Monday, December 10, 2012

Angelic Forecast ~ #223

It strikes me as I keep remembering the experience. "Every animal is sentient. And yet, there is a difference."

"There is. It is a choice to evolve on a different path, toward a higher destiny. What would be known as the human path on Earth."

"The human path... destiny... Winter Solstice 2012." I say as I suddenly realize... "We've moved forward in time." Stunned, I ask, "How did that happen?"

"I am a magician with Time," my lion man explains, a certain smugness to his purring voice.

"Is that so?" Turning in his embrace, I study his magnificent face. "Am I supposed to remember that about you?"

"Do you?" he asks with an enigmatic lift of his brows.

I still inside trying to move past the clouds of confusion that fill my head. "I promised me we would be together again. At this time, during 2012."

"Yes, beloved one. I did promise." Dhuroth regards me with obvious affection, but with some concern.

Before my mind's eye, I see a golden light form like a sun inside me. The light expands outward, enveloping me.

Why this happening, I don't know. But who am I to deny this wondrous sensation?

"It is the cosmic gold of the galactic center, my Sh’raka. You are a gateway."

My heart trips the light fantastic at Dhuroth's words. Something in me 'knows', yet I ask, "Gateway?"

"Through you, this gift of light is transformed. Those on Earth are better able receive this sacred energy."

Staggered, I have no words, just a tumble of disjointed thoughts. "Am I doing it right?" I finally ask.

My lion man rumbles laugh. "Just right, my one."




Arrives now the Dragon Queen and Dragon King, as cosmic energies of the universe. Their combined mission against the Dragons of the Evil Ones, is to defend the innocent, and broaden the circle of planetary ENLIGHTENMENT.

For soon, we step through the *Winter Solstice 2012* gateway, and into the higher frequencies of the Aquarian Age. 

Several dynamics will converge this week, and into the next. While choirs of angels sing the 'golden elucidation' into Mother Earth's vibration -- and embrace humanity with their constant LOVE -- land changes escalate to a frightening level across the globe.

At this time, your intuition, your 'inner knowing' becomes your best friend in determining how to handle the massive changes bearing down on all of us. As well, it becomes crucial to have caring relationships 'only' with those who have your best interest at heart.

On the personal front, this week is likely to be a *Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde* experience, a roller coaster ride that could shake you to your core, good and bad.

Or, another way of looking at it is: *Check Your Sanity At the Door* because likely you'll be caught up in a whirlwind of events and/or emotions.

One feature of this week, will be a purge of unneeded energy patterns, where a lot of us on Earth are still trround and notice this 'grandeur', especially as you observe and interact with Nature. Feel how the Earth Mother is reaching out to embrace you close, and nurture you.

Also, 12-12-12 is this upcoming Wednesday. This date is a magickal opportunity to travel inward, and glimpse the dreams you've never known were inside you -- the dreams waiting to be expressed. As well, many will be joining in prayer and meditation to bring forth LOVE, and heighten the 'good, good' cosmic vibrations of this day.

On the paranormal front, all things paranormal/supernatural rises exponentially in the awareness of humanity. This will be reflected by Big Media news stories, movies, and programming, because it is unstoppable. However, wherever possible, it will be twisted and co-opted to serve the dark-side's agenda.

Of note this week, the ability to be noticeably telepathic will begin for many. As an undercurrent of how we communicate with each other, telepathy starts to become commonplace in the new age.

Last week reports of UFO sightings were off the charts. This will likely continue.

On the economic front, the theme for this week is: Economic Warfare Against the People. Or, This Financial Holocaust Brought to You by the Bankster Gangster Crowd.

With the ongoing slow collapse of the economy, more and more of the people will be forced to owe their souls to the BIG BANKS, and the BIG BOX company stores.

Meanwhile, the middle class is being taxed into oblivion. Meanwhile, oil wars, gold wars, and currency wars, now rage between blocks of nations.

To fully bring in the new world order, what is termed 'forced debt creation' is being implemented. In simple terms this means 'the people' are being suckered and defrauded -- intentionally turned into debt slaves.

Despite the endless promises, there will be no relief from Big Gov, only more pain. As one spiritually aware individual stated, "time to abandon everything gov related." This advice is wise. If you are able to free yourself in any way. DO IT!  

On the truth front, now comes the rise of the Crystal Children, as they have been called. This young generation heralds the Aquarian Age, and brings in the frequency of clarity.

TRUTH for the sake of truth is their very nature. Also, these Crystal Children are gifts, and demonstrate the magic of life for us -- what will one day become the norm for ALL of us.

As well, from a previous forecast: "the fierce energy of the dragon drops bombshell after bombshell on humanity, especially if you know where to look and are willing to know the 'truth' no matter what."

On the war front, the theme for this week: Ho Hum... More Lies From the Presstitute Media. Once again, the same old, tired playbook will be used to justify the horrors of war.

This week: 'Let the war begin' will be the roaring battle cry of the establishment. Meanwhile, there is a fast-growing segment of the population who is saying 'hell no, we won't go!'

Further, given the wild-card complexities of the war theater in the Mideast, the unexpected will happen. Out of this, the White Hat forces will capitalize to bring about a lessening of the overall violence. Look for anything 'odd'.

On the home front, while many prepare for and celebrate the holiday season, hysteria grips 'some' over the cosmic gateway known as Winter Solstice 2012.

Also, last week several news stories broke about mysterious booms being heard across the continental US... From the 'prior' forecast: "currently there is a civil war between different factions within the 'shadow' military industrial complex. Almost constant battles are taking place, a lot of them underground. Get ready for more strange and unexplained explosions. This will likely escalate, especially as December 21, 2012 nears."

On the food front, the ongoing adulteration of the food supply will dramatically increase. The people will fight back, and the battle is on. Saving the integrity of the food supply will become the mission of many people at this time, and their efforts will be heroic.

On the land changes front, during this cycle of time, the sun takes center stage. Sol proves his fiery mastery over the solar system, and this means the earth changes quicken.

There will be fiercer superstorms, volcanoes, and earthquakes. Also, volcanic eruptions in the ocean will play a key role.

This week, the truth about other celestial bodies in the solar system -- previously kept hidden from the people -- will be exposed in an obscure manner.

Meanwhile, the weather wars take their toll on Mother Earth, her people, and her animals and plants. In the near future, the Beneficent Ones will likely take action against 'those' who manipulate weather patterns for sinister purposes.

On the energy front, the global cabal who rules with oil, called the 'black gold stranglehold', want to keep humanity imprisoned inside a new, 'dark oil age'. However, the cabal now battles to stop the development of energy device after new energy device. For, enough of the people are determined to be free of their stranglehold.

On the really bad news front, the medical system is gradually being gutted by design. In the future, REAL health care won't exist, except for the super rich elite. Essentially, the current generation is paying for its own nefariously 'planned' demise.

On the good news front, shamans, healers arise across the world. Now, the natural ways of healing return full force to save the people, and assist Mother Earth.

'Those' possessing gifts of healing will be encouraged by the good angels to develop and use their ability for ALL. New energy modalities of healing are coming forth, as well.

On the global mafia cabal front,1984 meets Sky Net. The horrors are here, and expanding relentlessly, like a monstrous spider's sticky web. Beware, take care, and prepare.

On the freedom front, the spirit of liberty burns bright and hot worldwide, and will not be stopped. To repeat from last week's forecast:

Renegades, Your Time is Now

At this point in history, the renegade spirit in all of us RISES, fierce, radiant, and unrelenting.

Renegade leaders come forth from every sector of society. They now challenge the brutal corruption ruling and ruining the whole of our world.

This renegade activism, this new culture, becomes absolutely crucial to overcoming the dark-siders, to bringing forth paradise on Earth.

We, who stand for the liberation of humanity, rise out of the ashes like the fiery, invincible phoenix. We utilize our soul gifts, our hard-won abilities -- our heart, mind, body, soul and spirit, to ascend beyond any form of tyranny.

Trendwise, Passion as a living force begins. The 'passion of the human heart' breaks through, and breaks free.

This aspect of our being has been suppressed for the last age. However, now this fierce new vitality can no longer be denied, and eventually this deep-soul passion will be expressed in every facet and aspect of your life.

As has been spoken about before, one of the keys to the full AWAKENING of humanity will be the continued disclosure of our hidden heritage, hidden for centuries now. This week look for a large disclosure which 'could' center around the planet, Mars.

On the Winter Solstice 2012 front, this week gather in the golden goodness the Divine is sending to us All. Drink in the sacred sweet LOVE that fills every dark corner of your heart -- the LOVE purifying your soul. For, you are the Beloved. 

Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona

Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.


~~~ Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~~~

World weary and worn out, the incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human, has three choices after her old van breaks down.

Let the Nazerazzi squad of the North American Union capture her and force her into a FEMA concentration camp.

Walk out into the Arizona night desert, let the wildlife have a good meal with the hope her death will be quick.

Or does she dare trust the mysterious stranger suddenly before her?

Handsome as sin and all in black, he emerges out of the darkness.

Sedona wonders if the stranger on a superspeed motorcycle is her savior from the brutal endtimes.

Or, is he a roving cult member of the New World Order, hunting his next blood sacrifice?


It’s only a few days before Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 ~ The end of the Mayan Calendar.

Sent from heaven to help Sedona save humanity, Zerr Dann knows the Divine is playing its last card on Earth.

He also knows Sedona is about to find out Christmas miracles still exist.

[Angelic Fantasy Erotic Romance]

~~~ EBOOK & IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list

Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.


Kisses from Savanna Kougar...

~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~

Siren-BookStrand Author of ~

All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]

When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]

Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
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Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]

Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print

Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
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Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~  What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween? ~ Ebook and In Print.