I don’t know where I’d be if it wasn’t for my vibrant and yes, somewhat offbeat and often quirky sense of humor. Life is hard, and if you couldn’t laugh at yourself and the way you end up on your ass from time to time, how would you get through it? I’ve heard it said that the human body cannot produce laughter and ulcers at the same time – that it’s chemically impossible for it to do so. I don’t know if that’s true, or not. But it sure sounds as if it should be.
It’s hard not to be tense in these times. It’s also hard to, as they say, “not let the turkeys get you down”. Like everything else in life, keeping a good sense of humor, and exercising it on a regular basis is a decision.
But it’s a decision well made.
My daughter and I are in our fifth week of our fitness regimen. Most days we go together, but some days because of her schedule, she meets me there. The facility is beautiful, and though we have missed a couple of days due to being under the weather, we don’t either of us let that bother us. A missed day does not a regimen break. And trust me, over the last few weeks we’ve each had plenty to chuckle about as we’ve tried to get back into the swing of things. Even self-depreciating laughter helps.
On Monday, when we’d finished the last element of our routine—the swim—we were relaxing in the hydro-therapy pool, which we do every time we go there. This is a hot tub with jets, and is about twice the size of any one I’ve seen at any hotel. It isn’t as hot as a regular Jacuzzi, just warm enough to help sore and recently worked muscles. A father was bringing his small daughter, complete with water wings, into the pool. The child’s mother was already in the water, so daddy lifted her, intending to hand her over. The moment her small body cleared the edge of the pool, the toddler began to pump her legs, mid-air, for all she was worth.
Jenny and I burst out laughing, because we were both reminded of our puppies being lowered into the bathtub.
Watching kids play is a good way to grab yourself some lighter mood. They are totally invested in their world, and in that world there is nothing but play. Do you still play? Maybe not in the sandbox, but do you take time to just have fun? It’s a difficult habit to cultivate, because the adult in us insists that we need to be serious and do what needs doing and not waste any time! I just love those memes on Face Book, that talk about being too tired to “adult” today. Aside from making me smile, they tell me I’m not the only one to feel that way, and that’s always a comfort.
I was beginning to fall into the trap of thinking that the time spent at the gym and the pool—about nine hours a week counting travel time—was infringing on my more serious and important “work time”. It took me a couple of weeks to convince myself that if I just stick with it for a few more weeks, then my energy will improve so that the time I do spend working will in fact be more productive. It’s getting there. Already, my daughter has confessed she isn’t nearly as tired during her work day as she was pre-exercise program. It does this mother’s heart good when her child who is not a child can admit that her mom was right, after all.
It is hard to keep your sense of humor in fit shape, just as it’s hard to keep your body that way. And like your body, if you let your humor go without proper exercise, it takes a while for you to get it back where it should be.
I have a no-fail prescription for that situation. It’s my go-to emergency plan when I feel myself falling into a bad mood, or when I am just really sad, and I don’t want to be that way anymore. Yes, sadness and even bad moods have their place and their purpose. But they’re like going to the toilet. Everybody does it but nobody wants to stay there all day, or even dwell on the experience beyond what’s necessary.
So go to YouTube and look for laughing babies. Just like laughter and ulcer formation can’t co-exist, neither can your down mood and laughing baby videos.
They’ll get you cracking up, every time.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Wednesday's Words for March 30, 2016
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Angelic Forecast from Volcano ~ March 28, 2016
Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...
Due to circumstances beyond my control, the Weekly Angelic Forecast from Volcano HAS BEEN SUSPENDED. FOR NOW.
Monday 21, 2016 ~ Beloved Ones, these times on planet Earth will go into a rapid-fire chaos. Great deeds will be yours to do during this epic turning-point. Know that echoes of 1776 are upon you. Grab this destiny that is freedom for ALL of humanity. ~All Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
Monday 14, 2016 ~ A reminder ... Dearest Humanity, Hold Tight To Your Divine Right To Be Forever Free ... Free In Mind, Free of Heart, Free To Be the Creative Spirit You Are. ~All Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
March 7, 2016 ~ During this powerful time of a New Moon Eclipse, look to your inner knowing. This spiritual door inside yourself opens ever wider. For, the time has come to learn how to trust yourself, and your wisdom, in much greater ways. Beloved Ones On Earth, Step into a Greater You. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
February 29, 2016 ~ Beloved Ones On Earth, May You Know Every Blessing This Leap Year. The Divine time has come to leap over those hurdles that have stopped you in the past. For, you are more than you have ever believed. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
February 22, 2016 ~ To the Beloved Ones of Earth, may the Full Snow Moon light your pathway in life. And may the moonlight grace your beloved's face. For, this is a time to know and receive love. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
February 15, 2016 ~ To the Beloved Ones of Earth, know the time of earning your freedom, and taking back your liberty from those who would steal it from you, has come. If you would be free, stand with the heroic renegades among you.
February 8, 2016 ~ To the Beloved Ones of Earth, Stay Close To Your Families. If You Feel the Urge To Move From a Troubled Area, Act Upon It, and Know You Are Guided. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
February 1, 2016 ~ Earth Humans, Frequencies From the Great Divine Are Lifting Your Soul and Spirit Ever Higher. This Gift Is Meant To Sustain You Through the Difficult Times Ahead. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
January 25, 2016 ~ Great fearsome challenges are before you, Dearest Humanity. Hold tight to each other. Love each other, and prepare for superspeed, massive, worldwide changes. The time has arrived. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
To those who live in the land of my birth, America... May You Have a HAPPY AND EXCEPTIONAL NEW YEAR. ~All Love To You~
Our lives settle into a new rhythm over the following days. Dhuroth and I have decided to keep the River of Light at a minimal flow for the sake of others – and to travel back to Mars if need be. If... the rampaging evil is, or can be contained.
With interdimensional portals we are able to watch the unfolding events on both Mars and Earth... and in the surrounding solar system. Our prayers are often, said for the good souls, for all of life – spoken for the planets, their beautiful animals and vegetation.
All life is Sacred.
For now, all of us in this out-of-time dimension, must live fully and let our lights shine. That is how we will increase the goodness in the Universe at large. That is how we will win real freedom for ALL. In the great span of eternal time.
And so our story, mine and my lion man's, ends for now... Yet, we will always remain, ready to assist the people of Earth and Mars.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
~~~ Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~~~
World weary and worn out, the incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human, has three choices after her old van breaks down.
Let the Nazerazzi squad of the North American Union capture her and force her into a FEMA concentration camp.
Walk out into the Arizona night desert, let the wildlife have a good meal with the hope her death will be quick.
Or does she dare trust the mysterious stranger suddenly before her?
Handsome as sin and all in black, he emerges out of the darkness.
Sedona wonders if the stranger on a superspeed motorcycle is her savior from the brutal endtimes.
Or, is he a roving cult member of the New World Order, hunting his next blood sacrifice?
It’s only a few days before Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 ~ The end of the Mayan Calendar.
Sent from heaven to help Sedona save humanity, Zerr Dann knows the Divine is playing its last card on Earth.
He also knows Sedona is about to find out Christmas miracles still exist.
[Angelic Fantasy Erotic Romance]
~~~ EBOOK & IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween? ~ Ebook and In Print.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Battle Bunnies 1
by Stormy Glenn & Bellann Summer
[Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, shape-shifters, HEA]
They know a thousand ways to kill...and zero ways to love.
As a Battle Bunny, honed in the fires of hell, Bailey fights every day just to function. Blind since birth, the skills he learned to protect himself after years of torture at the hands of a sadistic scientist keep him alive, but nothing can protect him from the mate he discovers on a rescue mission.
Harvey Blackstone watched his brother die a slow agonizing death from behind the bars of the cage he had been tossed into. He vowed revenge on those that took his only family, if he survives that long.
When the doors opened and the most stunning man he had ever seen steps inside, Vey is close to death. Discovering the man who rescues him is also his mate seems like a gift from the gods. Claiming Bailey is not the same as keeping him safe. The scientists that kept him prisoner are after them all, and it will take more than a family of Battle Bunnies to keep them all safe. It will take a miracle.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Wednesday's Words for March 23, 2016
Last week, the Prime Minister of Canada made his first official visit to the United States. As part of this visit, he and his wife were the guests of honor at a State Dinner given by the President and First Lady at the White House. It was the first time in nearly twenty years that a Canadian PM was so honored.
I like Justin Trudeau, and that liking has little to do with his politics. I liked his father, too. When Pierre Trudeau was first elected PM, I was a teenager. He was different from what I was used to seeing, in my young life, and changed the way I looked at our elected officials. Instead of being old and stodgy, he was younger, and had flair and style. There were several instances when he did things a little off the wall. The time, for example when he jumped in the House of Commons (I believe he was Justice Minister at the time). The sound of his feet hitting the floor reverberated very loudly inside that august chamber. He said he was just trying to make sure everyone was awake.
Then there was the time he was caught on camera and lip readers claimed he dropped an F-bomb; he denied it and stated he said “fuddle-duddle” instead.
The father was fresh and dynamic and outspoken, and I liked that.
The son is different, too, but not in such a dramatic way. I like that he is not a lawyer. He’s been a bouncer, and more recently, a teacher. He has a lovely wife, and three children, and when they are all together, you can see that family, for them, really does come first. How many other world leaders and their wives take their children out “trick or treating” in their neighborhood on Halloween (Mrs. Trudeau was in costume)?
Family came first at the State Dinner, too. Not only did Justin and Sophie Trudeau bring their children with them. As part of the Canadian Delegation, they brought their parents—Justin’s mother, and Sophie’s mother and father.
I’m not particularly political. I don’t care for dogma. I care for honesty and heart. I care for accountability, and a degree of humility. I believe Justin Trudeau has all those qualities. I like positivity, and the campaign he ran for the office to which he has been elected was a very positive campaign. There was no mud-slinging from his corner at all. Despite the ads the opposing parties aired, all targeting him, he refused to let the tone of his campaign turn negative.
Of course, he hasn’t been tested yet, and he’s new to the job, so time will really tell if he’s a good leader or not. But when he became our Prime Minister, he brought an air of optimism with him, and that is something we very much need in this day and age.
It’s hard to stay upbeat and optimistic in these often harrowing times.
It’s hard to keep looking for the good in others when it seems only the bad makes the headlines. Sometimes we have to actively seek out that which is good, and just, and remind ourselves that we humans are capable of great kindness, generosity and love.
So it was fun to see how well the man some here have dubbed “Prime Minister Center Fold” was received not only by the officials of the American government, but by the people.
One of things that Justin has said many times is that our similarities are greater than our differences, and being a diverse society, such as we are, makes us stronger. I like to believe he’s right. I’ve traveled a fair bit, though all of that travel has been on this side of the globe. I’ve been to Cuba, the Dominican Republic, The Bahamas and Bermuda. I’ve visited, so far, 27 of the 50 United States. Some states I’ve been to more than once. And in my experiences, I’ve never felt like a fish out of water. I’ve always been able to find common ground.
We all, for the most part, love our families and want the best for them. We all, for the most part, want to live in peace, and find happiness. We all share a single planet, and we depend upon that planet to sustain our lives.
We may disagree on how to achieve our common goals of peace and prosperity; but those are really only details.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Angelic Forecast ~ #394
Monday 21, 2016 ~ Beloved Ones, these times on planet Earth will go into a rapid-fire chaos. Great deeds will be yours to do during this epic turning-point. Know that echoes of 1776 are upon you. Grab this destiny that is freedom for ALL of humanity. ~All Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
Monday 14, 2016 ~ A reminder ... Dearest Humanity, Hold Tight To Your Divine Right To Be Forever Free ... Free In Mind, Free of Heart, Free To Be the Creative Spirit You Are. ~All Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
March 7, 2016 ~ During this powerful time of a New Moon Eclipse, look to your inner knowing. This spiritual door inside yourself opens ever wider. For, the time has come to learn how to trust yourself, and your wisdom, in much greater ways. Beloved Ones On Earth, Step into a Greater You. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
February 29, 2016 ~ Beloved Ones On Earth, May You Know Every Blessing This Leap Year. The Divine time has come to leap over those hurdles that have stopped you in the past. For, you are more than you have ever believed. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
February 22, 2016 ~ To the Beloved Ones of Earth, may the Full Snow Moon light your pathway in life. And may the moonlight grace your beloved's face. For, this is a time to know and receive love. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
February 15, 2016 ~ To the Beloved Ones of Earth, know the time of earning your freedom, and taking back your liberty from those who would steal it from you, has come. If you would be free, stand with the heroic renegades among you.
February 8, 2016 ~ To the Beloved Ones of Earth, Stay Close To Your Families. If You Feel the Urge To Move From a Troubled Area, Act Upon It, and Know You Are Guided. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
February 1, 2016 ~ Earth Humans, Frequencies From the Great Divine Are Lifting Your Soul and Spirit Ever Higher. This Gift Is Meant To Sustain You Through the Difficult Times Ahead. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
January 25, 2016 ~ Great fearsome challenges are before you, Dearest Humanity. Hold tight to each other. Love each other, and prepare for superspeed, massive, worldwide changes. The time has arrived. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
To those who live in the land of my birth, America... May You Have a HAPPY AND EXCEPTIONAL NEW YEAR. ~All Love To You~
Our lives settle into a new rhythm over the following days. Dhuroth and I have decided to keep the River of Light at a minimal flow for the sake of others – and to travel back to Mars if need be. If... the rampaging evil is, or can be contained.
With interdimensional portals we are able to watch the unfolding events on both Mars and Earth... and in the surrounding solar system. Our prayers are often, said for the good souls, for all of life – spoken for the planets, their beautiful animals and vegetation.
All life is Sacred.
For now, all of us in this out-of-time dimension, must live fully and let our lights shine. That is how we will increase the goodness in the Universe at large. That is how we will win real freedom for ALL. In the great span of eternal time.
And so our story, mine and my lion man's, ends for now... Yet, we will always remain, ready to assist the people of Earth and Mars.
Revealed To ALL, the Beyond-Ruthless Global Criminal Syndicate *Disguised* as the Common Good For All, Or Known As One World Government
However... BOOMERANG ... Worldwide, Those Who Persecute the Good, the Innocent ... Now Become the Persecuted ... For, the Time of Divine Judgement Is Here
On the magickal, mystical front, this week the 'Mages of Ages Lost' ... from a prior forecast [this continues]: crash their mighty lightblades through more of the ancient evil construct that has enslaved humanity for centuries, thus, dispelling the dark-side's ruthless grip on Earth reality.
Out of this, LIGHT pours down embracing the human heart, and lifting many into the arms of the Divine. Thus, miracles abound, great points of light in these transition-chaos times."
On the BLACK MAGIC front, ARTICLE: "Cybersecurity Official Warns Of Selfies Used for 'Black Magic' ~ Thursday, March 17, 2016
Malaysian official says online images can be used for curses and other magical mischief." — Malay Mail
On the personal front, this week is all about facing uncomfortable truths, whether in your personal life, or what is occurring in the world – on the world stage – and behind the scenes. For, TRUTH is the trumpet of our current times.
Also, there will likely be shifts in your financial situation toward the good. However, watch your pennies, so to speak. You could need them in the short term. Further, there will be major economic changes in the world at large. Surf these waves of change, and look for ways to use them to your eventual advantage.
As well, if there are children around you, pay close attention to their needs. And wrap your loving heart around them.
On the *real sentience and super power* front, BLURB: Sure They're Impossible--but They're REAL! ~ Friday March 18, 2016
Maureen Caudill brings us face-to-face with impossible realities in this exciting interview. We are taught not to believe in anything except what we can see in front of us. But what can we really see, and what lies beyond? The media, science and the intellectual community want us to believe that when we die, that's it. But that's just to disempower us and get us to concentrate on the things of life--what they have to sell to us and impose on us.
In her empowering book Impossible Realities, Maureen shows the data that science prefers to ignore, and in this deeply strengthening conversation, she reveals to us why data proves that 'black swans' such as psychokinesis, telepathy, afterlife communication and much more are almost certainly real effects--as Whitley Strieber says, not "supernatural" and unexplainable, but super natural, and possible to use and understand if we take off the blinders of belief and look at them objectively.
On the INTUITIVE front, ARTICLE: "40 Years of Research on Human Intuition ~ Saturday, March 19, 2016
Quote: 'Skilfully applied intuitive approaches could play an even more important role in future medical research'" — Epoch Times
On the UFO front, Article: "50th anniversary of Michigan UFO sightings ~ Friday, March 18, 2016
The one the Air Force famously called "swamp gas." — WWMT.com
ARTICLE: "Weird UFO That Landed and 'Disintegrated' ~ Saturday, March 19, 2016
1950 FBI report discovered by Nick Redfern is full of 'high strangeness.'"— Mysterious Universe
ARTICLE: "Mysterious UFO Photo Shows Up On Cell Phone ~ Sunday, March 20, 2016
Photo of man looking up at UFO appears on a phone, but the owner didn't take it." — Week in Weird
On the ET front, ARTICLE: "Earthbound Alien Community in Argentina ~ Sunday, March 20, 2016
Small group claims to be the 'embodiment of extraterrestrial beings.'" — Inexplicata
On the INNER EARTH COMMUNICATIONS? front, Article: "NASA Receives Radio Signals from the Center of the Earth - A Secret Alien Civilization Lives Beneath World's Surface CONTRIBUTOR: Elias Fragakis.- A Secret Alien Civilization Lives Beneath World's Surface NASA is receiving radio transmissions from hundreds of miles bellow the Earth's surface and experts say the signals are being sent by an intelligent highly advanced life-form "It's clear that someone..." ~beforeitsnews.com~
On the PYRAMID front, ARTICLE: "Ancient Pyramids At Giza Were Actually High Frequency Power Stations (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: The Unsilent Majority. As someone who spends almost all day every day reading or writing, often times about subjects that are way out of what most would call the “mainstream,” it’s not very often I stumble onto a story that absolutely floors me, which is exactly what this one did. I never cease..." ~beforeitsnews.com~
On the SKINWALKER RANCH front, ARTICLE: "Skinwalker Ranch The Inside Story CONTRIBUTOR: TheForteanSlip. George Knapp shares details about a ranch in Utah where the "Gorman" family was terrorized by a series of explainable encounters that included UFOs of various shapes, mutilated cattle, disembodied voices, poltergeist activity and invincible creatures. The isolated location in northeastern Utah has a history of bizarre reports dating back..." ~beforeitsnews.com~
On the GIANTS front, ARTICLE: "The Giants of Doddridge County: Burials of a Vanished Race – Part I"
ARTICLE: "Giants With Double-Rowed Teeth, Flattened Heads and Six Fingers CONTRIBUTOR: Mypower. 2/4/2016 Giants With Double-Rowed Teeth, Flattened Heads and Six Fingers ~ The Cherokee called them the Moon People. The Utes and Paiutes spoke of a hideous race of cannibals ten feet tall living in caves. And the Choctaw also have an account of the race of giants that first..." ~beforeitsnews.com~
On the NAZI OCCULT front, ARTICLE: "Lost Nazi Collection of Occult Books Rediscovered ~ March 19, 2016
A lost cache of occult books, devoted to witchcraft and belonging to infamous Nazi official Heinrich Himmler, has been rediscovered by a library in Prague.
Notoriously obsessed with esoteric matters and mysticism, Himmler amassed an astounding 13,000 works devoted to those topics during the Nazi's reign of terror throughout Europe.
A large part of his hoard bore the unnerving nickname of the 'Witches Library' and featured a myriad of books about the history of witches in Germany.
The lost collection was rediscovered after library workers entered a storage area that had not been opened since the 1950's and realized the historical significance of what they had found.
Based on an examination by an expert, some the newfound occult works may have been stolen from Norwegian Freemasons during World War II.
And, as you may have guessed, the discovery of the books and their bizarre subject matter is being turned into a TV special by a Norwegian production company.
What will become of the 'Witches Library' and the other 'lost' works after that has yet to be announced."
Source: Daily Mail
On the FAIRY CIRCLE front, ARTICLE: "Mysterious fairy circles now discovered in Australia's desert ~ Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Deep in the Australian outback, circular, grass-ringed patches of earth stretch for several hundred square kilometres across the red, ancient soil. — New Scientist "
On the PAST REVEALING ITSELF front, ARTICLE: "A multi-disciplinary team of scientists have discovered the skull of a weird, unique extinct human was found in an underground cave
ARTICLE: "A 1,000 Years In The Making, Secret Cave Revealed To Public (Video and Photos) CONTRIBUTOR: N. Morgan. China's history is long and rich known for its abundance of art and culture. Evidence has shown that this long history spans all the way back to prehistoric times. Every year there are more amazing archaeological discoveries made about this ancient and mystic land. The most recent discovery is..."
On the COMING TO A PET STORE NEAR YOU front, ARTICLE: "Scientists closer to CLONING T-Rex after discovering remains of pregnant dinosaur
On the MONSTER front, ARTICLE: "Mysterious 'Tully Monster' Fossil is Classified ~ Thursday, March 17, 2016
Alien-looking fossil had eyes on the ends of stalks on its 'back.'" — Phys.Org
On the FUN-FUNNY SIDE OF HUMANITY front, ARTICLE: "Finally, A Business Suit Suitable For A Horse ~ Friday, March 18, 2016
OK. Someone made a three-piece suit for a horse." — Huffington Post
On the PINK ELEPHANT front, ARTICLE: "Pink Elephant Sighted ~ Saturday, March 19, 2016
Walt Disney aside, it's not a joke or hallucination. Video captures rare albino elephant." — GrindTV
On the ZOMBIFIED BRAIN front, ARTICLE: "Graffiti Artist Painted Tunnel On A Wall and Someone Tried to Drive Through It ~ Saturday, March 19, 2016
The car was probably an ACME sport model." — Mandatory

Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
~~~ Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~~~
World weary and worn out, the incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human, has three choices after her old van breaks down.
Let the Nazerazzi squad of the North American Union capture her and force her into a FEMA concentration camp.
Walk out into the Arizona night desert, let the wildlife have a good meal with the hope her death will be quick.
Or does she dare trust the mysterious stranger suddenly before her?
Handsome as sin and all in black, he emerges out of the darkness.
Sedona wonders if the stranger on a superspeed motorcycle is her savior from the brutal endtimes.
Or, is he a roving cult member of the New World Order, hunting his next blood sacrifice?
It’s only a few days before Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 ~ The end of the Mayan Calendar.
Sent from heaven to help Sedona save humanity, Zerr Dann knows the Divine is playing its last card on Earth.
He also knows Sedona is about to find out Christmas miracles still exist.
[Angelic Fantasy Erotic Romance]
~~~ EBOOK & IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween? ~ Ebook and In Print.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Wednesday's Words for March 16, 2016
Time keeps moving at an almost alarming pace for me. I know it’s because I probably have more years behind me than I do ahead of me. It doesn’t seem all that long ago that I was a child, and thought the days lasted forever. But I’m wondering if at some point, the actual counting of the days stops.
And no, I don’t mean in the ultimate sense.
Here it is March again, and where I live, it looks as if it could almost be spring as there is no snow in sight. Last spring happened only a little while ago, and next spring isn’t really that far off. It’s like we’re on a gently moving merry-go-round, and oh, look, there’s spring. Yes, it’s in the cycle and will come and go and come again. The lines separating the days and weeks and months are blurring. It’s just this merry-go-round, it doesn’t stop until the end, it’s all one unit of time—my time.
Each day matters, in that they’re, every single one of them, a precious gift. Time is a precious gift, and it’s up to us to use that gift wisely. Of course, the definition of ‘wise’ is very subjective, isn’t it?
Time management has never really been my forte, despite the fact that I’m very anal about some things. There are days when I have so much to do, it feels as if nothing gets done, or perhaps it’s me, and I’m so busy worrying about what gets done that nothing can get done. I have a bad habit of approaching chores and tasks like I did 20 or even 30 years ago, in the days when my energy was greater and my drive perhaps a bit more focused. One thing I’m having trouble doing is giving myself permission to not be as energetic, or as organized, or even as focused as I used to be.
Maybe the real challenge for me is simply accepting that I am getting older. No, I’m not old yet, but I am getting older. And being older, I don’t have to be in the fields all the time. I can relax, have fun, or just let my mind wander when I feel like it. Sometimes I have trouble adapting to my changing reality.
My beloved is having a similar difficulty, only for him facing reality these past few weeks has been a bit more stark of a process. It’s that time, where he works, to do the annual maintenance of the equipment that is used to turn big rocks into little rocks and gravel. He’s been out of his truck and having to do physical labour for a month now. He truly can’t do things the way he could 20 years ago, and because he can’t, the pleasure in the doing has been drained away from him. I think, though, that he’s turned that difficult corner, and instead of thinking so much about what he can’t do any more, he’s begun, finally, to look forward. And because he can’t do what he’d originally planned to do once he hangs up his hard hat for good, he—like me—has adapted. And surprisingly, in much the same way.
He’s planning to write when he retires. It’s something he’s done before, because once upon a time, when I was yet an aspiring author, he nagged me. Yes, he thought that I could schedule writing somewhere between folding that load of clothes from the dryer and putting the potatoes on to cook. I had a whole fifteen minutes! Why didn’t I sit down and write? So I challenged him to write his own book, and he did—in the days before computers, when it was either a typewriter or a pen (he chose a pen).
That had been quite the eye-opener for him, and he came away from the experiment with a greater appreciation for my process, and a newly awakened discovery of his own.
Two extended Christmas breaks in the last two years have proven that his occupying the same office space with me is truly a non-starter. The only thing that gets produced in this office when that happens is frustration (mine) and the only thing that gets plotted is distraction (his). Yes, this past December I actually told him to go outside to play and to not come back inside until the streetlights came on. He knew I didn’t mean it literally—it was our code for “you’re annoying me, please stop”.
Once he began to realize that the frustration will cut both ways when he’s retired, he began to consider the situation, and came up with a plan. Not willing to let any grass grow under his feet, he’s already purchased a new desk which he will put together on the weekend. It’ll go in one corner of our living room, and will neatly host his computer.
This should work brilliantly since there are only the two of us in this small house. The other beings who live here, fur babies both, can be counted on, at any given point during the day, to be dozing. And when the dog decides he wants to go outside every fifteen minutes, we’ll take turns.
My husband has nineteen and a half months to go before he’s home, full time. And since we’ve already discovered that time goes by rather quickly, that day will be here before we know it.
Monday, March 14, 2016
Angelic Forecast ~ #393
Monday 14, 2016 ~ A reminder ... Dearest Humanity, Hold Tight To Your Divine Right To Be Forever Free ... Free In Mind, Free of Heart, Free To Be the Creative Spirit You Are. ~All Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
March 7, 2016 ~ During this powerful time of a New Moon Eclipse, look to your inner knowing. This spiritual door inside yourself opens ever wider. For, the time has come to learn how to trust yourself, and your wisdom, in much greater ways. Beloved Ones On Earth, Step into a Greater You. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
February 29, 2016 ~ Beloved Ones On Earth, May You Know Every Blessing This Leap Year. The Divine time has come to leap over those hurdles that have stopped you in the past. For, you are more than you have ever believed. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
February 22, 2016 ~ To the Beloved Ones of Earth, may the Full Snow Moon light your pathway in life. And may the moonlight grace your beloved's face. For, this is a time to know and receive love. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
February 15, 2016 ~ To the Beloved Ones of Earth, know the time of earning your freedom, and taking back your liberty from those who would steal it from you, has come. If you would be free, stand with the heroic renegades among you.
February 8, 2016 ~ To the Beloved Ones of Earth, Stay Close To Your Families. If You Feel the Urge To Move From a Troubled Area, Act Upon It, and Know You Are Guided. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
February 1, 2016 ~ Earth Humans, Frequencies From the Great Divine Are Lifting Your Soul and Spirit Ever Higher. This Gift Is Meant To Sustain You Through the Difficult Times Ahead. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
January 25, 2016 ~ Great fearsome challenges are before you, Dearest Humanity. Hold tight to each other. Love each other, and prepare for superspeed, massive, worldwide changes. The time has arrived. ~All Our Love From the Between-Time Dimension~
To those who live in the land of my birth, America... May You Have a HAPPY AND EXCEPTIONAL NEW YEAR. ~All Love To You~
Our lives settle into a new rhythm over the following days. Dhuroth and I have decided to keep the River of Light at a minimal flow for the sake of others – and to travel back to Mars if need be. If... the rampaging evil is, or can be contained.
With interdimensional portals we are able to watch the unfolding events on both Mars and Earth... and in the surrounding solar system. Our prayers are often, said for the good souls, for all of life – spoken for the planets, their beautiful animals and vegetation.
All life is Sacred.
For now, all of us in this out-of-time dimension, must live fully and let our lights shine. That is how we will increase the goodness in the Universe at large. That is how we will win real freedom for ALL. In the great span of eternal time.
And so our story, mine and my lion man's, ends for now... Yet, we will always remain, ready to assist the people of Earth and Mars.
The Rise of Liberty Versus Sinister Forces... and We Stand In the New Streams of Aquarian Age Consciousness
On the magickal, mystical front, this week the 'Mages of Ages Lost' use their mighty lightblades to slash away the dark bands of evil surrounding, concealing the Viper elite from public view. This will seem long in coming. However, *those* who have sorcery-enslaved humanity are being revealed.
Because this will be a horror-shock to many on the planet, the people are being prepared to understand, and to cope with this TRUTH. Let yourself be guided in this process.
On the personal front, this week will be a major discombobulation for many. This will involve their financial situation, their work lives, and the day-to-day stuff of living. Mostly these will be minor situations, yet will seem HUGE at the time.
Plow your way through, and ask for advice from those you trust. Patience will also be its own reward in some situations. On the other hand, there 'could' be moments when you need to act, and act quickly.
As always, your intuition, you inner knowing is the key that will help you decide, and overcome.
And yes, there is a good economic opportunity to be had this week. Something obvious.
On the DAVID ICKE LIKE front, Kyle Odom's Manfesto ... Not the Rambling of a Crazy Man
ARTICLE: "Suspect in shooting of Ted Cruz rally pastor arrested at White House
The Washington Times | The man suspected of shooting a prominent Idaho evangelical pastor was arrested Tuesday outside the White House hours after claiming his victim was a Martian."
REPORT: "Kyle Odom's Martian Chronicles | North Idaho - KXLY.com
2 days ago - Kyle Odom is an honorably discharged Marine, a Dean's List graduate from the University of Idaho and a man driven to kill a Coeur d'Alene ..."
ARTICLE: "Idaho shooting suspect blames 'hypersexual' martians in ...
1 day ago - Kyle Odom, who also allegedly threw a handful of items over the White ... Idaho shooting suspect blames 'hypersexual' martians in manifesto."
***Kyle Odom's Manifesto***
On the paranormal front, Exposing the Black Budget *Secret Space* Breakaway Civilization
Article: "CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: UFO ECONOMY 3.0 THE BLACK BUDGET ROCKETS INTO SPACE CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Previous DARK JOURNALIST – DANIEL LISZT FKTV.IS “The Diversion Between Official Reality and Real Reality Has Never Been Greater than It Is Today – and It Keeps Getting Weirder and Weirder!” Former Assistant Housing Secretary, Catherine Austin Fitts is back with Dark Journalist for Part 1 of their examination of..." ~beforeitsnews.com~
ARTICLE: "Prepare To Be Shaken! Governments Deadliest Secret About the US Air Force and What They Plan To Build Revealed... CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven If you don’t believe that aliens have visited us before or that the US government has developed alien-grade technology, then you are in for a real wake-up call when you see these declassified documents from the National Archives. A government document titled, “Project 1794, Final Development Summary... ~beforeitsnews.com~
ARTICLE: "Prepare To Be Floored! Gov Deadliest Secret About the US Air Force and What They Plan To Build—Does It Prove Aliens Exist? Proof! (video)
CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven If you don’t believe that aliens have visited us before or that the US government has developed alien-grade technology, then you are in for a real wake-up call when you see these declassified documents from the National Archives. A government document titled, “Project 1794, Final Development Summary..."
On the UFO front, ARTICLE: "Nebraska Police In Omaha Has Triangle UFO Sighting CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. An Omaha, Nebraska police officer, reported seeing a slow moving triangular UFO below 500 feet in the sky at a local Walmart store. The police officer was on duty patrolling near Walmart when he noticed something strange above. He claimed to have seen a triangle-shaped unidentified flying object at 5:38..." ~beforeitsnews.com~
A scientist at the US Department of Defence has become the latest high-ranking personnel to speak up about aliens and UFOs. The electromagnetic and laser systems expert of the department requested not to be named to safeguard his career. He claims to have seen a phone receiver-shaped unidentified flying object over woods during a hunting trip in Ontario, Canada. The witness offered his account during an interview with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), an alien investigation organization. The man said that he was with a hunting group on August 28, 2013 when he saw a craft at around 9:40 pm for about six minutes. The aircraft was seen just 400 feet away, according to the witness account. The two other members of the team have also not been identified. In a video interview, the witness claimed they were driving down a logging route and heading to the main highway when they spotted the low-flying craft from the windscreen. The reporting witness estimated the UFO to be at the highest 150 to 175 feet altitude. He grabbed his rifle scope, downed the window, and hung out the open side window to watch the craft better. He described the mysterious flying thing as bright, giving the same light intensity as stadium lighting." ~worldufophotosandnews.org/?p=12710~
ARTICLE: "Proof Of Extraterrestrial Life In North Of England CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. Mutual UFO Network UK has logged 18 incidents of UFO sightings in North East since January 2015. They range from white glowing object to silent rocket and teleporting man. UFO Investigative Researcher in Hartlepool, Glen Richardson, is very much convinced these sightings prove we’re not alone. Richardson claimed that he..." ~beforeitsnews.com~
On the THEY ARE HERE front, Article: "NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly, Finally Admits the Existence of Aliens – After His Year in Space (video) CONTRIBUTOR: JFK Waves. [CONSPIRACYBUZZ.INFO] FIRST was the image of what appears to be a large UFO above earth which was photographed on-board the International Space Station (ISS) by the Astronaut Scott Kelly who was arrived back down to earth after a year in space. This photo (please see above) of what looks like..." ~beforeitsnews.com~
ARTICLE: "Mexican Farmer Builds Pyramid at Behest of Alien
An indigent farmer in Mexico constructed an enormous stone pyramid allegedly at the behest of an alien who ordered him to build the structure.
Raymundo Corona claims that the encounter took place in 1984 when a tall ET came to him and told him to build the structure.
The alien, Corona says, was named Herulayka and hailed from a planet in the Orion constellation.
Despite warning him about being ridiculed for building the pyramid, Corona honored his interstellar visitor's request by constructing the 22 foot stone monument to their encounter.
In wisdom one would expect from an alien, Herulayka mused to Corona that the pyramid would be unwavering like his faith and point upwards to the stars.
Corona's tale is reminiscent of legendary alien contactee George Van Tassel, who constructed the amazing Integratron building in Landers, California during the 1950's.
Tassel also claimed to be following the instructions of ET visitors who told him how to construct the alleged 'rejuvenation center.'
While Van Tassel never lived to see a full-fledged alien arrival, perhaps Corona will be lucky enough to witness such an event and, if so, he'll likely be in good standing with the ETs, since he fulfilled his pyramid promise." Source: Express
On the BIGFOOT front, BLURB: ...Connie Willis ... welcomed eighth-grade science teacher, paranormal researcher, and Bigfoot hunter Thom Powell to the show to talk about his years of study and the connections he has made between his Bigfoot research and other aspects of the unknown. Powell described how he first became aware that the evidence for large, hairy hominids in North America was far more extensive than he first believed. Every time thought he could dismiss it, he said, "the evidence was better than I realized" which only increased his interest. Website(s): edgesofscience.com ~ thomsquatch.com
Book(s): Edges of Science, Shady Neighbors, The Locals
More at: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2016/03/13
ARTICLE: "Government Knowledge Of Bigfoot From Animal Behaviorist (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. From the youtube channel of Bigfoot Crossroads: In this episode we are joined by a very special guest. "Suzy" is an animal behaviorist specializing in bears and other large predators. She joins us to discuss her own experiences with bigfoot, says what she can about the government's knowledge of sasquatch,... ~beforeitsnews.com~
On the WEREWOLF front, ARTICLE: "Video of Crazed 'Werewolf' Man From Czech Republic ~ Sunday, March 13, 2016
Man growls as he chases passersby and jumps on a police car." — Mirror.co.uk
On the CATTLE MUTILATION front, ARTICLE: "Arizona Rancher Struggles with Cattle Mutilations ~ Sunday, March 13, 2016
Problem at ranch since the 1970s. Headlights are seen on surveillance cameras, but no tire tracks are found." — Arizona Daily Sun
On the UNKNOWN CREATURE front, ARTICLE: "Giant Unknown Creature Washes Ashore in Mexico
The bizarre body of a twelve-foot-long sea creature washed ashore in Acapulco, Mexico and no one is quite sure what it is.
A local official estimated that the ghastly blob had not been dead for long but was flummoxed over the nature of the unsettling former denizen of the sea.
Fortunately for anyone daring enough to inspect the animal, it has yet to give off any unpleasant odor, which seems very surprising in light of how it looks.
Online observers viewing the photos and footage of the creature have suggested that it is perhaps the remains of a giant squid or whale.
We can only hope they are correct and that it is not the first of a wave of sea monsters en route to destroy our cities.
Source: Mirror ~coasttocoastam.com/pages/giant-unknown-creature-washes-ashore-in-mexico~
On the PLANET X front, ARTICLE: "Is March 2016 the Date Planet X / Nibiru finally Makes its Appearance? CONTRIBUTOR: Michele Johnson. Is Planet X getting close? The video below was shared by Omar; it looks very compelling and I think it is worth paying attention to. There is more and more evidence suggesting that not only is our planet feeling the effects of Planet X but that the entire solar system..." ~beforeitsnews.com~
ARTICLE: "Planet X “The Destroyer” Cometh: The Kolbrin Bible And The Prophet Jeremiah (video) CONTRIBUTOR: JayWill ~ It seems that Old Testament Prophet Jeremiah felt compelled to warn us of something he called “The Destroyer.” The Kolbrin Bible, parts of which were written during the same period as Jeremiah’s warning, gives a detailed description that..." ~beforeitsnews.com~
ARTICLE: "Nibiru Confirmed 2016 Bob Fletcher Underground Cities, Declassified Documents Reveal, Global Government CONTRIBUTOR: Paranormal Stories. Nibiru or Planet X has been confirmed by several main stream media outlets now here in the USA and abroad. The information on when people will feel its effects varies and that in itself should cause red flags. With that said the information presented is for you to decide and..." ~beforeitsnews.com~

Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
~~~ Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~~~
World weary and worn out, the incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human, has three choices after her old van breaks down.
Let the Nazerazzi squad of the North American Union capture her and force her into a FEMA concentration camp.
Walk out into the Arizona night desert, let the wildlife have a good meal with the hope her death will be quick.
Or does she dare trust the mysterious stranger suddenly before her?
Handsome as sin and all in black, he emerges out of the darkness.
Sedona wonders if the stranger on a superspeed motorcycle is her savior from the brutal endtimes.
Or, is he a roving cult member of the New World Order, hunting his next blood sacrifice?
It’s only a few days before Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 ~ The end of the Mayan Calendar.
Sent from heaven to help Sedona save humanity, Zerr Dann knows the Divine is playing its last card on Earth.
He also knows Sedona is about to find out Christmas miracles still exist.
[Angelic Fantasy Erotic Romance]
~~~ EBOOK & IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween? ~ Ebook and In Print.
