WARNING: The links contained within this post will take you to sites with content for mature readers only. However, this post is suitable for a PG audience.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Happy New Year 2015
Wednesday's Words for December 31, 2014
I really like this time of year—the lead up to the end of the current year and the beginning of the brand new one. Generally, right after Christmas Day, the media is full of retrospective programming, looking back in music, film and news at the year that was (or should more properly be called, the year that still is for another few days yet).
Looking back on a regular basis can be not only a helpful thing; it can be a healthy one as well.
As we live our lives, day to day, we tend to get mired in the mud of the path we walk. What is happening right now at this very moment can seem so important, so vital, that we can be sidetracked away from what the important things in life truly are. It really is easy to get caught up in the minutia, or, as is commonly said, to not see the forest for the trees.
It’s good to take a step back and focus for a bit on the bigger picture.
I don’t—as you may or may not recall—make New Year’s resolutions. For me, these have proven to be traps just waiting to be fallen into. There’s nothing worse in my estimation than making a resolution on New Year’s Eve, and then ending up failing on New Year’s Day, or the day after. That kind of behavior just breeds frustration, a sense of failure, and self-loathing. I try very hard not to fall into that pit.
But while I don’t specify a list of things I am going to change about myself, or my circumstances, or anyone in my sphere (yes, I do sometimes have those kinds of thoughts and I know I’m not alone), I do like to take a few minutes and give some thought as to what I would like to accomplish in the twelve months ahead.
Most of the items I think of are rather generic, and don’t change much from year to year. I’d like to be kinder; I’d like to be a bit more patient, and a bit more generous. I’d like to, at the bottom of it all, do something that matters to someone—I want to be a blessing to another human being.
Some folks think that in order to change the world you have to do big things. This is simply not true. The way you change the world the most is by touching, in a positive way, the life of another person.
Do something big, and you may be written about in the history books. Do something small and you’ll be written upon the heart of another human being.
If enough people do the small things that touch the hearts of others – that, my friends, is a whole lot of darn good karma—the kind of good karma that changes the world.
In the mean time, I’m back to my generalized list of things for the next twelve months. The one last thing I would like to add is that I want to be sure to remember to take time to breathe. Sometimes I get too busy, and I need to set aside some time to ponder the miracles in life, to breathe in the scent of the roses and the coffee, and to be grateful for the bounty with which I have been blessed. Some folks might look at my house, that’s more than a little ramshackle, or me—you won’t find a designer label in my closet, and rare is the day I put on makeup—and think that the bounty I give thanks for isn’t much at all.
To them I say, just look inside my heart. It’s full to over flowing with love, and that’s bounty enough for me.
Happy New Year to you all!
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Sebastian the Alchemist and His Captive - OUT NOW! 10% OFF TILL 6TH JAN!
Sebastian the Alchemist and His Captive |
Medieval Captives 1
Lindsay Townsend
AVAILABLE: Tuesday, December 30th
This title is offered at a 10% discount. Offer ends midnight CST, January 6th
He takes her for hate. Will he keep her for love?
Sebastian, lord of the tower in the northern high lands, is a proud, bitter man with a dark past. An alchemist and a warrior, he has had lovers but knows he is ugly—experience and betrayal have taught him that. When Melissa, the beautiful, neglected daughter of two old enemies, falls into his possessive hands he is determined to hold her. Why?
As one of the detested and defeated Felix family, Melissa must cling to her courage when she is claimed as a war-prize by the tall, grim Sebastian. Expecting torture and ravishment, she finds instead a peace and sanctuary that she has never known. Treated with kindness for the first time in her life, Melissa begins to blossom.
But there are secrets and old betrayals between them. Sebastian’s abiding jealousy is not easily quelled, especially when someone at the tower seeks to destroy his growing love with Melissa…
A BookStrand Mainstream Romance.
Sebastian settled back in his chair. He still had many petitions to read and tomorrow he would fight a duel, with mace and daggers, but for the rest of the evening…Yes, he could grant himself the time, the indulgence. Ignoring the dull ache in his lower back, he stretched his long arms above his head.
“Robert.” He spoke quietly to the gangling chestnut-headed squire patrolling by the door. “Send the girl to me. Then get some rest before you fall over.” The youth had only lately recovered from a fever and even in the firelight looked as pale as the falling snow outside.
“I will sleep when you do, my lord.” Robert gave a brief, jerky bow and slipped from the stone chamber, his rapid footsteps fading in the vastness of the tower. Sebastian returned to his reading, making notes on the parchment, listening to the spit of the flames, and waiting. What will she be like? He had only caught a glimpse yesterday, when he had claimed her as his prize. The child of an old enemy and my first, unrequited love. What have her people told her about me?
The door swung open, slowly at first and then in a rush, as if whoever was entering was determined not to be cowed. Headstrong, just like her mother. Amused, Sebastian rested the tip of his writing quill on the tabletop to watch an energetic, vivid figure hasten into the chamber.
“Idonotcarewhatyoudotome, butdonothurtmypeople…”
Sebastian raised the quill and the spate of words instantly stopped. “Closer,” he commanded, when the creature remained still, glancing behind her at the closing door. “Look at me, girl.”
She took a step forward this time, halting exactly in the shadows cast between the torches and firelight so that her face and form remained hidden. Arrogant and stubborn, just like her father. A whip of irritation cracked down his spine.
“Artos, guard,” he ordered the black wolf he had saved as a cub from a hunter’s trap. Artos yawned, stretched himself up from the rug by the fire, and trotted to the threshold. With widening eyes the girl studied the wolf as it began a steady pacing back and forth before the entrance.
“He is not my familiar, if that is what you are thinking.”
“Your shadow, then.” The girl swung round to face him. Her voice was low, cracking a little from nerves or disuse. “He is handsome.”Unlike you. The unspoken words filled the chamber like the apple-wood smoke.
Sebastian pushed back his chair and strode toward his captive, circling his prize as she stood stiffly at attention, her head held perfectly straight, her hands clenched by her sides, half-hidden in her once gaudy, now tattered, green and gold robes. In the shifting alliances of these lush and rugged highlands her kindred had backed the wrong overlord and lost. In the scramble afterward between the northern princelings for booty and lands, Sebastian had been able to take the girl, claim her by right of revenge. Revenge. What a monster she must think me, this dainty youngster, to make her pay for ancient hurts her father wreaked on me, for the old betrayals of her mother. Does she even know that pitiful tale?
He circled her again, sensing her quiver as he loomed. She was a brunette, but there all similarity between them ended. Where he was tall and lean and intense, large-jointed and craggy, precise from years of deliberate, often hard-won control, this tiny girl shimmered like a flame. Where his hair was black, dull and fine as silk, hanging straight to his broad shoulders, hers was the color of brimstone and treacle, long, heavy ropes of shining curling waves, sunset brown shot through with chestnut. Her father’s coloring, and wasn’t Baldwin always aware of his good looks? As for her mother in her—Sebastian halted before the girl and, with a long finger, tipped up her chin, glimpsing a pair of bright brown eyes in a freckled, delicate face. The child shifted, lowering her head in a gesture of apparent submission. The shape of her eyes are the same as Rosemond’s, but not the color. Her mother had blue eyes and gold hair and smiled like a Madonna, all the better to beguile men.
“Like but not like,” Sebastian murmured, releasing his grip and continuing his prowl. The girl was easily a head shorter than himself, small and thin, where Rosemond had been tall and stately. “How old are you?”
“Eighteen.” The bright eyes fixed on his and a spark of heat tingled from his chest to his groin in response. He saw her blush and wondered if she had also sensed the spark. “Eighteen, Sir Sebastian.”
He scowled at her address, disliking the arrogant assumption behind it that only knights had value. Just like her father. “I am no knight, girl, remember that,” he barked. She trembled and he could not decide if that was due to fear or revulsion. Watching the pretty glow drop from her face like a fallen ribbon, he decided it was both.
Irritated and a little ashamed with his behavior, he closed his eyes, desperately trying to entomb his own past within himself. “Who would care for such a lanky thing as you?” His mother had first told him that. “Sallow, dark, possessive,” a previous lover or two had complained, before each one had parted with him due to his jealousy. “An ugly, crook-nosed brute...” Sebastian remembered that description only too clearly, the taunts “ugly” and “crook-nose” following him throughout his service as a page, then squire, before he had turned his back on the cruel, glittering world of chivalry. And who had first called him ugly and crook-nosed? Baldwin of course, this girl’s father, jibing and taunting, bullying and tormenting, setting on him with his friends and cronies, four, five, six against one. Sebastian had stomached that but then worse followed—he had heard Rosemond agreeing with Baldwin, the pair laughing together, laughing at him. After all I did for her and tried to do for her, after I helped her, after I told her I loved her.
Strange after all these years that it should still ache so much, as if an anvil had been hurled into his chest. Fighting the despair, Sebastian growled like Artos and shook his head to clear it. Here he was, aged three and thirty, still re-fighting old battles, old hurts. I am pathetic.
He opened his eyes, relaxing his grip on the quill before he shattered it.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Angelic Forecast 2015 ~ #330
2015, The Year of Societal Extremes and the Wild Card Factor
Now social unrest accelerates, then goes off the proverbial charts. Meanwhile, the police-brutality lid is clamped down tighter than ever by the predatory, *eat their substance out* establishment.
However, throughout the year, 2015, there will be approximately ten WILD CARD EVENTS. These marker 'events' will immediately spin the world in a different direction -- one meant to assist humankind. For, these are gifts from the Great Divine.
To counteract these miraculous 'wild card factors' the *Viper psychopathic cabal* will attempt to mind control the people into mindless and/or fearful obedience to the Great Surveillance State.
While, in the beginning, there will be some measure of terrible success, ultimately this diabolical 'spy on everyone' gambit will fail. In part, because many will tune out of the establishment, and turn off their TVs. Many of us will also ignore the hypnotic allure of e-devices in favor of human to human contact.
On the AWAKENING front, 2015, The Dreamers Emerge Dreaming a Brave New Future and the Great Psychic Arrival-Revival
AWAKE and AWARE, this consciousness continues to tsunami-spread over the world, and will be easily observed in the activism-rise of the people against the forces of tyranny. At this spinpoint in time, the demand for mental freedom, the freedom to think as though wilt, and not be repressed-oppressed soars phoenix-skyward.
As well, psychic powers blast into existence, especially from the young among us. Out of this, there will be 'hundredth monkey' happenings -- in that once a certain threshold is reached, various psychic abilities will become a normal part of the human population and experience.
On the land changes front, 2015, Mother Earth Continues To Transform Herself and the Sun Lashes the Atmosphere Creating Unusual Weather Anomalies
At this cosmic turnpoint, a portion of the earth's core becomes more molten, then changes its geometric dynamics. This means a greater increase in volcanic eruptions, especially on the ocean floor. There will be more cracks in the crust, many of which will be powerful earthquakes and ongoing quake swarms. New land will continue to rise unexpectedly, as in islands, and worldwide, areas of land will also sink dramatically.
Further, many coastlines will continue to erode as they are struck by Superstorm after Superstorm. Further, flooding, drought, and extremes in weather only increase.
However, Beneficent Forces are still intervening and will mitigate several disaster land-change events. Every effort toward real and lasting peace will also soothe these Earth-cyclical changes.
On the magickal, mystical front, this year of 2015, the 'Mages of Ages Lost' become conjuring cyclones of CHANGE, thus, initiating more advancement toward the Aquarian Age renaissance. With their lightblades whirling, they will battle the zombie apocalypse in all of its various forms.
On the personal front, 2015, The Year of Personal Freedom and the Rise of Pioneering Independence ... this will be a make it or break it year for many when it comes to taking charge of your own life. One of the major challenges will be discovering new and innovative methods/ways to not only maintain control of your life, but also increase your ability to self-govern.
For, Aquarian Age vibes demand humankind grow up, to become responsible in key ways that are to the benefit of ALL. However, the current governing system demands humanity stay dependant on authorities, and servile to laws the so-called leaders don't bother obeying... as in the ye olden days of Robin Hood.
On the paranormal front, 2015, the Year of ET High Strangeness and Dimensional Reality ... CONTACT with ETs, other races, and all manner of supernatural beings continues and accelerates on a one-on-one personal level, even as the state-controlled mainstream mantra will remain a *doctrine of denial*. This, despite the obvious TRUTH.
Also, those who die and miraculously return to their bodies will be speaking out in much greater numbers at this cosmic timepoint. For, these barriers between worlds have dissolved to a new thinness. This means, as well, there will be more and easier communication with those on the Other Side.
On the truth front, 2015, TRUTH Becomes the Mightiest of Weapons For the People ... that is, as never before in this current world-age. For *Truth* will be shouted from the highest mountaintops, from the lowest valleys, and will EMERGE no matter the evil empire's campaign to shroud it with the darkness of deception, misinformation, and lies.
Often, revealed truths will revolve around currency or 'money' and the *dark-side powers that be* who are pulling the worldwide economic strings. For, the curtain is being pulled aside inch by inch. This particular TRUTH KNOWING will manifest in every layer of society and be a global phenomenon.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona

Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
~~~ Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~~~
World weary and worn out, the incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human, has three choices after her old van breaks down.
Let the Nazerazzi squad of the North American Union capture her and force her into a FEMA concentration camp.
Walk out into the Arizona night desert, let the wildlife have a good meal with the hope her death will be quick.
Or does she dare trust the mysterious stranger suddenly before her?
Handsome as sin and all in black, he emerges out of the darkness.
Sedona wonders if the stranger on a superspeed motorcycle is her savior from the brutal endtimes.
Or, is he a roving cult member of the New World Order, hunting his next blood sacrifice?
It’s only a few days before Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 ~ The end of the Mayan Calendar.
Sent from heaven to help Sedona save humanity, Zerr Dann knows the Divine is playing its last card on Earth.
He also knows Sedona is about to find out Christmas miracles still exist.
[Angelic Fantasy Erotic Romance]
~~~ EBOOK & IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween? ~ Ebook and In Print.

Thursday, December 25, 2014
AVAILABLE NOW: Cowboy Christmas
Blaecleah Brothers 7
Erotic Alternative Cowboy Romance, M/M, with M/M/M, light spanking, HEA
Life has settled down for each of the Blaecleahs. They’ve all found their legends and are living a life filled with love and happiness. But anything worth having is worth fighting for and not even the luck of the Irish can keep the Blaecleahs from having to fight to keep what they have when the past comes back to haunt them all.
In order to save Ma and Da, they may have to decide who they want to keep in their family, and who they don’t before that choice is taken away from them by someone they never expected.
When violence threatens them, aid comes from an unusual source but will it be enough to keep the Blaecleahs in Cade Creek or will the life they have built for themselves disappear before their eyes?
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Happy Holidays 2014
WARNING: The links contained within this post will take you to sites with content for mature readers only. However, this post is suitable for a PG audience.
Wednesday's Words for December 24, 2014
It’s been a long time since Christmas seemed like a magical day, wherein my fondest dreams might, just might come true. To a very real extent the magic ended for me with the passing of my dad when I was 7—a tragic event that occurred on January 3, 1962. I don’t remember much from that particular Christmas, our last one as a whole family.
I don’t recall the next one particularly well, either. I imagine it would have been very hard for all of us but especially my mother, who’d lost her soul mate, a loss from which she never fully recovered.
When I think back to childhood Christmases, it’s to recall a montage, as if in fact there’d only ever been one. I remember the breakfast on Christmas morning, because it was one of the few times in the year we had bacon on our breakfast table, along with both orange juice and grape juice. I could have a small glass of each! The tradition of the Christmas morning feast is one we observed with our own children and continued on with until just fairly recently. Our breakfast tomorrow morning is likely to be a very simple one.
Looking back to those very early years, I believe what made it all so special wasn’t only that gastronomical bounty itself, but the unusual circumstance of our enjoying it together, as a family. Oh, we always had supper as a family, even when my mother, an RN, was on the three to eleven shift at the hospital. My dad worked days, so he would be home when she was not. He cooked, and cleaned, and so we had family around the supper table every night.
But we never sat down as a family to have breakfast except on Christmas Day.
I also remember Christmas as being a time for visiting with family. My parents observed the tradition of dropping in on their nieces and nephews on the day after Christmas, and always visiting extended family where there were children. They’d usually have a gift of some sort for the kids—nothing extravagant, of course. But truly, in those days a small gift—either a toy, or perhaps a small basket filled with cookies and fruit or chocolate—could be had without spending a large sum. My parents saved their coins all year, and used that money at Christmas for extras such as our Boxing Day gifts.
Another cherished memory for me is going to the midnight Eucharist at our church (Anglican/Episcopalian). It was the church we attended all through my childhood, the same one my husband and I were married in, and the one we brought our children to as a young family before moving away to a different town. But at Christmas, the service that began at 11 pm on Christmas Eve was pure pageantry– complete with an old, rich sounding pipe organ, and all the trimmings of the High Anglican service—candles, robes, and a processional. The interior of the small building was old, the pews and hassocks a lustrous dark wood that the caretaker would polish to a high gloss. Years after my parents were both gone from this earth, sitting in that church brought them back to me, as I took in the sounds and scents of the place, along with the familiar, comfortable words of a liturgy which never changed.
It is also at this time of year that I feel the loss of family and friends most keenly. It seems to be unavoidable, that sense of something missing. There are always moments when I think back to having my house full, with all my chicks in attendance. The holiday season really is a double edged sword: for those who have, be it material goods or loved ones, it can be joyous indeed. For those in want, it can pinch and sting like nothing else on this earth.
Memories are made, one day at a time, and they are all made the same way, be they happy memories or sad ones.
My beloved and I wish you all the happiest of memories to be made tonight, tomorrow, and throughout the whole New Year.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Cade Creek 1
AVAILABLE: Thursday, January 1st
Erotic Alternative Romance, M/M, HEA
Happy O’Brian spent the better part of his life isolated from the rest of the world. He was told he was evil down to his soul. It was physically beat into him on a daily basis. He lived with it, believing that his ultra conservative religious grandparents were right until the day his mother was attacked. Seeking help changed Happy’s life in ways he could never imagine and showed him a world he didn’t know existed.
Answering a disturbance call, Deputy Marc Walker meets a man that shocks him with his gentleness. When he discovers Happy’s true nature, Marc wants to know everything about the man. He wants to show him the world.
When the past rears its head, and their lives are put in danger, Happy tries to do the right thing and distance himself from his handsome deputy. But Marc has other plans for his gentle giant and he’s not going to let a little thing like getting shot or having escaped prisoners gunning for them interfere with those plans. Happy will get his happy ever after.
Note: Some graphic depiction of extreme violence against the hero when he was a minor.
Angelic Forecast ~ #329
Dhuroth's brow furrows, his expression suggesting such a discussion should only be for my ears and eyes. Yet, he states, "Three out of four targets has been eliminated. Including your target."
"If I may be so bold," Oleila begins, "we have immediate access to our moon base. It is currently not under attack."
I swivel around to her. "Is your base fortified with weapons?"
"No, Sh'raka. There has been no need for weaponry. Our shield has so far proven to be impenetrable. If you wish we can transport you there. Our moon surveillance should be quite adequate to assess the current battle situation."
Ensconced in a very comfortable, form-fitting chair, I watch the immense screen, viewing the current battle taking place in the unfriendly skies on the moon.
Dhuroth commands the small squadron of three fighters, reminiscent of "Battlestar Galactia" ... the first version. With our mind-to-mind connection, I alert him to the enemy's incoming dark, sinister-looking spheres ... small, lethal death stars loaded with a thousand different types of weapons... all of these weapons are super killers to any form of life and material.
At the dot-tiny appearance of a combat sphere, I image it's location for my lion man. He breaks off the attack on a war platform that has been terrorizing inhabitants on the moon.
Banking sharply, Dhuroth streaks toward the dark sphere. He fires, the beams shooting and intercepting the enemy's plasma darts. If his fighter is hit, it will disintegrate and fill the sky with particles that look like a fireworks show.
Miracles, Madness, and Mayhem... the world spins apart... the world spins bright and new... al while the Game Changers rule.
Meanwhile, the age of deep-heart love blossoms.
From the previous year, 2013: "On the cosmic-energy wings of Winter Solstice and Christmas, the age of deep-heart love begins. Be prepared for this time of great transitioning. However, even with these grand LOVE VIBES, the upcoming times will not be easy for most of us.
Already, the dark-side Vipers feel the waning of their malevolent power. Now, these beast controllers in human skin go insanely berserk. Their goal is to crush all that is LOVE and LOVING. Their goal is to master the people, to stomp down the human spirit."
On the AWAKENING front, The Ascendency of Consciousness Around True Abundance
At this time, more of humankind will realize the battle for money is the battle for emptiness. Out of this AWARENESS, heart-centered communities arise faster, and a renaissance lifestyle continues to develop and spring forth.
Also, many agrarian communities form closer ties, as it once was in American history/herstory. As well, farmers/ranchers become ever more self-sufficient.
On the magickal, mystical front, this week the 'Mages of Ages Lost' swing their cosmic lightblades cutting away more of the 'construct'. From a prior forecast: "Now, the construct obscuring these ancient-blood, dark-hearted ones is being ripped open, torn to proverbial shreds. Exposed to the bright light, those who have committed to knowing and witnessing the TRUTH will be able to see beyond the construct."
This week, the magickal dynamics of Winter Solstice 2014 becomes a new radiance enveloping the entire world. This means more of us will let our hearts and souls shine forth, thus, creating the world anew -- transmuting society from the current misery and chaos.
On the personal front, the Christmas week ahead brings a symphony of joys for many. However, there will be family trials for many others. Surf the tidal waves of emotion with as much grace and understanding as possible, then move on.
Further, the cosmic significance of this holiday season revolves around showing affection and love to those in our lives, those whom we cherish and honor the most. This is absolutely vital to the human spirit as a whole, and to the evolution-revolution of the Aquarian Age. For, we are the CHANGE.
On the paranormal front, Cryptids, and evidence of sea monster cryptids keep arriving on scene.
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Hairless mystery creature baffles residents after it washes up dead on exclusive California beach" ~dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2877048/Mystery-creature-sharp-claws-pointy-teeth-washes-dead-California-shore-devastating-storms.html~
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Are Our Oceans Hiding Mysterious Sea Monsters?
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Recent reports from New Zealand describe a massive sea creature that was seen in Oke Bay, in North Island. A Google Earth image captured a huge and unidentified wake in the clear blue waters of the beautiful bay qt 11.30am on January 30th. The image was discovered by engineer Pita Witehira who was researching the images for a holiday home.
From the size of the wake, it is estimated that the creature could be up to 12 metres in length. The wake was not consistent with that caused by any sea vessel, said Mr. Witehira, as there was no surface froth on the water.
‘I spotted it about a week ago. We have some property near Oke Bay and I’m about to build a beach chalet up there, I zoomed down and found that,’ he said." ~unknowncountry.com/news/are-our-oceans-hiding-mysterious-sea-monsters~
On the cosmic front, The Rise of Pluto and the Ancient Super Solar System Civilization... now it will be told, exposed during the year, 2015.
BLURB-SNIPPET: Richard C. Hoagland ... is penning a chapter, for a new book about Pluto (he contends the dwarf planet contains ancient ruins)... ~randomhouse.com/book/246883/pluto-#blurb_tabs~
On the land changes front, as stated before... Superstorm events, extreme high-low temperatures, flooding, more sinkholes, fireballs streak across the sky, terrible droughts continue, Volcanoes erupt bigtime, the cooling sun... BOOM EXPLOSIONS around the world... and shake, rattle, and roll, it's all in the moving tectonic plates ... the EARTHQUAKES continue.
EARTHQUAKE HEADLINE: "M6.6 - 157km WNW of Tobelo, Indonesia"
On the mysterious BOOMS all over the world front, HEADLINE: "The Mystery Crashes: Are They a Global Phenomenon?" ~gralienreport.com/science-and-technology/the-mystery-crashes-a-global-phenomenon~
On the solar flare front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Sun Unleashes Huge Flare ~ December 20, 2014
The sun unleashed a massive solar flare late on Friday, causing a radio blackout for certain parts of the Earth. The X-class flare was one of the strongest possible." ~space.com/28074-active-sun-unleashes-massive-solar-flare.html~
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Strong, long duration solar flare measuring M8.7 erupted from geoeffective region" ~thewatchers.adorraeli.com/2014/12/17/strong-long-duration-solar-flare-measuring-m8-7-erupted-from-geoeffective-region~
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona

Warning!!! The global elite [New World Order] does not want *you* to read this book. See ~ Powerful Dreams at my Kougar Kisses blog.
~~~ Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~~~
World weary and worn out, the incarnated angel, Sedona, who believes she is merely human, has three choices after her old van breaks down.
Let the Nazerazzi squad of the North American Union capture her and force her into a FEMA concentration camp.
Walk out into the Arizona night desert, let the wildlife have a good meal with the hope her death will be quick.
Or does she dare trust the mysterious stranger suddenly before her?
Handsome as sin and all in black, he emerges out of the darkness.
Sedona wonders if the stranger on a superspeed motorcycle is her savior from the brutal endtimes.
Or, is he a roving cult member of the New World Order, hunting his next blood sacrifice?
It’s only a few days before Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 ~ The end of the Mayan Calendar.
Sent from heaven to help Sedona save humanity, Zerr Dann knows the Divine is playing its last card on Earth.
He also knows Sedona is about to find out Christmas miracles still exist.
[Angelic Fantasy Erotic Romance]
~~~ EBOOK & IN PRINT ~~~ a former #1 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list
Author Discovery by BookStrand author, Lindsay Townsend.
Kisses from Savanna Kougar...
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Siren-BookStrand Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
[World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book 1]
When a Good Angel Falls ~ In Print
[Winter Solstice 2012, Book 1]
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis ~ In Print
[New Atlantis Trilogy, Book 1]
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes ~ In Print
[Chrontropolis, Book 1]
Stallion of Ash and Flame ~ In Print
Branded by the Texans ~ IN PRINT ~ A Siren-BookStrand Bestseller!
[Three Star Republic]
Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ What happens when two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds find just the right witch for Halloween? ~ Ebook and In Print.

Sex, Love, and Rock ‘n’ Roll Review at MM Good Book Reviews
WARNING: The links contained within this post will take you to sites with content for mature readers only. However, this post is suitable for a PG audience.

Friday, December 19, 2014
The Holiday Gift 2014
WARNING: The links contained within this post will take you to sites with content for mature readers only. However, this post is suitable for a PG audience.
“Andrew, you’re my heart, my home, my Thanksgiving, and my Christmas. When I was ranting at the table in the student union, asking you all those questions trying to get you to smile, I remember the first question that you finally answered was telling me that one of your favorite holiday songs was O Holy Night.”“The music is nice…but your love is the best holiday gift of all,” I replied.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Wednesday's Words for December 17, 2014
How are you handling the pre-Christmas hype this year? Are you tired of it yet? Wishing that Christmas was in the past, already?
To me, that is the sad reality produced by the glut of advertising foisted upon us this time of year. Every business that you can think of—and even some that you never would—all seem to be having Christmas sales, and are begging for your hard earned cash.
I can only shake my head as I watch commercial after commercial, the announcers/actors feverishly pitching everything under the damn sun—and funeral plots too, so I guess you can include everything under the damn ground, as well.
Really? Yes, I kid you not. Take advantage of XYZ Cemetery’s special Christmas sale! Act now, and we’ll throw in a plot for one offspring of your choice at 50% off! Okay, it wasn’t quite that ghoulish, but you get the idea. Please, you want to scream, make it stop!!
If you’re wondering if there’s anything we can do to counter this assault on our psyches, and to get back the joy—the real true joy of Christmas, I have good news for you. The answer is yes!
The first thing you need to do is to turn down the commercials. If you have a PVR I strongly suggest recording some of the programs you watch, and then fast-forward past those annoying spots. Or, better yet, turn off the television altogether. Have a family game night, or two. Listen to music. Everything in life is a choice, isn’t it? So choose not to allow yourself to be inundated with the horrible hype of the season.
Now, you want to get some of that wonderful feel-good Christmas spirit in your heart? There’s an easy and inexpensive way to do that. Several ways, in fact, and I’m happy to list some of them for you here.
You can, as I said, turn off that television and have family time. Or, if you need to watch the tube, choose something you all can watch together. Make a night of it with snacks, and beverages, and use the commercial time to talk about what you’re watching.
The other thing you can do that I absolutely guarantee will fill you with the holiday spirit is to give something to someone else.
Every community has toy drives and food drives at this time of year. Here in Canada, there in the United States, overseas—that is one thing that is common to all of our nations. So give.
You don’t have to give a lot. Here in North America, dollar stores abound. Some toys maybe are too poorly made for you to consider as good gifts, but every dollar store has coloring books and crayons, balls, card games, dolls, barrettes and bracelets and ear buds and calculators—all for a dollar or two. They have scarves and mittens and hats, too, if you’re in a chilly part of the country.
They also have cans of soup, 3 for $1. Or you can go to your local grocery store and buy a few tins of food. Tuna is good, as are vegetables, soups, and pasta. You could purchase jams, and honey and cheese spread. Peanut butter is a good bet as well, because it is high in protein. You can get jars of baby food, boxes of pabulum, or even boxes of regular cereal.
Maybe you can only spend $5. But that $5 can go a long way, especially if everyone you can think of gave $5. Can you imagine? I’ve said it before and I will say it now, and likely again at some point in the future. If everyone who shopped at your grocery store bought 1 thing for the food bank, your local food bank would overflow!
You don’t have any money? Then do a good turn for someone. Shovel a driveway, help carry a bag, hold a door open. Life is filled with opportunities great and small for you to do good. All you have to do is take your eyes off yourself and put them on someone else.
Take your eyes off of yourself, and put them on somebody else!
If you want the Christmas spirit, and it’s missing in your life, then create it by helping someone in need. It really doesn’t take a fortune, or a wealth of time.
It really only takes a determination to make a difference, and the decision to do so.
Monday, December 15, 2014
IMAGINARY LOVER - The Doms of Sybaris Cove 7
I'm so pleased to announce a new release!! IMAGINARY LOVER is book 7 in my The Doms of Sybaris Cove series!!
You can read more about The Doms of Sybaris Cove on my WEBSITE, but for now, here is a brief overview...
Founded in 720 BC by Achaean and Troezenian settlers, Sybaris amassed great wealth thanks to its fertile land and busy port. Its inhabitants became famous among the Greeks for their hedonism, feasts, and excesses, to the extent that "sybarite" and "sybaritic" have become bywords for opulent luxury and outrageous pleasure seeking.
The Doms of Sybaris Cove...
In the Gulf of Mexico, southwest of Timbalier Island, is a tropical paradise named Sybaris Cove. The original inhabitants of this island were escaped convicts from various Caribbean islands. They came to the island seeking refuge, but instead found greed and jealousy.
William and Robert Raleigh, brothers who made their fortune running rum and engaging in other illegal activities, hid out on the island in 1945. Taking advantage of the infighting among the natives, they began buying up land and laying down roots, promising the people of the island order and peace.
Instead, they were joined by cousins Agapito and Iago Durante, who were just as corrupt as the Raleigh brothers. The island soon became the private plaything of the Raleighs and Durantes, and the natives their servants. But the natives, who had brought with them a blend of voodoo, Santeria, and dark magic, had their own way of dealing with Robert, William, Agapito, Iago, and their sons.
The sons of both families started a mail order business, making and selling floggers, paddles, and other leather fetish toys. Phoebe's Playthings grew into a multi-million dollar corporation that the Raleigh and Durante ancestors now run from the island.
However, the male ancestors of William, Robert, Agapito, and Iago share more than their thriving business and paradise. If they try to leave the island, they die.
Someone put a curse on them, and no one knows where it originated, or how to break it, but they definitely know it's real...
[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Consensual BDSM Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, spanking, flogging, paddling, feather play, sex toys, HEA]
*Dom and IT department head Tom Raleigh has always considered cargo pilot Ivy Balloux his imaginary lover, until Tom’s sister steals Ivy’s fiancé. Convinced she’d rather eat glass than look at another Raleigh family member, Tom continues to keep his distance.
Dom and project manager Merrick Durante is so infatuated with Ivy that he has her flight days and times memorized. But the impending trial of Merrick’s brother for arson and murder has him keeping a low profile.
Ivy Balloux has worshipped Tom and Merrick from afar for years, but the convoluted history between their families has forced her to keep her distance. When the three finally get together, they work hard to overcome outside forces that would just as soon tear them apart.
When Tom’s sister plays a cruel joke on Tom and Merrick, they risk the curse on their families to leave the island and save Ivy from danger. Will they survive the curse?*
***And don't forget to download the FREE APP from BookStrand so you can read ONE WEEK IN PARADISE, which is also part of The Doms of Sybaris Cove!!***
**ONE WEEK IN PARADISE is a stand-alone and can be read at anytime throughout the series, so don't miss it**
**To download the app and read ONE WEEK IN PARADISE for FREE, click the image below**