things heating up!
So come on in and take a stroll through Racy with its spunky heroines and drop-dead gorgeous heroes. This is small town America, and Racy residents gossip as much as anyone, but when the crap hits the fan, they’re there for each other. From ex-Doms and serial killers, to ex-wives and AWOL soldiers, and all the way to tornadoes and arsonists, Racy has its share of trouble, but our heroes are on hand to make sure no harm comes to their heroines.
**Here is the blurb for PLEASING HER RACY DOMS**
When Cherilyn Barker casts aside her inhibitions with Doms Thayer Denning and Evan Rydell after hours in the gym they co-own, she awakens her submissive desires. Her late husband has been dead for eighteen months, and Cherilyn is lonely. Evan and Thayer seem like the perfect answer to her fantasies, until someone breaks into the gym and leaves behind a tie that belonged to her late husband.
Thayer has recently broken up with his on-again, off-again sub, and is just looking for a woman who will love him. Life seems perfect when Cherilyn becomes not only his sub, but also the woman he loves. Until the man playing cat and mouse with the Racy police kidnaps her, that is…
Evan Rydell has never truly given his heart to a sub, until Cherilyn falls into the role with him and Thayer. He’s in love with her, and when she disappears one stormy night, he will move heaven and earth to find her.
**Order PLEASING HER RACY DOMS by clicking HERE**
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Wednesday's Words for May 22, 2013
Like most of you, I watched in horror the scenes of the aftermath of the tornado that swept through Moore, Oklahoma this past Monday. Mr. Ashbury had to leave the room at one point, unable to watch any longer once it was announced that some children had been lost in the wreckage of the school.
For us, because we’ve been there, nothing is harder to bear witness to than the loss of a child, or the scenes that follow, of the parents having to cope with that loss.
He and I do have differing views on some things. I don’t believe in turning away from all bad news completely; for myself, I always seek to understand people, in all of their possible situations and predicaments. Even an author of fiction chronicles humanity and needs to get that right.
But I guess you could say I am also always looking for the gold amid the dross. Crap happens with alarming regularity and with impunity to just about everyone. There’s a core to me that insists on believing that there has to be a basic something at the heart of these tragedies that transcends the corporeal. If we let the bad in life be the bottom line, then the bad consumes us and the bad wins.
Debris is a word that somehow fails to communicate the degree of devastation that I saw. What I witnessed on my television screen was houses and other buildings, made of plywood and large pieces of lumber and brick and concrete reduced to kindling and dust. Aluminum siding became twisted missiles of metal. Debris has such a nice, classy sound to it but there was nothing classy in what I was looking at.
It is a heart-stopping, reality-shaking experience to stand before a pile of rubble and know that is all that is left of the house you had, the house where you lived and loved and laughed. That experience is made easier if your loved ones are safe. Because as total as that loss is, it’s still the loss of stuff and not lives.
So I was looking at this field of rubble that stretched for so far and I thought, how the hell do you fix that? Where do you start? And as I was watching and listening to the coverage, I heard the reporters say that the path this monster storm took on Monday was nearly the exact same path as their last monster storm on May 3, 1999.
That was just 14 years ago! I would imagine that many of the people whose homes were turned to rubble on Monday also had the same thing happen to them back then. The current mayor of Moore, Mr. Glenn Lewis, was also the mayor during the 1999 tornado. In other words, these people have been there, done that, and now are about to do it all over again.
You hear that from time to time, as you watch the news coverage of natural disasters. Some people have had their lives destroyed, have rebuilt, and then have them trashed again.
And as I was thinking about that I realized I had found my golden nugget.
We humans can be and are many things. We can do good, or not; we can make a difference in the lives of others, or not. But our species, at its heart, has an indomitable spirit that seems to rise to the occasion in the moments of greatest challenge.
Yes, there are always going to be some people who don’t reach out, who don’t help—some who have a “me first” or “me only” attitude. But there are also always those who do reach out, who do put others first and they are the ones whose image, whose presence, shines the brightest.
We will forever carry in our collective consciousness the memory of these people. The first responders running into the World Trade Center; the ordinary people side by side with uniformed cops and soldiers running toward the bomb blast in Boston; and now in Moore, the image of teachers stretching their bodies over the tiny bodies of their students, their only instinct to care for and protect these children. These are the examples of what humanity can be, and these are the images that endure.
This is who we are at our core, and this is how we need to think of ourselves, from time to time—as part of a whole that perseveres and in the end, triumphs over adversity.
Please donate something to help the people of Oklahoma rebuild. Even five dollars will make a difference. You can give to your church or local bank, to the Red Cross at or, if you’re Canadian and want to help you can go to the Canadian Red Cross web site, and one of the options listed for donations is “Donate to the 2013 Tornadoes and Severe Weather USA Fund” . You don’t even have to have a credit card. They take PayPal.
Monday, May 20, 2013
New G-Spot!
For some instant gratification and to just read the most recent spotlight interview, click here:
Angelic Forecast ~ #246
My lion man rumbles a laugh. Then, for moments he guides the craft above a thin layer of streaming clouds. "The sacred sizzle of the goddess, my Sh’raka."
"I have been practicing the rites as you explained them."
Dhuroth lovingly squeezes my hand. "You shine more each day." He pauses, his gaze becoming solemn. "You should know we will face danger."
"Yes," I say after moments, "I know."
Danger, evil, the shadow grips me entirely. Yet, as we soar low over the ground toward a golden dome, partially concealed by towers of red rock, my spirit flies.
"Why does that look familiar?" I ask, my gaze fastened on the pale gold glistening that could have been mistaken for crystalline rock.
"Once, on Earth, these structures were common for those who ruled with a benign hand, a sacred heart."
"Once," I murmur, embracing my ambivalent feelings, the memories that wanted to surface, but remained hidden in the mist. "If only..."
"Later, we will speak of those times. Now time does not permit it."
"Understood." Even as I speak, we bank, fly in a small semi-circle, then enter a tunnel disguised as shadow.
This week the Aquarian Age AWAKENING goes super nova, becoming an unstoppable force, a golden-light tsunami across the globe. This means the people of the world link hearts and minds in a whole new way, and for the benefit of All.
For now, critical mass has been achieved.
However, in Hitlaresque opposition the 'new world order crowd' unleashes their serpents of deception. These look-good, talk-good minions will take the world stage as leaders, as men and women of great spirituality. They have been trained in the art of mass hypnosis, in the art of 'bringing home the sheeple'.
On the magickal, mystical front, for the cause of liberating humankind, the 'Mages of Ages Lost' swing their white-light swords, slicing through the thick reptilian neck of those known as the Ancient Deceivers.
Also, magick, that power which is truly natural to us all, will surface in the human race, a gradual process for some, a rapid expansion for others.
It is time for this wellspring of knowledge to come forth. Wisdom means learning about these magickal abilities living within you. Thus, to use your powers for GOOD.
On the personal front, another hunker-bunker down week for most of us. However, whatever time you can spend outside with Nature will soothe your soul, and enliven your spirit.
As the cosmic shift in consciousness expands, this will begin to encompass your everyday life. Part of this transition for many of us will be a renewed relationship with Nature. Go with the Springtime flow.
Another key aspect of this week will be self-sufficiency. Opportunities will arise, and any move you can make in this direction will prove invaluable in the near future.
On the paranormal front, another wacky, here-they-come week. Was a Big Foot really shot by a Turkey Hunter in Pennsylvania, as was reported? And, if true, will it be covered up as usual?
This week, and into the summer months, UFOS begin their own 'disclosure project' for the sake of humankind. Recent HEADLINE: *Richard French, Ex-Air Force Lt. Colonel, 'It Was A UFO And . . . There Were Aliens Aboard It'*
As well, this week or next, there will be an amazing paranormal event that CANNOT be covered up. For, the Goddess's heart energy will not be denied.
On the economic front, to keep what belongs to you, remain ever-vigilant. Remember, the banks are not your friends.
Now, as never before the public will wake up to this all-important truth, known by the framers of the constitution: The Power to Tax Is the Power to Destroy.
Also, this week into next week, look for the financial world to be rocked down to its very foundations by the dark-side corruption running rampant. At first, the news-headline revelations around this, will seem to be somewhat insignificant. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Once the entire situation is EXPOSED, wall street, the bankster gangsters, will be shaking in their proverbial boots. For, THE UNCLOAKING IS HERE.
Day by day, time is on the side of the people. The establishment snakes, the controllers behind the curtain, will be uncloaked, their viper-tyrannical natures revealed. It cannot be otherwise.
On the truth front, the great big doings continue, following in the wake of last week's revelations. From the prior week's forecast: "...TRUTH expands on a grand scale, and umbrellas the entire world in a whole new way. TRUTH -- what has been kept hidden by the dark-side elite -- now infuses these times, a blazing bright light. One that can never be dimmed."
On the war front, midpoint this week, the authoritarian nightmare begins for many of us, as the dark-side controllers use deception and false flags to whip up a war fever among the population. They have become rabid, and are 'foaming at the mouth' for the horrors of war. For, their god of darkness must be appeased by massive blood sacrifice.
However, the Light Force will counter these Machiavellian events with TRUTH. That is, the Grand Exposure of who and what these globalists are, continues in the public eye. Eventually, there will be nowhere to hide, except in their grandiose underground cities.
Sadly, it must be noted that a great and terrible destruction *could* be brought about by the decisions of these psychopaths, those soulless ones who control the Middle East war theater.
On the tyranny-at-work front, now, officially, you no longer own your own genetics.
HEADLINE SNIPPET: "US government claims 100% ownership over all your DNA and reproductive rights; genetic slavery is already here ~ By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor ~ May 19 - The United States government claims 100% ownership over all your DNA and reproductive rights. This astonishing revelation has emerged from the fact that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office claims the power to assign ownership of your DNA to private companies and universities..."
On the AWAKENING front, soar toward the Divine in you. Soar toward the open arms of the Goddess. She will embrace you with her magnificent, always-loving heart.
On the communication front, every word you utter, every cyber message you send, now becomes fair game as the software titans begin their carefully planned takeover of the world.
HEADLINE: Google's Plan To Take Over The World ~ Steve Kovach, Business Insider, May 19, 2013 ~ Quote: "Google isn’t just the backbone of the Internet anymore. It’s rapidly becoming the backbone of your entire life, all thanks to data you’re voluntarily giving up to a private company based on your Web searches, photos, Gmail messages, and more."
On the home front, the factional battle between a military consortium and backers of the administration goes public with this headline announcement: ***Military Says No Presidential Authorization Needed To Quell “Civil Disturbances” DoD “instruction” seeks to abolish Posse Comitatus, grease skids for military coup...***
Meanwhile, the info revolution deepens and strengthens across the country, and goes worldwide. For, many now realize freedom is the sweet nectar nourishing the human soul, and creating true prosperity.
On the food front, there will be major information leaks about how BIG CORP AGRA is limiting and ruining the food supply. This will turn many more of us toward growing our own gardens.
Plus, the flight onto the land grows by leaps and bounds. And seed saving becomes vital, evolving into an economy unto itself.
On the land changes front, look for more Super Tornadoes and Super Sinkholes across the planet. California will have more firestorms, and the rolling earthquakes begin.
On the East Coast be prepared for emergency situations. The coastlines are not safe, and there 'could be' a tsunami. This is still an 'unformed' future, but remains a possibility. At the first sign, pack up and leave.
There will be major weather problems in Florida during the summer months. And flooding is likely to plague areas of the Midwest.
On the energy front, the time is now critical. For, the hourglass is running low. Message to all energy-device inventors and makers, your future depends on getting your devices, and/or your plans out to the people.
If you attempt to go the patent-corp route, your enterprise-ventures will fail. If you choose to sell out, or are paid the big bucks for your invention, that money will mean very little in the near future. Think Tesla, and what happened him, to his inventions, to his plans. Nothing has changed.
On the really bad news front, Theme for the coming times: Persecution, Your Tax Dollars At Work.
As has been demonstrated this past week, the more the IRS establishment beast is fed, the more the people will be devoured. Beware of any solution offered by the bankster gangster, financial system.
On the good news front, the Brave Ones, the Good-Side Renegades continue to rise. Now, they inspire the people to rise against the oppressive, 'hidden snakes in the grass' who would diabolically rule the destiny of humanity.
On the global mafia cabal front, HEADLINE: "Everything Is Rigged, Continued: European Commission Raids Oil Companies in Price-Fixing Probe"
As the fast and furious infighting between the dark-side factions increases, this type of raid will become the norm for the next several years. Wisdom dictates leaving these big-cartel operations, and forging ahead with enterprises that truly serve the people.
On the heroine front, Dr. Evelyn Paglini, a real witch for real times.
Blurb: "Natural Magic & Predictions ...natural magic practitioner Dr. Evelyn Paglini offered predictions, insights on the state of the world and tools for coping with the wild days ahead."
On the hero front, Adam Kokesh, activist.
News Snippet: by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Sunday, May 19, 2013 ~ "(NaturalNews) Freedom activist Adam Kokesh of Adam vs. the Man was violently dragged from a "Smoke Down Prohibition" protest in Philadelphia just a few hours ago. According to his Facebook page, Adam is being charged with "resisting arrest" but is refusing to be booked for the charge which is obviously false."
On the freedom front, "The Republic is Gonna Rise Again" ~ this new song title says it all. The Freedom Renegades among us are engaged and engaging the redcoat enemies of America. For, we are gonna rise again.
Trendwise, Revolution is in the air. The late sixties meets 1776. Mass consciousness meets in-your-face activism. And, the people learn how to say NO.
As well, this is one super-trend on the near horizon ~ Headline Video: "CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE GOING MAINSTREAM The People are getting angry at every level. VIDEO: Entire Audience at NJ Gun Hearing Disobeys Senators Orders, Recites Pledge"
Another trend question the people will be asking: Hey, Gov, what do you have to hide?
This week enjoy the sunshine often. Let the sun's warmth embrace you. Let the sun's blast of light embrace your soul. Then smile.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona

Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
~~~ Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~~~
World weary and worn out, the incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human, has three choices after her old van breaks down.
Let the Nazerazzi squad of the North American Union capture her and force her into a FEMA concentration camp.
Walk out into the Arizona night desert, let the wildlife have a good meal with the hope her death will be quick.
Or does she dare trust the mysterious stranger suddenly before her?
Handsome as sin and all in black, he emerges out of the darkness.
Sedona wonders if the stranger on a superspeed motorcycle is her savior from the brutal endtimes.
Or, is he a roving cult member of the New World Order, hunting his next blood sacrifice?
It’s only a few days before Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 ~ The end of the Mayan Calendar.
Sent from heaven to help Sedona save humanity, Zerr Dann knows the Divine is playing its last card on Earth.
He also knows Sedona is about to find out Christmas miracles still exist.
[Angelic Fantasy Erotic Romance]
~~~ EBOOK & IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween? ~ Ebook and In Print.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Wednesday's Words for May 15, 2013
As many of you know from reading my essays, I am a fan of life-long learning. Some of the things I have learned lately, however, have left me scratching my head—metaphorically speaking. Will someone please tell me when facebook became the 21st Century’s answer to the happy-hour pick up lounge? Egad, it is crawling with lounge lizards!
I guess I’ve been rather naïve because I just do my thing and never think beyond certain limits when it comes to people and how I interact with them. For example, when my daughter said that a lot of people on social media sites post pictures of other people and say it’s them, I kind of blinked. Really, I said. Why on earth would they do that? My daughter just shook her head sadly as if she had no hope for my ever “getting it” whatsoever.
I can assure her that I get it. It’s not that I don’t know that some people lie with impunity. I guess it’s more that I dismiss that fact and need to be reminded of it every once in a while.
I have a facebook account in my first pen name, “Morgan Ashbury”. I do not have an author page for people to “like”; not yet. I might create one of those sometime in the future under my other pen name, “Cara Covington”. But for now the facebook page I have allows me to keep in touch with my readers. That’s why I have a face book page in the first place, and that is what I very happily use it for.
I understand the value of social media with regard to getting the word out about my work, and more importantly, keeping in touch with my readers.
Because it is important and because I had been more or less slacking off in that regard, about a month ago, I decided to add some more “friends”. These were people I thought would be interested in returning the favor, as they were already friends of some of my fellow authors. Almost all of them accepted my friend requests.
And then the rhythm changed, and I became the recipient of friend requests myself. It was something to watch. There would be two and then four. One day there were twenty. Twenty! Some of these requests were from men. I didn’t think anything of it. Men do read romance—my husband is one of them. I don’t discriminate between persons, neither was I prepared to quiz each one sending me friend request to ensure that they are indeed a reader or at least that their interests were “pure”. So for the most part, I simply accepted every friend request that came my way.
My “friends” have gone from about 600 to over 1300 in just a matter of weeks.
And to my dismay, I have discovered that some of these new friends are lounge lizards. They are interested in hooking up.
For the record, one way guaranteed to put my back up is to send me a message beginning, ‘hello, dear’. The first time, I was quite surprised and yes, maybe just a little flattered. And then it happened again. And again! So I responded kindly, informing all who asked that I was very married, and planning to remain so.
That seemed to take care of most of them—although I did have one slimy son-of-a-biscuit-eater come back with “well do you have a daughter, then?”
I was delighted to discover that I could “unfriend” someone as quickly as I had “friended” them.
I suppose facebook is one of those modern conventions not meant for older people like me. Or at least that is one theory I have heard from someone who is much younger than I am. I take reasonable precautions, of course, and have since my first foray into the world of the Internet. I never give anyone any personal information, and I don’t encourage what my mother would have called “familiarity”. I am an old fashioned woman. I chat with a few fellow writers who are male, but I consider those to be, for the most part, professional contacts. Anything beyond that—any communication that starts either, ‘hello dear” or “hey baby”, I cut short.
I don’t believe in being rude. It’s a waste of time, and it puts negative energy out into the cosmos. Negative energy, in case you haven’t yet figured it out, is magnetic and attracts negative energy at least ten fold right back to you.
So I am never rude. I simply explain that I’m not interested in that kind of personal contact. Nine times out of ten the response I get is an apology and then no further attempts are made at “chatting me up”.
I just wish these lounge lizards would come with a warning label so I could avoid the situation in the first place—sort of like the Internet’s version of the leisure suit or greased back hair.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Angelic Forecast ~ #245
On 'one', my lion man whirs the craft upward, clicks a few levers and we speed above his estate, not far above the tallest palm trees.
"Once we arrive and settle in, my one, you will tell my what has disturbed you."
The word 'evil' is on the tip of my tongue. But, no, now is not the time to explain.
"Yes, once we arrive." I reach for Dhuroth's hand as he reaches for mine. Our hands embrace, an intimacy I adore.
"Your power has grown, my beloved. It sizzles through me now."
"Sizzles as in sacred?" I raise my brow in a bit of a tease as we gaze at each other. "Or, sizzle as in inspiring the sentinel to rise?"
My lion man rumbles a laugh. Then, for moments he guides the craft above a thin layer of streaming clouds. "The sacred sizzle of the goddess, my Sh’raka."
"I have been practicing the rites as you explained them."
Dhuroth lovingly squeezes my hand. "You shine more each day." He pauses, his gaze becoming solemn. "You should know we will face danger."
"Yes," I say after moments, "I know."
The Goddess Arrives, dancing and spinning among the economic turmoil and war-chaos of our current world. She brings her sacred heart for the sake of humanity, to heal Mother Earth.
The Goddess Arrives once again, her heart shining with love, her spirit offering the gift of soul healing. She asks that you accept her love, her nurturing hand upon you -- that you receive her healing energies.
The Goddess Arrives as warrioress, radiant battle sword in hand. She is ready to strike down her enemies. She is prepared to help humanity rise toward their destiny, living and flying among the stars.
On the magickal, mystical front, the upcoming week will be HUGE for exposing evil. THOSE who practice the black arts against humankind will writhe like a ball of serpents beneath the Divine's radiant, all-seeing spotlight.
With swords of mystical light, the 'Mages of Ages Lost' continue to part the dark clouds of the Grand Deception that began before the time of ancient Egypt. More revelations about Atlantis arise, and the memories of those who once lived in that antediluvian empire, now surface. The Knowing begins.
On the personal front, hang on with both hands this week, and next. Whatever diabolical and/or devastating event plays out on the world stage, keep your primary focus on your life, on your home.
Embrace those who matter most to you with your heart, and go forward. This is a mountain that must be climbed at this point in history. However, it is a life mountain meant to be climbed with your loved ones -- and climbed together with those who are of like mind.
This week, new opportunities for prosperity will pop up. However, take your time evaluating whatever comes your way, then decide what actions you will initiate.
On the paranormal front, 'bizarro squared'... this is what will occur during the summer months, especially the continued discovery of strange beasts, dead and alive.
Now, so much of the *supernatural* world will be showing itself off, and all of its various faces, that it will be difficult for many in the population to comprehend the full evolving picture.
During this transition time, remain open to the emergence of what has always been, but unseen by a lot of us. However, it is wise to be wary, to be discriminating, and to move slowly in your understanding. Ask for Divine assistance when you feel uncertain.
In the meantime, UFOs continue their super rise as part of reality on Earth. At this time, many of the Beneficents will crowd the skies at key centers on the planet where they are welcomed.
On the dark side, Project Blue Beam is being brought forth by the 'new world order crowd' at an accelerated pace. This, in preparation to frighten humanity into compliance, and obedience. From a previous forecast: "The message: the alien gods are here. Bow down, people of Earth."
On the economic front, behind the scenes, a week of all hell and chaos and scrambling by the bankster gangsters as they attempt to right their sinking ship, and stay the course toward openly ruling the world as technocrats. Unexpected infighting has taken its toll.
As well, the people are not selling off their gold despite the fall in price. This means contractual obligations cannot be fulfilled, and the Gold Wars deepen with repercussions that could rock the entire financial world. This means the major players could be caught with their pants down.
Once again, keep an eagle eye on your bank accounts, if you have them. At the first sign of trouble, get everything out you can to use for the necessities of life.
On the truth front, this week TRUTH expands on a grand scale, and umbrellas the entire world in a whole new way. TRUTH -- what has been kept hidden by the dark-side elite -- now infuses these times, a blazing bright light. One that can never be dimmed.
On the war front, from the prior forecast: "At this time, the purge of the military continues with firings, resignations, and assassinations. This will heighten the factional conflict already taking place, and hidden from the public at large. However, news of these battles leaks out, especially on the alternative news sites of 'we the people' journalists-reporters."
At this point, many of the battle lines are being drawn between 'those' who defend freedom and 'those' who defend tyranny. Open Civil War moves ever closer, creeping like an ice tsunami.
Meanwhile, the Middle East will be a hotbed of war horror that will hasten the GREAT UNRAVELING of society. As the global cabal of super robber barons continue to force wars, and open up ever more war fronts, many more of the people will rebel.
On the tyranny-at-work front, in the near future, there will be huge movements of troops to key areas of the country. Some of these movements will be reported by the presstitute media as a means to intimidate the people. This strategy is in anticipation of bringing about what has been called 'hard martial law'.
On the AWAKENING front, once again this week, the REAL truth about humanity's past, and about the true history/herstory of EARTH blasts into human consciousness, then erupts like a giant geyser. This cannot be stopped, or altered despite the dark-side elite's countermoves.
For, Mother Earth, and many of the old souls now populating Earth, want these truths, this ancient knowledge to be known for the sake of humanity as a whole. The future depends on it.
One example of the real past ~ YOUTUBE: 8 US Soldiers Disappear removing 5000 yr old Flying Machine from Afghanistan
On the communication front, this is the Year of the Whistleblower. Despite the high price paid in ruined lives, and the numerous assassinations, these Brave Ones, are coming forth to tell what they know, what they've witnessed. They are revealing the depth of corruption, the lies, and deception that if kept hidden, would be the downfall of humanity.
One example ~ HEADLINE SNIPPET: "Denver International Airport Whistleblower: Continuity of Government Plans Exposed ~ For the first time, a whistle-blower from within the Denver International Airport confirms the existence of a massive deep underground military facility located on the airport’s property."
On the home front, now comes The Fall. The establishment falls into massive disarray on several fronts. Leaders are shown for what they truly are.
This UNVEILING, this REVEALING, will be disturbing and disheartening to so many of the people that a new 'Aquarian Age' view of the world begins. Each of us is a leader in our own right. Thus, top-down authority ceases to be valued -- ceases to be necessary for a viable and prosperous society.
On the food front, THE GREAT SATAN, MONSANTO 'NEWS' ~ HEADLINE: "May 25 March Against Monsanto planned for over 30 countries: March Against Monsanto - Currently, marches are being planned on six continents, in 36 countries, totaling events in over 250 cities, and in the US, events are slated to occur simultaneously at 11 a.m. Pacific in 47 states."
Also, as has been encouraged before... buy, buy, buy all the GOOD FOOD you can manage, and store your supplies in the best manner possible. Remember, sugar and salt will make excellent barter items.
On the land changes front, big bad changes ahead for some areas of the planet. On the horizon there is likely to be several catastrophic events. This is because Mother Earth shivers anew. Her mantle shakes, rattles, and rolls, altering her topography with earthquakes, volcanic activity and with the affects of massive flooding -- also superstorms.
As well, this week into next, there will be major news about the sun, and the strange snake-like storms that are occurring on Sol's surface. Behind the scenes, the 'powers that be' are planning their flight into their massive underground cities, if needed. This, because of solar 'kill shots'.
However, at this point, these striking plasmas are being redirected by *friendly forces*. This is 'not' to say that in the future there will be no problem. For now, the real danger is from HAARP-directed weather patterns, super tornadoes, and the great cosmic shifts in energy that are reshaping the planet.
As always, plan ahead, and dare to prepare. Join in with your community if that's a possibility, and serves you.
On the energy front, now is the time to find and purchase old tech devices like cameras and camcorders -- or, those made prior to the digital age. Any electronic device can be turned off as was demonstrated during the Boston tragedy when cell phones were disabled. Also, the establishment's weapon capabilities are designed to destroy any electronic device or machine.
On the really bad news front, HEADLINE SNIPPET: "Is the FDA Protecting the Public From Self-Sufficiency and Whole Foods With LDS Cannery Crackdown?
Activist Post - ALL LDS [Latter Day Saints] Canneries east of the Mississippi will no longer be canning any food. The FDA, in their infinite, expert opinions-said with the greatest of sarcasm-has managed to FINALLY create such a set of conditions which are impossible for the LDS Church to comply with."
On the good news front, the farm-ranch conspiracy begins bigtime. That is, small farmers and ranchers form underground cooperative communities. They now figure out methods to keep themselves going, and supply good food to others.
On the global mafia cabal front, the battle for king of the totalitarian hill continues. Thus, the big fracturing of the dark-side cabal accelerates.
Meanwhile, Google, or Go-Ogle, arrives on the global scene, as the orchestrating overlords of this year's Bilderberg meeting.
HEADLINE SNIPPET: "Groundbreaking New Bilderberg Revelations Coming Soon
Paul Joseph Watson | Key intelligence uncovered: Transformation of Bilderberg into new breed of technocratic elite."
On the heroine front, Lauryn Hill ~ for, out of the mouth of babes lives the light of revelation, the spoken words that will resonate with those who have the ears to hear, and the soul-willingness to know this truth.
HEADLINE SNIPPET: "Judge Orders Conspiracy Re-Education For Lauryn Hill
Paul Joseph Watson | Singer told to undergo counseling over ‘conspiracy theory’ that music industry strangles real talent."
The most talented, the best and brightest of humanity has been, and is being constantly 'strangled'. This is age old. The super robber barons consider any real competition to be a sin. Thus, social engineering has been used to suppress those who are the most talented, those of us who *cannot* be controlled by the system
On the hero front, Jeremy Drew ~ NEWS SNIPPET: "A video that has gone viral since it appeared on Youtube features 12-year-old Jeremy Drew, a Las Vegas resident, calling out a cop for parking on the sidewalk."
The BRAVE ONES among us, no matter their age, rise on the wings of eagles. They soar, bringing a new light to the world at large. The brightness of their Being chases away the soul-destroying darkness that has shrouded the people of Earth for far too long.
On the freedom front, there will be unexpected, gargantuan developments during the next month that quantum-leaps the cause of freedom. Many of these 'developments' will be show-stopping dramatic.
Look for the new voices demanding liberty. That will be the key to understanding the future.
Trendwise, the need to hunker-bunker down increases among the population. Many more realize it's time to restructure their lives for the coming times.
As has been stated before, there will be a headlong flight out of the major cities for several crucial reasons. Many now choose to renew their relationship with the land, with Mother Nature. True wealth is in this love affair with the land.
There is a sacred Coming Together at this time. People and animals and plant life join in a harmony that is beneficial to All upon Mother Earth.
From the prior forecast: "Circle the wagons with your true friends and family of like mind. Make plans together. Soon, it will be all about helping each other out as a way for everyone to survive, and move toward thriving. The time has come to create the Aquarian Age renaissance."
This week enjoy the scents of life, of strolling in Nature. Enjoy holding hands with a loved one. Enjoy their smile, their laughter, the way they express their love for you. For, this is the real value of Life.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona

Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
~~~ Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~~~
World weary and worn out, the incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human, has three choices after her old van breaks down.
Let the Nazerazzi squad of the North American Union capture her and force her into a FEMA concentration camp.
Walk out into the Arizona night desert, let the wildlife have a good meal with the hope her death will be quick.
Or does she dare trust the mysterious stranger suddenly before her?
Handsome as sin and all in black, he emerges out of the darkness.
Sedona wonders if the stranger on a superspeed motorcycle is her savior from the brutal endtimes.
Or, is he a roving cult member of the New World Order, hunting his next blood sacrifice?
It’s only a few days before Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 ~ The end of the Mayan Calendar.
Sent from heaven to help Sedona save humanity, Zerr Dann knows the Divine is playing its last card on Earth.
He also knows Sedona is about to find out Christmas miracles still exist.
[Angelic Fantasy Erotic Romance]
~~~ EBOOK & IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween? ~ Ebook and In Print.

Saturday, May 11, 2013
New Release: Taming Her Racy Ways
Hello everyone! I'm thrilled to announce the release of TAMING HER RACY WAYS - Racy Nights 5. This series is erotic MFM menage, contemporary BDSM romance with an HEA in every book for our heroine and her two sexy heroes.
You can read more about the Racy Nights series on my WEBSITE, but for now, here is a brief overview:
Welcome to Racy Indiana, population 10,467 (give or take a few) and founded in 1898. Located in northwest Indiana, a branch of the Iroquois River runs through the town, and miles of wind turbines dot the landscape. On Riverfront Drive you’ll find the Racy Animal Clinic, owned and operated by sexy vet Dustin Alexander, and where Annalise Kerr brings in her cat Shadow for a checkup. While backing out of the parking space after Dustin asks her out, she nearly collides with the unmarked police cruiser driven by Detective Chad Bristol.
If you walk along Riverfront toward downtown Racy, you’ll come to Market Street, the heart of Racy’s historic district. The buildings here are all original, and the business owners have lovingly maintained them. Most businesses in Racy have been passed down through the generations, but some have new owners.
For instance, Luke’s Bar is on this street. Gorgeous Luke Rodriguez owns it, and he spends most of his time there, until he meets Alexa Monahan, that is. Alexa moved to Racy from Manhattan, where she worked in a sex shop with Racy native Kari Tye.
Kari has been gone for fifteen years, but now she’s back. She and Alexa have just opened Tye Me Up, Racy’s first and only sex shop, out on Lawnview Drive. But unbeknownst to them, the secrets they left behind in The Big Apple have followed them to Racy.
Don’t worry. Noah Wells, a research and development specialist at Notus Power, the company that owns and operates the wind turbines just outside of Racy, will help keep Kari safe. And what he can’t accomplish, sexy Adison Kincaid, head of security at Notus, certainly can. As for Alexa, she not only has Luke looking after her, but also heroic Chase Taylor, the Racy Building Commissioner. He’s the reason Kari and Alexa were able to open their shop in the once-beautiful century home that had been scheduled for demolition. Now restored to its former majesty, the upstairs of the house is living quarters for Kari and Alexa, and the shop is on the main floor.
Around the corner from Market Street is Main Street, where you’ll find the courthouse and City Hall. J Lo lookalike Marisol Santiago is a court reporter who gets more than she bargained for when she becomes accidentally involved again with old boyfriend Rafe Rodriguez, and Ellis McCree, the city building inspector, at the same time. Rafe is Luke’s older brother, and Ellis is cousin to Maddox McCree, who owns and operates the local BDSM club out of his mansion on Birch Lane.
Maddox’s mysterious and slightly shady past is the subject of much speculation among Racy’s residents, but when psychologist Julie Carruthers attends a surprise birthday party for Alexa at Maddox’s club, she chips a hole in the armor surrounding Maddox.
Things really get interesting inside City Hall. Mayor Bernie Crumb is as crooked as they come, but he keeps getting re-elected every four years. He publicly condemns Maddox’s club and the BDSM community in Racy every chance he gets, but people like Councilman Zach Kincaid and IT department head Gina Santori keep him on his toes. Zach and Gina also work hard to keep their relationship a secret inside the hallowed halls of City Hall.
The Racy police station has its share of heartthrob heroes as well. In addition to Detective Sean Brennan who shares Dom duty to Julie with Maddox McCree, Sergeant Harrison Kelly is hot and heavy with Gina, alongside Zach. If you circle around Main Street over to Ash Lane and head for the river, you’ll eventually wind up back on Riverfront, where The Fit Bod, Racy’s gym, stands in stark contrast to the quaint old buildings in and around that area. It’s a bold, modern design that hunky Evan Rydell designed and co-owns with Thayer Denning. Evan and Thayer don’t mind sharing sub Cherilyn Barker, who works as an Administrative Assistant in City Hall.
And Olivia Kelly, Harrison’s sister and Cherilyn’s friend, has plenty to do outside her work at City Hall as an Administrative Assistant once she meets Racy Fire Chief Cameron Sinclair and Racy Fire Inspector Storm Jamison. Talk about things heating up!
So come on in and take a stroll through Racy with its spunky heroines and drop-dead gorgeous heroes. This is small town America, and Racy residents gossip as much as anyone, but when the crap hits the fan, they’re there for each other. From ex-Doms and serial killers, to ex-wives and AWOL soldiers, and all the way to tornadoes and arsonists, Racy has its share of trouble, but our heroes are on hand to make sure no harm comes to their heroines.
**Here is the blurb for TAMING HER RACY WAYS**
Marisol Santiago and Rafe Rodriguez were forced by their parents to break up when Rafe was a high school senior and Marisol was only fourteen, but they have never gotten over each other. When a tornado brings them together again eighteen years later, his parents force him to make a choice. Rafe Rodriguez has never defied his parents, but he will stop at nothing to win Marisol’s love.
Ellis McCree is smitten with Marisol after he offers to make one of her BDSM fantasies come true. She is everything he’s been searching for. But when he learns that Rafe intends to win her heart as well, Ellis knows the only way he can have Marisol is to share her with Rafe.
A searing betrayal by her best friend Ria, Rafe’s sister, drives Marisol into Ellis’s arms for comfort. But if she gives her heart as well as her body to him, will she lose Rafe in the process?
**Order TAMING HER RACY WAYS by clicking HERE**
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Weddnesday's Words for May 8, 2013
We’ve returned home from RT and are slowly working ourselves back into our normal routines. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I always seem to need to take a couple of days to get used to being home, especially after a convention. There’s a sense of slight disorientation that always sets me on my pins when I step into my house after being away for a week or more. I’m not sure what that’s all about. I just know it never lasts long.
Insofar as I can, I try to live my life with an attitude of gratitude. It’s the best way I know to always be filled with positive feelings. As I write this, I’m reviewing in my mind all of the many activities and the busy days I experienced over the last week.
It’s always a thrill for me when I meet readers. I’m just me. I’ve looked in the mirror at the same person for more than a half century. I don’t consider that I’m anything special. I am blessed to have been able to develop this “second career” just after having had to retire from the work-a-day world due to heart surgery.
I get up every day and do glamorous author-stuff like dishes and vacuuming and cleaning the toilet. I intersperse the domestic goddess duties with writing sessions. Throw out any image you may have of a state of the art office in a posh house. Nope, it’s just a desktop computer atop an old oak library desk I purchased years ago at a flea market. To have my keyboard at the right height, the desk drawer is open with a varnished shelf laid over it to rest the keyboard upon.
My chair is state-of-the-art, but only because the one I had for 7 years and sat in every day was wearing out and my back was getting sore. Chrome and black mesh, adjustable and ergonomic, it’s comfortable as well as being functional. And I sit down at the keyboard in it each day wearing my jammies. Comfort, you see, is key for me.
A Diva, I most definitely am not.
This is me, just me, and when I attend a conference or convention and readers come up to me and squeal, or cry, and want to hug me I feel...humbled. And I understand anew that without these wonderful people reading my books, I would be nothing.
The dream is mine, and continues to be mine, but the validation of that dream—and my paycheck—comes from my readers. Anyone who follows me on facebook knows that I am always saying, and will always mean with all my heart that I have the best readers in the world.
It was marvelous getting to spend time with some of my fellow authors. We met the fiancé of our friend, Peyton Elizabeth. A retired marine, this gentleman is no stranger to the concept of “manning up”. As far as we could see, he is perfect for our dear friend.
Corrine Davies and her husband were fun to be around. This was their first experience at RT, and they both seemed to enjoy the event.
Authors, well most of the authors I know personally, tend to be introverts. It’s not easy to stand in front of strangers and talk about our work. But I have to tell you to look at my fellow authors for whom I knew this was as hard as it was for me, you wouldn’t know it. They seemed like naturals, and they behaved like the consummate professionals they all are.
My best writing buddy and fellow conspirator in the Divine-Lusty cross overs, Ms. Heather Rainier—what can I say about her? I thank God every single day that he saw fit to bring us together. I can’t adequately convey to you how big a blessing she is to me. And it’s a no-brainer to see that Mr. Rainier is truly the inspiration for Heather’s strong and caring heroes.
So here I am at home, catching up on family and sleep, and ready to get down to the brass tacks of doing what I love most in all the world to do—write.
I think I’m the luckiest—and most blessed—woman in the world.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Angelic Forecast ~ #244
A sense of disruption in the force sweeps over me as I latch the bag, and begin to lift it. Foreboding, dark, shadowy, unrelenting embraces me.
'I am evil,' I hear in mind. 'I await you.'
'Great', I think, as the sinister cloud leaves, 'just what I need. More evil in my life.'
Dhuroth gently throws his great arm around my shoulders as I enter his atmospheric travel craft. At the same time, he takes the bag from me placing it inside the secure cubbyhole as I call it.
Then we are moving the short distance to the control panel. In moments, he's seated me, and is folding his huge frame into the form-fitting chair.
"Take off," he announces, a grin in his voice.
"Ten, nine, eight, seven..." I say, as I glance over my shoulder checking on the dogs. Used to flight, they calmly decorate the small seating area.
On 'ten', my lion man whirs the craft upward, clicks a few levers and we speed above his estate, not far above the tallest palm trees.
"Once we arrive and settle in, my one, you will tell my what has disturbed you."
The word 'evil' is on the tip of my tongue. But, no, now is not the time to explain.
The upcoming week, and month, will usher in the brightest and darkest of times for all of us. For, the serpent of Light and the serpent of Darkness writhe, twisting together in a battle royale that will shake the foundations of every culture, of every society -- of every mainstay religion upon the face of Mother Earth.
If you walk the path of WISDOM, this is the time to join with those of good heart and soul, regardless of race, color, or creed. For, everyone is needed to throw off the Black Hearts who wage a genocidal war against the human race.
Be on guard. During the week there will be surprising twists and turns on the world stage. These changes will be mostly beneficial for humankind, despite appearances.
But beware the prophet. That is, anyone who operates in the global spotlight, and speaks with the voice of authority. Lies spew from their lips, and they will keep their forked tongues hidden from the public.
On the magickal, mystical front, more of the 'super psychic ones' come out of the closet, and give testimony about their experiences and abilities. This will be to help others, and to create an enlightened new paradigm on Earth.
Meanwhile, the 'Mages of Ages Lost' use their powers to laser through the black clouds of deception and despair that have kept humanity in a state of perpetual darkness. Thus, the Aquarian light-energies blaze into the AWARENESS of humanity, exposing the matrix we have been ensnared within.
One result: Watch for a rise in those who speak out against the new world order crowd.
On the personal front, this will likely be a yo-yo week for most of us. First it will be one thing, then another thing, and often in opposition. It's best to let it all settle out. Stand back where no immediate action is needed, and wait until next week, or a later time to make a final decision.
Also, this a perfect week, and month to cleanse your body of toxins, and purge your mind of beliefs that no longer serve you, or anyone else. As well, look for out-of-the-box solutions to your most pressing problems. You will have the opportunity to help others do this, and others will help you, as well.
Helping each other in this way is community at work on the etheric, synergistic level.
On the paranormal front, HEADLINE: Witnesses 1,200 Miles Apart Describe Same Giant Triangle UFO ~ Posted: 05/03/2013 1:15 pm
UFOs as a reality, are gaining a real foothold on the mass-mind consciousness of humanity. This is part of a Divine revelation, a gift to humankind that brings the truth about the past into the 'now'.
Meanwhile, the dark-side elite scramble to claim the UFO phenomena, and use it for their vile Machiavellian plan, controlling and enslaving the people. From a prior forecast: "Out of this, what is known as 'project blue beam' *could* be loosed upon the people soon. The message: the alien gods are here. Bow down, people of Earth."
Also, the beasties of lore and legend continue to gradually emerge.
HEADLINE SNIPPET ~ Video: Nessie's Cousin? "A student was recording video for a college project with his friend when something large broke the surface of Lake Foyle in Ireland. The footage shows what appears to be a hump, perhaps connected to a large creature, rise from the water and move in a straight line between two boats. After traveling for some distance the mysterious object disappears back into the depths."
On the economic front, more *ALL FURIOUS HELL* breaks loose in the phony-baloney financial realm. The behind-the-scenes, banker rats scurry deserting the ship, while the people desert the system by the droves, and begin establishing their own local economic communities.
The gold-silver commodities war between factions of the bankster gangsters, now explodes across the world with serious consequences for several countries. This will be partially disguised by the brutally orchestrated flames of war.
During this domination of the news cycle by the Mid East conflict, keep a wary eye out for possible Cypress-drain-your-account moves made by the banking system. Or other similar shenanigans.
At this point in history, Iceland becomes the world leader for financial freedom.
On the truth front, this will be a week that lives in TRUTH infamy. That is, in humanity's far future. This is because there will be closed-door decisions made that have to do with dividing and conquering the people, using the most horrific tactics.
This strategy will backfire, and expose 'the man behind the global-mafia curtain'. Many of the people rise to defeat this evil, becoming a tsunami of epic proportions.
For, they realize these words from a previous forecast: "In this age of the *above the law* bankster gangsters, in this age of print money on demand, be aware of this recent Greenspan quote: "we can't guarantee the buying power of the money". Remember also, as one globalist stated, 'anything written on paper is worth the paper it's written on'."
On the war front, boom...boom...boom! The Super Robber Baron's bully-war against the people takes sinister shape across the globe. At this time, however, there are so many who are fed up, and tired of the ongoing, unjust slaughter that their combined 'mind field' will slow down the nefarious war plans of the dark-side elite.
Also, this week, there will be the usual, media-news push to get people in the mood for war. This will fail overall as time marches on. Although, there are a hardcore few who will rally round the flag, and demand the wholesale destruction of other people's lives and lands.
At this time, the purge of the military continues with firings, resignations, and assassinations. This will heighten the factional conflict already taking place, and hidden from the public at large. However, news of these battles leaks out, especially on the alternative news sites of 'we the people' journalists-reporters.
On the tyranny-at-work front, martial law euphemistically known as 'public safety', spreads and slithers across the country, a leviathan shadow bringing only darkness and despair and death. This, despite whatever 'good-deeds' publicity is spoon-fed to the public.
One solution is to return to the land, and join with a community of like-minded people. Claim your territory, form your posse, your tight-knit circle of only those you trust, and watch each other's backs.
On the AWAKENING front, a major week for AWAKENING. With the snaking, striking spread of darkness and death worldwide, now comes the Great Illumination. The LIGHT within each one of us expands, becomes diamond-brilliant. Our souls shine forth as never before, and we brighten our corner of the world.
On the communication front, a tricky week for several reasons. Tech devices could be adversely affected by solar activity. Whether solar, or for another reason, in some areas of the country, many are currently experiencing problems with their GPS units.
Miscommunications will increase between people in general. This will be due to several factors. The severe stress of the times. The heightening of cosmic energies, or what is called The Quickening. Also, microwave frequencies from the cell towers are disrupting brain activity.
On the home front, civil strife against the ruthless reins of the establishment is just around the corner -- in some areas of the country. At the same time, the desire for liberty sweeps across the land like wildfire.
Preparation is being made by individuals and states, such as Kansas, to stand against the incursion of the lawless corp-gov system. And there are many more who now turn their backs on the congress and the administration. They seek a new path along those who are already traveling on that path.
On the food front, with the shrinking food supply, and the soaring prices, desperation will begin to set in, and stocking up at every opportunity becomes the norm. Be wise in your approach, and use every strategy available to you, and your loved ones.
As has been stated before, growing veggies and herbs indoors, and/or a greenhouse could be a life saver. This is especially true with the changing weather patterns.
On the land changes front, the title this week ~ Mother Nature Unleashes Herself. Look for more strange, strange weather throughout the world.
Also, last week's forecast continues: the sun strikes back with more coronal mass ejections, or CMEs. This is likely to affect the grid and communications tech.
SUPER EXTREME! Is the new watch word for weather, volcanic activity, earthquake tremors, and the sinkhole phenomena. The Earth has become more liquified, and massive movements of magma are reshaping the planet.
Look for major problems in California, as well as continuing 'changes' on the East Coast.
On the energy front, at the moment, a murky picture as far as new energy devices. While there are many such devices ready to market, or close to it, the real value remains in what can be distributed to the people via a black-market strategy.
With the current martial law clamp down, it would be wise to establish as many alternative ways of energy as possible. If you haven't, the time has come to research what will work for you, and your situation, then take action.
On the really bad news front, this week it titled ~ The New Inquisition is Here... Shutting Down the Aquarian Conspiracy.
That is, the dark-side controllers will use every diabolical method to shut down the mind and heart bond humans form with each other. This connection is part of what the Aquarian Age is all about, or what was called the Aquarian Conspiracy by author, Marilyn Ferguson, in her 1980 best-selling book, "Aquarian Conspiracy".
To *stop* this naturally evolving spiritual connection between us -- this heart and soul connection which would gradually bring about a true paradise on Earth -- now comes a repeat of what occurred in the past, namely the Spanish Inquisition.
To illustrate: William Henry's interview of Graham Hancock at brings to light the current sad state of censorship, and foreshadows what is ahead of us. Unless we the people stop it.
On the good news front, the inner Warrioress and the inner Warrior rises to a whole new level within many of us. For, now is the time. We are being activated by the Divine Realm to be champions for the people, and champions for Mother Earth.
On the global mafia cabal front, fierce dissension continues within the ranks. Currently, this can be witnessed by events in the European countries, especially. Heads will roll begin to roll, metaphorically, and as in no longer being in this mortal coil.
On the heroine front, Sibel Edmonds ~ the most gagged person in the history of the United States of America ~ continues to bravely speak out, and reveal the behind-the-scenes truth.
On the freedom front, big changes on the American scene toward freedom -- big doings also, as the people go innovative and industrious, starting their own ammunition factories.
As well, some who work in revolutionary industries, like regrowing limbs, will begin to break ranks, and become the whistleblowers of the future. Watch for it. Pray for it.
Trendwise, a strange and furiously fast time ahead when opposites don't attract, but become ever more extreme. Now, groups of people move worlds apart, yet those within the group become closer, more tightly bonded to each other.
2013, becomes the year of question. At this crucial time in history, a new paradigm of *questions* arises in the consciousness of the population.
Do most of us on planet Earth deserve war? Do most of us deserve to live under martial law? Does Mother Earth deserve to be warred upon constantly -- destroyed daily by the weapons of war?
The above is only a sampling of questions that will rise, emerge from the sea of humanity's COLLECTIVE MIND like Aphrodite Rising From the Ocean. This is because many now wake up, blink, and rip their way out of the societal-programmed box. Forever. And never to return.
This week is for romancing your life, and dancing with the flow of life. Take a stroll through Nature, and see what she has to say to you. Her personal message to you. It will be there in the plants, and any animals you might happen upon.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona

Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
~~~ Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~~~
World weary and worn out, the incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human, has three choices after her old van breaks down.
Let the Nazerazzi squad of the North American Union capture her and force her into a FEMA concentration camp.
Walk out into the Arizona night desert, let the wildlife have a good meal with the hope her death will be quick.
Or does she dare trust the mysterious stranger suddenly before her?
Handsome as sin and all in black, he emerges out of the darkness.
Sedona wonders if the stranger on a superspeed motorcycle is her savior from the brutal endtimes.
Or, is he a roving cult member of the New World Order, hunting his next blood sacrifice?
It’s only a few days before Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 ~ The end of the Mayan Calendar.
Sent from heaven to help Sedona save humanity, Zerr Dann knows the Divine is playing its last card on Earth.
He also knows Sedona is about to find out Christmas miracles still exist.
[Angelic Fantasy Erotic Romance]
~~~ EBOOK & IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween? ~ Ebook and In Print.
