Mr. Ashbury has a new best friend.
As you know, I was absent from home last week - away on a writers' retreat that had been more than a year in the planning. Mr. Ashbury himself had gone to the Caribbean in October for a week with our daughter. This is not unheard for us, to take separate vacations. We've never lived in each others' pockets. As a matter of fact, many nights at home we spend a fair bit of time in the course of the evening involved in our individual pursuits, rarely talking. What might seem odd to some people works for us, and has for more than 40 years.
When I returned home on Saturday, my daughter intimated that her father had been unusually lonely while I was gone this time. She had been concerned because he told her that he went to bed each night before 10. That's really not unusual for either of us, but she was worried. And she took the opportunity to reiterate to me that daddy really, really needs another dog.
At the dawn of this new decade, and then again just last year when my beloved and I were talking about our animals, and acknowledging that our faithful Rochie was getting old, my beloved stated, most emphatically, that once the poor pup was gone, there would be no more dogs in this house. I happened to agree with him, for we've had dogs consistently throughout our marriage. He wants to continue to travel, and having animals that require care by others when we are gone is a challenge to that.
The reality of the situation, however, has proven to be quite different than the hypothetical discussions. My husband, pure and simply misses his dog greatly. He misses the routine of a dog, and the companionship. He'd been getting some of that with my daughter's Chihuahuas. And as she has been thinking, out loud, about breeding her dogs, my beloved has been discussing—with her—the possibility of his taking one of those pups.
But that is a year or more in the future, and, it seemed to our daughter that her father was lonely now and needed a new best friend as soon as possible.
Sunday she came over and showed her daddy a picture of just the kind of dog he'd said he'd like this time - something small and fluffy. The puppy was a "Morkie", which is a Maltese/Yorkie cross. I had never heard of the breed before but the little guy sure looked cute. She asked me if she should get it for her dad, and I told her to discuss it with him.
One two-part rule that my beloved and I both hold sacred: neither of us presumes to speak on behalf of the other, and neither one of us ever tells the other what to do.
In light of our past discussions and recalling in particular his vehemence, I expected my husband to say no, but he surprised me and said yes.
Now here is where you learn just how old fashioned a wife I really am. Even though we'd agreed, and even though I'm not certain this is a commitment that I want to undertake, my husband wanted that puppy. Because he wanted it, he should have it. Period.
The little guy arrived a few hours later, joining our family Sunday afternoon. The new addition is 8 weeks old, and has come complete with his first and second set of “shots”. He doesn’t weigh much more than a pound, and will not, when fully grown, weigh much more than 5.
Mr. Ashbury has named him "Tuffy", short for "tough guy".
My beloved's sense of humor is finely honed, and I can report to you, that when the two met face to face it was a case of mutual love at first sight.
I think my beloved would take the little guy to work with him if he could. If you would like to see a picture of the two best buds, you can see it here:
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Wednesday's Words for February 27, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Angelic Forecast ~ #234
My lion man rumbles a great sigh. "Yes, my Sh’raka, I understand. However, those on Earth must stand against these soulless destroyers. They must fight for their right to live on the blue planet. To exist as a species favored by the Divine."
Now I really frown. "A little difficult to do when your wings have been clipped or torn off... constantly."
"Wings," Dhuroth intones. "It was only later that the Pegasus flew the skies."
"Fascinating," I mutter, still greatly ticked off.
"You are right to feel as you do, my Sh’raka. Yet..." My lion man strokes my arm.
"Yet," I demand, unsoothed.
"All is not as it seems," Dhuroth patiently intones.
"Perhaps not," I snap. "However, I think 'whoever' is responsible for how life is playing out on Earth, is using too many excuses."
"Yes, many feel as you do." Dhuroth hesitates, anticipating my next question. "Those on Earth, and others in the Council realms."
"Are you sensing that?" I ask. "Or have you been told? Or..."
"I am using my spiritual connection to the Council realms, my woman."
I pause, pondering Dhuroth's words, then pour out my heart. "Is there anyone who is helping humanity besides the good angels, and other benevolent beings? I mean anyone who can really..." I am at a loss for words.
The silence wraps around me for long moments. "There is," my lion man begins, "a god force from a neighboring universe. Your prayers, the prayers of others is being answered."
Indiana Jones Rises and Rides Again ... this adventurous spirit rises again at this critical juncture in humanity's evolving history/herstory. For, this fictional archetype is one of the strongest aspects of humanity's soul and heart, and will not be denied.
This will mean wholesale discoveries of artifacts that reveal the true story of the ancient past on Earth. Even now, major battles are brewing between 'those' who want humanity to know this past -- to see these ancient upon ancient devices and treasures -- and 'those' who want to keep these newly uncovered, priceless secrets to themselves. Their goal is to profit from the advanced technology of the ancient gods, while keeping humanity oppressed and dumbed down.
On the magickal, mystical front, the Mages of Ages Lost combat the de-souling of humanity, strategically countering the dark-side elite. Most of these Ages Lost' magickal ones are either women, or men who work with the Divine Feminine forces.
Currently, the Mages, who have been born in this time, are unaware of themselves. But, will begin to awaken, and fast. However, those with this past magickal wisdom, who are aware, will be reaching out to anyone who desires the connection, and intends GOOD.
On the personal front, this is a week for contemplation and reflection. That is, in those spare moments during the constant business most of us face daily.
Quiet spaces will become your friend now. Take advantage of each and every soft gentle moment.
As society changes in quantum leaps and bounds now, keep a watch out for opportunities to prosper, and improve your life. The pouring out of wisdom like the pouring waters that signify the Aquarian Age, will become one way to help others, and help yourself. Be generous with your wisdom, and accept the generosity of others.
On the paranormal front, supernatural beings and forces emerge, making themselves known to each individual, and to society at large. Yet, a terrible suppression of these *truths* begins. The dark-side elite loose their goon squads and assassination teams.
The unsealing and revealing of Antarctica, the WWII Nazi base with saucers and laser tech, as encountered by Admiral Byrd. Currently, it belongs to the one of the breakaway civilizations. *YOUTUBE VID: Third Reich - Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary*
Many now realize that WWII history as told in text books, movies, and gov-approved tomes, is mostly spoon fed LIES. This week, this month, watch for news snippets about Antarctica.
Bigfoot DNA: From UNKNOWN COUNTRY ~ "Then they go even deeper: why the frantically hostile scientific response to what is, after all, a set of findings that emerge out of ordinary, non-controversial DNA analysis done by established labs?"
On the economic front, this week, and for the coming weeks, keep some cash on hand, fill your gas tank if needed, and do your best to get your financial affairs in order.
In the near future, there could be some banking problems and/or extreme weather conditions--or a catastrophe like a severe earthquake. It is also wise to keep only enough in a bank to pay bills--for most of us, that is.
At this time, the worldwide economy is being slaughtered by the dark-side powers that be. Their bankster gangster minions want the people demonstrating in the streets 'begging' for a global currency, and for a totalitarian regime.
Meanwhile, in 'one' more inhumane way, the taxpayers are being royally screwed: Why Should Taxpayers Give Big Banks $83 Billion a Year news/ 2013-02-20/ why-should-taxpayers-give-big-banks-83-billion-a-year-.html~
On the truth front, this week, TRUTH spotlights the cockroach robber barons among us, and the poisonous snakes with malevolent intent. You will recognize these psychopaths masquerading as human beings, by their deadly fruits and deeds. If you look.
On the war front, this will be a week where power shifts hands many times between warring factions and the major nations. This is being orchestrated on purpose to further confuse the people, and muddy the blood-letting waters of the new world order crowd.
At this time, interventions by the Benevolents, the White Hats, and the Good Side Force, will begin at such a high rate, it will be a shock and awe operation against the dark-siders.
However, this will not be noticed by the public at large until several years past. In part, because the presstitute media only follows orders. Also, more hell breaks loose in many of the war theaters.
Out of this, what is known as 'project blue beam' *could* be loosed upon the people soon. The message: the alien gods are here. Bow down, people of Earth.
From a prior forecast: "Project Blue Beam, a fake alien invasion and/or contact, could be rolled out within the next six months by the military industrial complex crowd. Whatever is hyped in any way around the ET progenitors of humanity will be FAKE!"
On the tyranny-at-work front, sadly, people who are innocent, who have done nothing, who are only going about their daily lives... WILL NOW be targeted, more and more, by law enforcement agencies -- as if they are prey to be taken down, then devoured by the system.
Now is the time to be aware, and take care. If you cannot slay the monster after you, stay out of its way. If necessary, run!
On the AWAKENING front, as never before, the spiritually powerful are calling forth mighty healing and helping miracles. For, the war on human consciousness escalates. Guard yourself against those in the establishment who would reduce you to a childlike borg.
On the communication front, a communication mishmash as Mercury goes retrograde. This means both in your personal life, and on the world stage. You might find you need to repeat yourself more often.
Plus, e-devices could misfire from the snake-like waves coming from the sun that are being under reported. As well, the cyber hacking wars continue, which will likely interfere with the internet.
As well, HEADLINE Temporary tattoos could make ‘electronic telepathy,’ ‘telekinesis’ possible Temporary electronic tattoos could soon help people fly drones with only thought and talk seemingly telepathically without speech over smartphones
On the home front, Comes the time of the Desperado ... once weapons confiscation begins, it will be realized quickly that the 'real target' are those who are the standup men and women -- those who are the expert fighters and shooters -- not their cache of guns.
If you haven't, those with weapons expertise, now is the time to go Swamp Fox. "General Francis Marion *The Swamp Fox* used guerilla war tactics to outwit the British troops during the American Revolution."
On the food front, the more we all purchase the good healthy foods, and ignore BIG AGRA and GMO/GM frankenfoods, the faster there will be a renaissance of foods that nourish the body, heart, mind, and soul.
As was known in the ancient world: food is medicine.
On the land changes front, 'sinkholes' will be front and center for the next month. Likely, the strange trumpeting and the unexplained explosive sounds will ramp up again.
The comets, they come. But, are they merely comets?
AGAIN: Same ole... same ole, to repeat from last week: "all HELL is about to break loose over the next six months. Volcanoes, major and swarm earthquakes, superstorms, massive flooding, superspeed winds, volcanic eruptions beneath the oceans. Asteroids and comets, omy!
Also, gigantic sun flares or CMEs ~coronal mass ejections~ will be licking at the Earth's atmosphere like great serpentine tongues tasting prey before deciding whether to devour. Be prepared to stay indoors, if necessary."
On the energy front, this year, If the Power Goes Out... that is, if there is a massive outage that is not storm-related. If it's not a CME from the sun, direct the blame where it belongs, the corp-gov dark siders. Any so-called terrorists the administration will trot out, or whatever the scenario is they attempt to shove down our collective throats, will be just another set of lies.
On the really bad news front, given the mass mailing to Veterans telling them to turn in their guns, injustice now reigns in the country unchecked. Thus, the breaking point could be close -- from civil unrest to possible civil war.
No, there is no need for this scenario. It's not what the majority of 'the people' want. However, the dark-side controllers are using every diabolical trick and strategy to force conflict and war upon the people -- while making it appear as though the victim is the culprit.
On the good news front, over 400 county sheriffs are now on the side of the people, and have stated they will keep their oath to the constitution.
Also, behind the scenes, there are many on-the-good-side renegades preparing for what may come with their inventions, and ways to live off the grid.
On the global mafia cabal front, The Treachery at the Top Begins ... the soulless ones in control of the world economy, have always been in competition with each other. However, like mafia infighting, their treachery with each other will increase dramatically.
How could this play out?
Look for mass resignations, as has already occurred, in the financial realm ... a lot more professional hits, or so-called suicides, in the political/financial/religious/bio-tech/astronomy world.
There will likely be more chaos in the stock markets and the banking system, and an escalation in the gold and currency wars. More war bombardment, and off the chart drone strikes on the flimsiest of excuses. Also, the tenfold use of the innocent as pawns in *their* endless wars.
There could be whistleblowers airing dirty laundry in the brain-drain media, as well. Stay tuned.
Because the unbelievable is about to happen. Some of it will be spotlighted on the world stage.
On the freedom front, Let another Year of Miracles and Mayhem Begin. As the flames of freedom spread worldwide, racing ever stronger, ever fiercer -- as liberty seizes the hearts and minds of humanity everywhere, look out! This is the real 'reality show' on planet Earth.
Trendwise, stranger and stranger, and even stranger ... those times are upon us -- the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful in the extreme.
It has arrived. The time has come to batten down the hatches and hang on to those you love and trust. Dare to prepare as best as you are able. Help others who are doing the same. This will build good relationships for the future.
Another trend ... sadly, in the next several months a 'major but subtle' campaign will begin to eventually eliminate pet ownership -- except for the privileged few, of course. Every deception and lie in the book will be used to justify this soul-rending crime against humanity and animals.
KNOW THIS! Our pets want to be with us. Many in the animal kingdom want to befriend us, and be in loving partnership. This is the desire of Mother Earth, as well -- just as it once was upon this blue marble planet.
This week dance to the rhythms of your heart, your soul. The music will be within you, and will also be the music that catches your attention, what resonates with you the most. Enjoy!
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona

Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
~~~ Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~~~
World weary and worn out, the incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human, has three choices after her old van breaks down.
Let the Nazerazzi squad of the North American Union capture her and force her into a FEMA concentration camp.
Walk out into the Arizona night desert, let the wildlife have a good meal with the hope her death will be quick.
Or does she dare trust the mysterious stranger suddenly before her?
Handsome as sin and all in black, he emerges out of the darkness.
Sedona wonders if the stranger on a superspeed motorcycle is her savior from the brutal endtimes.
Or, is he a roving cult member of the New World Order, hunting his next blood sacrifice?
It’s only a few days before Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 ~ The end of the Mayan Calendar.
Sent from heaven to help Sedona save humanity, Zerr Dann knows the Divine is playing its last card on Earth.
He also knows Sedona is about to find out Christmas miracles still exist.
[Angelic Fantasy Erotic Romance]
~~~ EBOOK & IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween? ~ Ebook and In Print.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013
It's finally here! It's officially release day for THE VIRGIN SACRIFICE!
Thank you to all my friends and fans who pre-ordered the book! It's wonderful knowing you all have given me such wonderful support. Today you can download your book off the Siren website and open up the file to read it. :)
If you haven't bought your copy, you can get your copy here:
Do you enjoy sexual encounters of the virgin kind? Jewel didn't sign up to be a virgin sacrifice.
Jewel hoped to retire her life as a thief, but in order to save the life of her brother she is forced to pull off one last heist. It may as well be suicide but she has to try. The Troll King wants her to steal the Red Dragons treasure, from their lair high in the Shatundra mountains or he has promised to kill her brother.
Darius and Darryl are fierce shapeshifting red dragons and have been sleeping for years. They awoke to find a thief in their midst and a powerful drug that stops them from shifting into their stronger dragon forms to fight. They corner the thief in their lair only to discover the fierce thief is a curvaceous virgin whose body drives them to possess her and her sharp tongue dares them to try and tame her. A challenge they are both too ready to accept. They demand nothing less than passionate obedience from their raven haired beauty, but when they learn her brother’s life is in trouble, they must act or risk losing the woman that sparks passion in their souls and love in their hearts.
You can check out my entire backlist on my Siren author page here:
Lots of love,
Missy Lyons
Wednesday's Words for February 20, 2013
First, I would like to make one thing perfectly clear. I did not bring the cold weather of the last few days to Florida with me. If I thought for one moment that I had, I would indeed stand up and say so, because I do believe in taking personal responsibility for myself, and my actions.
Yes, these words on this Wednesday are coming to you from the great state of Florida. I am currently in Cocoa Beach. I’ve been in Florida since Saturday and had been staying with one of my writing friends for a few days. We’re having a visit and a writing retreat all rolled into one. We’ve moved to a hotel so that we could take in the ocean. Nothing invigorates me like being near water!
As I’ve said many times, there is nothing that quite compares to being with fellow authors, and so I seize any chance to surround myself with like-obsessed individuals. People who will not turn a hair if you say, “huh, who knew my character was going to say that?” When you’re an author spending time with fellow authors, you don’t have to explain yourself. When you’re chatting –about writing, of course—and then suddenly that bit of inspiration hits, and you turn to your keyboard and begin, really quite frantically, to pound those keys, leaving that conversation in mid sentence…well, that’s ok. Nobody minds, or holds it against you.
I need these breaks more than I have words to express. I need to feel surrounded by and immersed in the compassion of my fellow wordsmiths. Writing is a damned lonely profession, for all that it is the great passion of my life. I really don’t have many friends, because I really am a shy introvert at heart. Except for two long time girlfriends that I touch base with from time to time, my writing friends are it for me.
As the youngest child of three, I became the lonely, withdrawn one—my sister and brother are six and ten years older than I am, respectively. After my father’s passing when I was just 8, I felt that sense of being alone even more keenly.
No matter how hard we try to eradicate our formative years from our psyches, I do believe we carry a tiny bit of the child we were inside of us for the rest of our lives. Sometimes—and often without our conscious awareness or consent—that inner child emerges.
In addition to the shy child I was, for some reason, I never really had many girlfriends during my growing up years. Being shy is not conducive to making friends. In addition, I seemed to have the worst luck with picking girlfriends, most of the time.
I would inevitably choose as my friends girls who, for reasons I could never fathom, seemed to need to play games—power games, I guess—and the next thing I would know, I’d be cut out of the “herd” and once more be on the outside, looking in.
Once more reduced to that lonely and withdrawn child I once had been.
That trend followed me into adulthood, much to my annoyance.
Looking back over my life now, I believe my naiveté persisted and yes, persists, in making me believe that everyone was and is as open and transparent as I [y’all know me by now, warts and all]. I could never really see those warning signs, those tells, and thus I was and continue to be unprepared for the inevitable “surprise” when someone I counted a friend does something very un-friend like.
For the most part however, life really is terrific now. I may still get the occasional unpleasant surprise, but I am learning the lesson I needed to learn all of my life, and that was to not let the barbs, or the machinations of others affect me, personally. I have in recent times been rewarded with true friends. I know who they are! And I can count on them to remind me, when I need reminding, to “be the duck”.
And I’m especially lucky that my true friends are also authors, and Christians, and finally, and at long, long last, the beloved sisters my heart has hungered for.
I am, as I have said many times, blessed and highly favored.
Monday, February 18, 2013
The finale to Wolves of Climax is here!!
Angelic Forecast ~ #233
"As the sun energies of the future embrace us more fully, my woman, the body will once again become strong with such vitality."
"It's in the gene code, isn't it?" I ask, as the truth dawns on me.
"Yes. To be awakened at the sacred time." My lion man brings me closer to him, holding me in a lover's embrace.
"Is that one reason why the soulless ones on Earth are destroying the genetic codes of humanity?"
"Most sadly, it is."
My soul laments at the very thought of such immoral slaughter. To destroy a good genetic code somehow seems beyond belief.
I frown. "Isn't that a crime against humanity? I mean a galactic crime. A universe crime?"
"It is a spiritual crime. Punishment cannot be escaped. Yet, that is not what you address, is it, my one?"
"No. I want it stopped. Immediately."
My lion man rumbles a great sigh. "Yes, my Sh’raka, I understand. However, those on Earth must stand against these soulless destroyers. They must fight for their right to live on the blue planet. To exist as a species favored by the Divine."
Now I really frown. "A little difficult to do when your wings have been clipped or torn off... constantly."
"Wings," Dhuroth intones. "It was only later that the Pegasus flew the skies."
"Fascinating," I mutter, still greatly ticked off.
Strange, and Stranger Times Are Upon Us ... now, it becomes wise to pay close attention to the way the world twists and turns. Know too, the serpentine path of events will be difficult to follow, and thus, to decipher.
Now, a mega-triggering of events begins across the globe. This 'triggering' will be from both the dark-side controllers and the good side liberators, and these events will be monstrous, to small unseen gamechangers.
Currently, final sides are being chosen, and the battle prepared for. Be aware of these media-covered-up undercurrents, or you could be pulled under.
On the magickal, mystical front, the forces and spirits of Nature reach out to those of us who love goodness and beauty. It is time to become close allies with Nature -- with the animals and the plant kingdom -- during the massive societal changes arriving in the near future.
Know this, cooperation will be our Divine salvation as upheavals of every sort quake the Earth.
On the personal front, a flashpoint week ahead. Several trends in your life could flash together, then combine or collide. Out of this, move fast when making key decisions.
This is likely to be true, especially when dealing with finances, or overall financial situations. However, now is 'not' the time to take chances with your basic resources.
On the paranormal front, he's alive, she's alive! That is, Bigfoot, or the Bigfeet people. Here's more evidence ~ HEADLINE: DNA Report Proves Bigfoot Is Real Say 11 Scientists Of 5 Year Study, published by the DeNovo Journal of Science.
This week, there will be ever more UFO sightings, and Mars is gradually coming out of the shadow-government closet. That is, the real truth about the red planet.
On the economic front, it's a chump's game from this point forward. This includes the entire financial establishment, despite the good people still involved.
Less and less trust in the stock market, and banks, will cause major shifts toward new ways of doing business. Wisely, people are deserting this on-the-way-to-the-bottom Titanic.
Meanwhile, the banks, and the Bankster Gangsters, will dangle enticements, meant to con the people into investing in the system. Remember, the presstitute media' experts are not your friend. And never were.
On the truth front, wisdom now reveals TRUTH. The old souls among us, and those with wise natures, begin releasing more hidden truths. As the year, 2013, progresses this information will shake, rattle, and roll humanity's core belief systems.
On the war front, this week, and ongoing, major confrontations between nations will continue in the 'staged' war theater. Likely North Korea will be hyped as the next up and coming BIG ENEMY.
However, the world-war battle behind the scenes is being fought using the horrific weapon of weather manipulation. Also, the use of satellite-based weaponry ramps up this week.
Once again, 'let's go to war' will be sold to the public as a good and necessary thing. NOTHING could be further from the truth.
On the tyranny-at-work front, the real snakes come sliding and slithering out of the global woodpile now. With their fake smiles, or their 'serious save the world' faces, the so-called world leaders who grab the spotlight this week, will 'speak with forked tongue'. As never before.
On the AWAKENING front, the major timeline convergence is here, and ongoing. Many Earth timelines are being joined in preparation for the grace and beauty of the new age. Or, the future that the new world order crowd doesn't want you know is possible.
On the communication front, 'trauma-drama-karma' ... this now becomes the realm of communication for many of us at this time. These old energies inside us now surface and swirl as humanity moves forward, and into the Aquarian Age.
For, this is how the path is cleared, toward what could be called the way of crystalline communication, that will occur between individuals, and like-minded groups.
On the home front, folks are getting testy for a whole range of good reasons. However, do your best 'not' to be cruel to those who 'don't' deserve it.
Do your best 'not' to pick on someone who can't fight back, as is happening now, even from those who don't realize what they're doing -- and wouldn't do it if they truly understood.
However, the time has come to go after 'those' who *do* deserve it. Enough is enough.
On the food front, one farmer attempts to slay the giant Monsanto in court. And raw milk proponents are taking on the establishment.
Meanwhile, Marijuana has been bastardized, turned into a GM franken-plant in South America. This means when legalization occurs, the HUGE profits will now go to the BIG GMO corporations, and the little businesses will be shut out. Also, this GM Marijuana is a health destroyer, not a health restorer as the Divine intended.
Here's another reminder! Stock up on as much good food and other supplies as you are able. You will be grateful you did in the future.
On the land changes front, Asteroids, Comets, Meteors Oh My! Here they come. However, to what quantity and frequency remains unknown, since there are 'forces' able to divert or destroy such celestial objects.
Same ole... same ole, to repeat from last week: "all HELL is about to break loose over the next six months. Volcanoes, major and swarm earthquakes, superstorms, massive flooding, superspeed winds, volcanic eruptions beneath the oceans. Asteroids and comets, omy!
Also, gigantic sun flares or CMEs ~coronal mass ejections~ will be licking at the Earth's atmosphere like great serpentine tongues tasting prey before deciding whether to devour. Be prepared to stay indoors, if necessary."
On the energy front, what are known as free energy, or Tesla-type devices, have been in use behind the scenes by the Military Industrial Complex for decades... at least.
Besides, the fact that metering this type of energy is impossible, and it's much easier to control/oppress people with a dark ages' oil economy... that stated, there is another nefarious reason why these devices are being suppressed.
Once this type of energy field is truly understand by the public, creating your own so-called flying saucer and/or flying car is no big deal. That means, a whole new level of freedom and prosperity. For, our destiny is in the stars.
On the really bad news front, the world is about to explode on many levels, beyond what has been happening already. Hang onto your tails, and your loved ones.
Make plans for as many contingencies as you can. And know, as the year progresses, it could come down to neighbor against neighbor in some circumstances, and areas.
On the good news front, more celestial help is on the way for humanity and for Mother Earth. The overall goodness of humanity shines forth more brightly, attracting beneficial assistance at this time.
Also, look for practical ways to improve your life with new products from smaller business enterprises. Much ingenuity is occurring, and will continue especially if supported by the people.
On the global mafia cabal front, the factional fighting happens at the highest levels now. One sign will be high profile resignations -- also, the disappearances and deaths of politicians, and top-echelon corporate types.
On the freedom front, The Warrior Spirit spreads throughout the land. Once again, the same 1776 revolutionary fervor seizes hold of the hearts, minds, and souls of those who say: "Don't Tread on Me". For, the rattlesnake awakens, and shakes his tail.
As well, there is a new Sheriff's movement sweeping across the country. *Come and Take It* counties throughout the land, are being declared, as opposed to *Bend Over and Take It* counties.
Meanwhile, the snake-in-the-grass media will continue demonizing everyone who believes 'true' freedom is a basic human right. While, maintaining their hypocritical reports on the Middle East 'freedom fighters'.
Trendwise, on the verge of civil conflict, it's here. The larger metropolitan areas will no longer be safe for many of us.
Meanwhile, the insane puppet dance of lies and deception continues, all to keep the public dumb enough, and entertained enough -- for long enough. At the same time, the preening emperor begins to fall from grace. Hard.
*Lunacy at Breakneck Speed* is the theme for the next four months, and sums up the current state of the world.
Across the planet, there is corruption in deed, corruption of the heart and soul, non-stop and accelerating deception, a lemmings mentality, raging tyrannical psychopaths on the loose -- rape, pillage, and plunder of the people unparalleled -- leaders who act like spoiled, demonic five year olds.
It's a world of trouble. Now is the time for ALL the good people to come together. Stand together. And create the world anew.
This is a perfect week to take walks and wax poetic, to mentally dance with your muse. Share with others, as you feel inspired.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona

Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
~~~ Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~~~
World weary and worn out, the incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human, has three choices after her old van breaks down.
Let the Nazerazzi squad of the North American Union capture her and force her into a FEMA concentration camp.
Walk out into the Arizona night desert, let the wildlife have a good meal with the hope her death will be quick.
Or does she dare trust the mysterious stranger suddenly before her?
Handsome as sin and all in black, he emerges out of the darkness.
Sedona wonders if the stranger on a superspeed motorcycle is her savior from the brutal endtimes.
Or, is he a roving cult member of the New World Order, hunting his next blood sacrifice?
It’s only a few days before Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 ~ The end of the Mayan Calendar.
Sent from heaven to help Sedona save humanity, Zerr Dann knows the Divine is playing its last card on Earth.
He also knows Sedona is about to find out Christmas miracles still exist.
[Angelic Fantasy Erotic Romance]
~~~ EBOOK & IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween? ~ Ebook and In Print.

Friday, February 15, 2013
Release Day for The Dom with the Dragon Tattoo
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Wednesday's Words for February 13, 2013
You’ve got to love that guy, Anonymous, don’t you? What a clever fellow he was! If you Google “sayings by anonymous” there’re quite a few, really. If you’re a fan of irony, as I am, you’ll love this one, attributed to him: write a wise saying and your name will live forever.
Mr. Ashbury and I got quite a chuckle out of that one.
My personal favorite saying/quote/maxim of all time from anonymous is one I heard about twenty years ago and have repeated to myself periodically ever since: life is 5% what happens to me and 95% how I deal with it.
I guess this quote is my favorite because I am a great believer in personal responsibility—in standing up and taking the reins of my life in my own hands. For those who may be reading this essay who aren’t, I give you the following testimonial. I am 58 years old and I have often been wrong, or made mistakes. I’ve said, “I’m sorry, I was wrong,” and, “I’m sorry, I screwed up,” and even, “I have no excuse. I just messed up.” And guess what? It didn’t kill me, or hurt me (well except in my pride but I generally need a good swift kick there every once in a while anyway). I suffered no ill effects from saying, basically, “it’s my fault, I did it.”
I’ve discovered that honesty and apologies cost me nothing whatsoever, and even have the side benefits of not only making me feel better inside, but garnering me some invaluable goodwill from others.
Unfortunately, owning up and making amends is a dying art, apparently.
Can we please get back to that place where everyone’s taking responsibility for themselves and their actions was the norm? Can we get back to using common sense, and to helping others just because we can and because it’s the right thing to do? And can we please put a lid on our bitching about how hard everything is, and open instead the box marked “Innovations and solutions found here”?
Can we accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative, just as that old song suggested?
Life is hard. I happen to believe it is meant to be hard. That’s how we grow, that’s how we learn the lessons we’re meant to learn. There is work to be done, and in the process, we’re going to get tired, we’re going to ache, and we’re going to suffer frustration.
Those are the real facts of life.
But we don’t need to let those harsher aspects of living define us. We certainly don’t need to let them limit our possibilities.
I loved my mother. She wasn’t at all what you’d call a nurturing kind of woman. She had difficulty expressing her emotions—I can count on the fingers of both hands the number of times she hugged me. She put the lion’s share of her energy into her job—she was a registered nurse—but she did that because her husband—our father—had died and she felt keenly her responsibility to provide for us. She was a widow who, for the rest of her time on earth, before she joined my father—just 13 years—mourned her husband deeply and unceasingly.
She had many very fine qualities. I learned from those. I also learned from the one or two aspects of her personality that weren’t quite so stellar.
My mother suffered from severe osteoarthritis. Hers was so bad in her knees that her legs became somewhat deformed. In the last couple of years of her life—she died very young, just two months shy of her 57th birthday—she underwent surgery to correct this condition.
Prior to that, she was in a tremendous amount of pain, and I can recall vividly listening to her moaning and/or crying in the evening. I would be upstairs in my bed, and she downstairs at the kitchen table. I can recall her saying, many times, “this sure isn’t much of a life”.
I understood it wasn’t just the physical pain that made her say things like that. To be a teenager bearing witness to this broke my heart. I wished, with all that was in me, that I could have helped her in some way. I even remember praying and asking God to take her pain from her and give it to me. Of course, I never really expected to be in a similar position, suffering from the same affliction and dealing with unremitting pain, so many years later.
But I am, and I understand her and what she went through a bit better now, but my attitude is different. Because I’ve discovered that focusing on the pain doesn’t relieve it; it exacerbates it. And I’ve discovered, too, that I could say to myself, “this isn’t much of a life”. Or I can choose not to. Of course, there are moments, especially if I’m tired, when my resolve falters, and it all seems a bit too much to take. But those are only moments, and I keep them to myself.
It’s okay to sit on the pity pot for a few minutes every once in a while, as long as I flush when I am done.
Because my life really is 5 per cent of what happens to me, and 95 per cent how I choose to deal with it. And I choose, whenever anyone asks me how I am to say, “I’m terrific!”
And I mean it, too.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Desiree's Lone Wolves - New Book Trailer!
Ten years ago, Carson and Sam Quarry’s father died in a freak accident. Carson doesn’t believe it was any accident and makes it no secret that he believes their pack alpha, Remy Bastien, killed their father.
When Carson commits the most heinous offense a shifter can commit against another shifter, it gives Remy just the opening he needs to get Carson and Sam’s mother right where he’s always wanted her—mated to him.
The family makes it their business to keep a low profile at The Double R. This is an easy enough task before Desiree Jensen, a conservative city slicker with painful secrets of her own, lands at the ranch, too.
Despite her quiet and sheltered existence, Desiree is a lot stronger than she seems. Is she strong enough, however, to survive the fatal charms of two wolf shifters from her wildest dreams, especially when one is marked for death?
View Book Trailer Here:
Angelic Forecast ~ #232
"It is paradise. The paradise we once enjoyed together." Dhuroth teases me with a grape, then slips it inside my mouth.
After savoring the juicy fruit, I frown. "Yes, I feel the truth of your words. But, why Pegasus...?"
"Because, my Sh’raka, wings added speed when pulling a race chariot."
Considering my lion man's words for several moments, I see the logic, yet have to ask, "Wouldn't that take a lot of energy that could be used for speed and endurance?"
I twist a bit in his embrace, gazing up at his handsome leonine face. Oh, I do adore him. More each day.
"In those times, physical energy was quite different in nature, and was not in short supply."
Dhuroth sweeps a caress over my thigh, and I luxuriate in the sensuality, in his love for me.
"Wouldn't that be nice?" I say, as I attempt to imagine how that would feel. What it would be like to live in that way -- no energy restraints?
"As the sun energies of the future embrace us more fully, my woman, the body will once again become strong with such vitality."
"It's in the gene code, isn't it?" I ask, as the truth dawns on me.
"Yes. To be awakened at the sacred time." My lion man brings me closer to him, holding me in a lover's embrace.
"Is that one reason why the soulless ones on Earth are destroying the genetic codes of humanity?"
The Chinese Year of the Water Snake is here. Now, those of real wisdom combat the sinister corruption slithering across the world. Or, this is the lightsword rematch between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader.
This time Obi-Wan Kenobi is the victor. That is, if it is the Will of the people.
On the magickal, mystical front, the true wisdom of the 'time-lost' antediluvian Magicians now emerges into our societal consciousness, and becomes an endless wave of energy and information during the year, 2013. Time to tune into this way of magick, that has been kept hidden from most of us.
On the personal front, this will be a tricky, sidewinder type of week for most of us, especially around finances. With the down-turning economy, the deceptive snakes are coming out of the woodwork, and looking to make you their prey.
On a bright note, this week will also be about the joys of family, biological and including your soul family. There could be reconciliations with family members--even ones in the miraculous category. The vibes are right.
As well, look for financial opportunities that will tide you over, but are on the up and up, and not about making you the victim of a con man/woman.
On the paranormal front, UFO sightings continue to make headlines throughout the world, even if ignored by the cleavage-babes' media. Sightings will go in fits and starts from this point forward. However, many more of these events will be up close and personal.
Like the humanoid-type fetus found in a sheep's womb recently, this sort of creature-strangeness will continue, and only escalate as the year progresses. Also, there will be, in next three months, more sightings and stories about mermaids.
As well, some wild animals will keep reaching out to people, as has already been reported. One example in the news, was the dolphin who asked a diver for help.
On the economic front, watch out! Behind the scenes major manipulations of the world currencies are happening at lightspeed. Cyber attacks on the banking system are ongoing, and ruthless.
This means quick fluctuations in the stock market, and global prices. Plus, there could be bank holidays disguised as cyber hacking.
That stated, most of the currency and gold-wars chaos happening on the world stage, is being manufactured by the 'dark-side powers that be'. This is an evil strategy.
It's about forcing people worldwide to abdicate their 'rights'. To wave the flag of surrender, and join the hive, one world mind.
Brave 'white hat' forces continue to battle the bankster gangster crowd. This is slowing down the sinister plans of the dark-side elite, thus, delaying WWIII.
On the truth front, Currently, there is an assassination-purge going on of TRUTH TELLERS and whistleblowers. Watch your backs, dearest ones, and flood the public domain with any so-called 'conspiracy theory' info and/or research. Do this as quickly as possible. This will help you stay alive. ~In remembrance of Phillip Marshall, a true hero who lived and walked in his truth~
During this Year of the Water Snake, TRUTH slithers up from the deep, deep dark, where it has been kept deliberately buried. These 'truths' will be from the modern times and from the most ancient of times. Watch for it. Because mass enlightenment follows.
On the war front, another complicated week and month ahead. The big-player nations square off, vying and fighting like vipers for position and territory worldwide.
Meanwhile, behind the proverbial scenes, 'these same nations' plot their strategies to gain one-world domination for their bankster gangster masters. Bloody cruel wars, engineered famines and genocides, brutality beyond belief--these are the tools of their military and mercenary trade.
This week, or next, there is likely to be a CIRCUS CIRCUS event that will be exploited by the presstitute media, as a reason to ATTACK the so-labeled enemy like a pack of rabid zombie dogs. Or, bomb them out of existence.
On the tyranny-at-work front, the Palpatine-emperor decrees mandates out the wazoo, while his willing political cohorts 'appear' to battle back. It's all for show.
It's all to buy more time against the 'mass awakening' population -- before the giant that is freedom roars awake. This will be a drama of epic proportions, so stay tuned. And pay attention to your soul. For, this is the key to lasting victory over totalitarianism.
On the AWAKENING front, now comes an awakening to the miraculous by many more on Mother Earth. Out of the GOOD HEART, out of our good acts, miracles that meet our deepest needs now appear in our lives, and on the world stage.
This will be subtle, even unrecognizable at times. However, at this point in our history/herstory, the time has come for miracles on a mass public scale.
For, we walk in new energies of potential.
On the communication front, "from the nightmare toward the dream" ... as spoken by Robert Ghost Wolf on December 29, 1998 with radio legend, Art Bell. Robert Ghost Wolf was a true shaman for these times, a renaissance man who spoke from his heart, and now speaks past his grave to ALL of us.
On the home front, this week *craziness* is the order of the day. Minute by minute, the level of insanity rises like the waters of death in an Indiana Jones trap.
Escape from the 'psycho looney tunes' culture being forced on the people, will require ingenuity, intention, and working together as a community. For lasting and real salvation tune into your spiritual nature. Connect with Mother Earth. Walk on the land and beneath the bright rays of the sun.
On the food front, HEADLINE & SNIPPET: Virus in GM Foods Could be Dangerous ~Friday, February 8, 2013 ... "GM crops such as corn, which are being grown around the world for both human and farm animal consumption, include a virus gene that could be poisonous to humans that has not been tested for safety."
As stated before:Natural foods grown/raised locally and organically as possible, is your best bet to keep your health in these times. Whoever is able and able-bodied, return to the land, and help with food production.
Plus, BEWARE! Pet treats from China are poisoning dogs and cats again.
On the land changes front, all HELL is about to break loose over the next six months. Volcanoes, major and swarm earthquakes, superstorms, massive flooding, superspeed winds, volcanic eruptions beneath the oceans. Asteroids and comets, omy!
Also, gigantic sun flares or CMEs ~coronal mass ejections~ will be licking at the Earth's atmosphere like great serpentine tongues tasting prey before deciding whether to devour. Be prepared to stay indoors, if necessary.
On the energy front, every attempt is being made by secret rebel groups to bring 'free energy' technology to the people. If you are involved, or become involved, spread this knowledge and technology far and wide -- as swiftly as possible. This will help defeat the big oil cartels, and end the dark oil age.
In the meantime, if you can, get off the energy grid as much as possible with solar energy, by making alcohol for fuel, and using other energy devices. Modern wood-burning stoves will become invaluable to some.
On the really bad news front, like hungry boa constrictors, the bankster gangsters and their masters, continue to squeeze the life out of the people. There will be no relief until the people say, NO MORE. And take action.
On the good news front, ever more people are abandoning the system, and searching for better ways to survive and thrive. This will become an unstoppable movement, despite the establishment's brutal and ongoing crackdown.
On the global mafia cabal front, the factional splits are lessening as the dark-side realizes some of the people are savage and intelligent wolves in sheeple clothing. Look for the rise of this brave fierce ones.
On the freedom front, Once again in our country's history, the rattlesnake of liberty coils and rises with the warning: DON'T TREAD ON ME!
Trendwise, New Moon in Aquarius ~ Chinese Year of the Water Snake
With the new moon in Aquarius, and given we now walk in the Age of Aquarius -- all things will be new, or made anew during the following year, 2013.
That is the golden opportunity and the great challenge before each one of us, and before humanity as a whole. *What has been*, the old structures of society are crumbling into eventual dust.
As has been stated previously, and to paraphrase the wisdom of others: there is a choice before all of us at this critical turning point. Do we bring forth a renaissance paradise or allow another soul-stealing dark ages?
Will we the people demand real honest-to-goodness freedom? Or will the black-hearted tyranny of the 'new world order crowd' be set upon us, a venomous attack that not only steals our very lives, but steals our precious souls, as well?
In truth, the wildfires of freedom now boldly sweep across the world, and have become invincible. However, will these towering fires of liberty continue to blaze ever more brightly, or be constantly crushed beneath the leviathan boot heel of the dark-side global oppressors?
That becomes the choice this year of 2013. Our choice as individuals. And our collective choice as human beings living upon the blessed Mother Earth.
This week, where love is freely given from the heart, there will be miracles, great and small. Enjoy.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona

Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
~~~ Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~~~
World weary and worn out, the incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human, has three choices after her old van breaks down.
Let the Nazerazzi squad of the North American Union capture her and force her into a FEMA concentration camp.
Walk out into the Arizona night desert, let the wildlife have a good meal with the hope her death will be quick.
Or does she dare trust the mysterious stranger suddenly before her?
Handsome as sin and all in black, he emerges out of the darkness.
Sedona wonders if the stranger on a superspeed motorcycle is her savior from the brutal endtimes.
Or, is he a roving cult member of the New World Order, hunting his next blood sacrifice?
It’s only a few days before Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 ~ The end of the Mayan Calendar.
Sent from heaven to help Sedona save humanity, Zerr Dann knows the Divine is playing its last card on Earth.
He also knows Sedona is about to find out Christmas miracles still exist.
[Angelic Fantasy Erotic Romance]
~~~ EBOOK & IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween? ~ Ebook and In Print.

Saturday, February 9, 2013
The Virgin Sacrifice is now available to pre-order
The Virgin Sacrifice is now available for pre-order. It's a great fantasy romance with two red hot dragon lovers and a thief who thinks she is more experienced than she is, but a virgin can't be prepared for this.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Read the first pages of Surrounded by Roses
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